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I had. Many. Short. I saw many worlds trough wormholes. Different realities etc. I did not fully travel to stay. I saw kind of different Earths too. I couldn't find a nearly similar Earth tough. Always if went further than 10 meters I notice more changes. Only small areas I found can be similar but never are completely. And after 10 meters of distance you will not recognize a thing. It's totally different. I went further than anyone on this planet. The moon landing is a joke in comparison. I was only looking for now. I might actually try stay there. And this is the only knowledge I will never share with you. Fortunately I don't think you would grasp any of it anyways. You're still arguing whether there's alien life. And I saw I think 1000 different worlds by now. Somehow I don't care about convincing the world about my discoveries. Well, at least not going full out with it. This is not only my world. I did leave a brief scientific research report about my discovery in a pdf. But it's not everything. Parts of my knowledge is my own brain potential I obviously cannot share.
This film is really good. Will it become available again?
Not free you have to pay to watch it. If I wanted the whole world to know then I wouldn't make people pay to see this that's if this video is true. Just putting a price on it makes it fake.
If we want to avoid harmful Alien contact extinguish all transmitter signals. We are easy to detect.
"We are stardust, we are golden, we are billion-year-old carbon, and we've got to get ourselves back to the garden".
Looks.good, shame you can watch it without sign language
Intriguing with new book "first contact, dual official contact, with another human race from another planet" , first contact, and now mentions of direct follow up contact almost 25 years ago……
I really have to laugh that the BBC who have always laughed at the idea of UFOs and aliens like immature little 5 year olds suddenly are interested in asking the basic questions of life. Where were you the last 70 years while a million different UFO witnesses and researchers had something to say and tried to tell you?!.. There is now an obvious agenda to begin to disclose UFO and ET knowledge and you are following orders, nothing more. The disclosure is GLOBAL because suddenly all mainstream media everywhere are suddenly all interested in the subject all at once whereas before it was the total opposite for DECADES. You followed orders to ridicule the subject, now the plan has changed and you're following orders to promote it.
If you want real answers listen to the researchers who have been doing it for DECADES while the mainstream media trashed the subject. Dr Steven Greer, Dr Michael Salla, Richard Dolan, Linda Moulton Howe, David Wilcock, Corey Goode and countless others. These are the people that have done the hard work when it WASN'T flavor of the month.
Belief in aliens = you’re mad
Belief in god = completely sane
I would like to believe they exist…
I wonder if they have souls/spirit, just like us.
what if. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. How about since there …..
Come on. They are here. This is getting ridiculous.
That told me nothing.
no signal yet, how did they make whole movie out of this?
The most unrealistic thing about this trailer is that Twitter actually has a reasonable opinion.
They won’t stop observing us until we are more evolved intellectually. I truly believe they’re waiting for the world to have a singular governing body and not be so culturally divided, for humans to have just that, a HUMAN identity. Once we reach that point I think THEY will initiate contact
What's compelling are the events in which they see beings appear which also happen near groups of children, for example, the Ariel school incident in Africa, the Westall event in Australia, and other events involving young teen witnesses One detail I have noticed is that they mention that the beings appear to be moving quickly, or "running around", or "like a video in fast-forward." This is precisely what one would expect if such craft were tinkering with gravity. Others nearer to such craft, talk about how things get really quiet, as if they're under water. This too would be expected as sound would get stretched in wavelength going lower and lower in frequency to a minimum of no frequency at all. This may also explain why no sound is heard. If a field surrounds a craft, sound waves, to the observer, would grow shorter and shorter until it's too high pitched to hear at all. Lastly, EM fields generated would also shift from radio into the light spectrum. This could explain the odd lights, especially if high voltage electrical fields are created or used. One thing is for sure, manipulation of time or gravity would have very very strange results, it's just interesting that the observations include details that most people, let alone children, wouldn't know about.
Where can I see the movie
Imagine the first aliens were full 💯 woke and came from a planet with global wokeness…
Worst ever nightmare😂
Demonic entities can present themselves in any from they wish to confuse and keep us fooled. Be sober and vigilant!
1st question will be about gender hahaha
Really stupid crap stitched together into a weak ass regurgitation and not even entertaining super weak speculation that is an utter waste of time. Basically it spins a story that the oumeimeia object is declared an alien artefact and then the JWST is said to confirm the deduced origin planet was destroyed. Makes you hate scientists as oblivious childish and boring bloviators. Should be 'Why there's no intellgent life on Earth or at least at the BBC'. The epitome of Nova type 'science journalism'. Like fingernails on a blackboard, neither informative or entertaining unless you are utterly un informed and easily distracted. Hated it, i bet some of the ppl corralled into it regret doing so, or at least they should.
Just got a chance to see the entire docudrama and I wouldn't necessarily call it "first contact" since that implies an interaction .
This situation portrayed is more like first evidence of another civilization besides our own but ultimately more like a wake or a memorial of their civilization that has long since passed away leaving only their remnants floating around in space .
The video never answers the question whether or not this is a probe,space junk or something else .
The simple fact that our universe is so vast and ancient beyond our comprehension and that most life amongst the stars are separated by such vast distances makes this scenario very likely .
However we have thousands of years of stories , experiences, and actual evidence of another kind of contact happening with our species .
To simply dismiss these events as being mythology or our imagination would be foolish and very unscientific to say the least .
My own personal belief is that we have been visited by others but our intelligence and theirs are light years apart from each other and that they're slowly acclimating our species for eventual contact .
In recent years many one time skeptics within academia have finally started looking at the evidence of this situation and coming around to the notion of this situation being real .
As scientist often say "follow the evidence to wherever it may go" and "do the science to come to a logical conclusion ".
Many of them have done exactly that and radically changed their minds about it and especially now that the US government has said they've been having incidents involving technologies that cannot easily explain .
If there is actual communication it will be because the other civilization took the time to study our methods of learning and communication and made an effort to talk to us not vice versa since we can't even communicate with most intelligent species on our own planet and often times find it difficult to have a meaningful dialogue amongst ourselves .
That being said the gap between our intelligences will be vast .Even just a thousand years of difference between our intelligences would be huge let alone 50 k or a million years which is nothing compared to the age of the universe and when life first started within the heavens .
Our species is very fragile in many ways and especially when it comes to our egos . What's going to happen when we realize how much we don't know or how immature our civilization is compared to others out there ? It could definitely be a big shock for our kind and as this documentary points out quite destructive for our society .
Any potential first contact with a higher intelligence will have to be handled similar to how contact with isolated pockets of humans still living in the stone age has been handled by our technological society .
i really don't see why aliens visiting us will challenge will challenge anything we know of except for some religious bigots among us
They are not stupid and we cant blame them They have been watching since the early 1900s or even before and since we have had numerous wars Segregation Civil rights era and leaders assassinated They have seen Man give others syphilis AIDS BRING Crack Cocaine and try to destroy and control the population and niw COVID-19 So if A Extra Terrestrial Landed publicly and try to make contact for peace most likely they would be killed or badly injured and enslaved until the government's figure out how to weaponize against them and there technology and try and control the entire Universe if they can
When will this be released as I’ve never seen it advertised
I’ve never been one for conspiracy theories, but do your homework people. Look at the massive U Turn from the US Government, we are know being drip fed info, preparing the population for the big reveal. They’ve been here for years.
If they the aliens are so smart they wouldn't need a space craft to travel here so what this all means is they are just as vulnerable as we are.
For over a hour this SF documentary told us what could happen if we found a intelligent made object on its way to earth and its original startpoint in space and then suddenly they destroy it all by saying the object was sent from a today dead planet and the UFO was also a dead relic from the past. I wonder, why did they have to destroy a first contact documentary like that. Thumbs down. 👎