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great vid, as usual, howerver (bet you didn't see that coming):
convergent evolution makes sense when the evolution is being done under the same conditions: air, carbon based life, salty water oceans…
it doesn't mean that aliens will look like humans unless aliens come from a class M planet, are carbon based creatures and like vids with cats. this is anthropomorphism
the aggressive nature of potential aliens, though could reasonably be a common trait, though.
Aliens could potentially look completely different than what we would expect. We do see similarities between animals on earth whose common ancestors lived over 300 million years ago BUT the Aliens would have no common ancestor besides single or multicellular organisms.
Aliens coming to earth for its resources seems about as plausible as walking halfway around the earth to pick up a single grain of sand. You could do it, but it would take forever and the payoff would be effectively zilch.
What if they do have cold fusion, eat only grown veggies, and are peace loving monks of the universe?
I plan to say that Aunt Flo is in town today and get out with a handy
Imagine how weird and exotic aliens could really be! They could be intelligent slime molds, silicon- based organisms that breathe out sand, self- replicating ai, self- aware ecosystems…
The possibilities are infinite.
I think its highly implausible aliens would look anything like us and the convergent evolution argument misses one incredibly important detail, sharks and dolphins and all life on earth has the same building blocks. They have similar cells, similar DNA and similar biomes too, which makes convergent evolution possible. There is no reason to believe that alien life will have the same molecules we do.
Aliens would not look like us, sharks and dolphins are a terrible example because they are both vertebrates & are in similar niches, whereas aliens would not be vertebrates and probably in a different niche than us. Aliens could be as similar to us as insects are to us
why do you picture them naked ? if they can space travel, they have like 10 times your IQ.
Why do you say "Aliens" ? it's like being homophobic to ET's
If they’re anything like me they’ll start asking questions after they probe Uranus, not before.
Maybe there can't be sufficient contact because we use the wrong idea of technology?
Imagine a thought of mine that the "visitors" found a way to gain technological knowledge without destroying their whole economic system and found a way to use technology without killing their resources. Unlike we do-destroying everything to build or engineer something less operable than the nature engineered itself trough evolution…
In all likelihood advanced aliens in our stellar neighborhood of 50 light years most likely already know we are here and have already visited Earth a long time ago.. We might even be their descendent through panspermia, they may have emptied their bodily waste on the ground to lighten up before blasting off back into space and we evolved from their bacteria.. We might also find that what we think are aliens are actually our future descendants that while traveling faster than light they slipped dimensions or realities and became marooned in our here and now.. Then there is the varying planetary conditions of atmosphere, gravity, solar radiation etc. that would make visiting the surface of Earth pretty much imposable without forcefields, EV suits and so on.. So what I think our current chance of contact would be is a hologram or robot with adaptive communication abilities or simple radio wave communications..
This video would make one think that there are Aliens
why are so meany wacko wanting to find aliens so what if i was in charge i would tell them to leave but all you alien loving freaks can go with them
You know nothing Simon!
If any alien 👽 species managed to make it to earth 🌎 they will be advanced considering the fact we have barely stepped outside moon, while we humans are dealing with islam taking over the world the aliens will crush humans to use resources present on earth or make us slave.
Unfortunately first contact will happen when humans dont care the way we do now
The v sauce we needed
First contact will be an utter disaster. I'm not worried about them destroying us. I'm more worried about us enslaving them. It could be they've never encountered or expected a species as malevolent as us. If so, we'd probably trick and enslave them. I should to think about the biological experimentation humans would do on the aliens etc… best they don't encounter us.
But we don't kill dogs. More than that, we have a law against it.
I have a more optimistic view. Aliens with the capacity to get here are likely from a society that does not need our resources (which they can find in abundance elsewhere). I think they will be mindful of contact and will take their time introducing themselves.
First contact is unrealistic, but first awareness may not be that far away.
Talking an evolved interstellar species and they are ALL naked? You don't get to evolve that kind of science/tech without a society and that means culture and that means clothes, ornamentation, jewelry. Your closely co-evolved aliens could well be adorned like an ancient Persian prince or an ornate Samurai. I don't care about a loin cloth or anything but give the guy a necklace at least. Something personal. And dark glasses. With those eyes he needs protection from our sun. And a hat. A knitted Tam O'Shea would look cute.
To be that technologically advanced, they would have had to have passed through a stage where they had the means to turn that technology against their own kind. The fact that they not only survived but far outstripped that technology suggests an overcoming of any ultra-aggressive tendencies. Scientific advancement is built on teamwork, after all.
I watched 2 minutes, and it was just a history lesson about the movies. I'm out.
You say all this like it hasn't happened before.
If aliens came here with very advanced tech… what would they want from us?
It's hilarious listening to anyone 'logically' try to predict what meeting aliens would be like, when the aliens themselves could very well be hundreds of thousands to a million years more evolved than we are, like the difference between chimpanzees and man. It's not possible for us to even predict how we'd react, and it would most likely by analogous to what takes place when humans come in contact with wild animals for the first time. Most of the time this results in panic and terror.
I feel there would be no Aliens like dogs cows humans etc I feel there would only be single cell life form
Resources are not an argument for invasion, these are not unique. However, alien morality can be as flexible as human morality. They might attack because of ideology, their religion or to strike first out of fear, pure bloodlust, hunt sport…. So a peaceful contact might be possible but there are many ways for it to turn violent.
This video is too cluttered. Is it supposed to be a comedy routine?
What if there is no Aliens because they went extinct because they had a "Gen Alpha" moment and died because of sheer stupidity or something.
I notice that people talk about god, government and aliens in roughly the same way. It's totally unconstrained by what these entities are actually like and instead focuses on what every human being desperately needs from their father: guidance, protection, comfort, aid.
This would only hold water if you ignore all the sightings and interactions that are taking place for decades and have been eluded to in ancient texts. They're already here, and they have been for centuries, they have been taking part in the creation of us.
First contact would happen telepathically (as have been the case in almost all human-ET interactions). Is good or bad for us? Probably a bit of both.
When aliens see how we've let the far left woke trannies take over they will fly right past in search of intelligent life!
Perhaps agression is required in early stages but as a species we would have to find a way to be peaceful to extend ourselves into the universe. Finding the power to blow yourself up may be the answer to the Fermi paradox. Maybe the hardest thing to do as a sentient being is to stop being aggressive to each other. Just my thought and I'll fight ya if you don't agree 😂😂
Maybe less like dogs and more like cattle?! As in the famous line; "It's a COOKBOOK!" LOL
I just hope aliens aren’t hostile.
Wow he’s annoying in this video unlike in others I’ve seen.
The fact that the universe is kinda large with quite a few stars does not mean that they are out there. We have no idea how likely intelligent multicellular life is to develop. . If there were a billion billion stars but the odds o of complex intelligent life forming were a billion billion billion to 1 then we are probably it. Life got started very early on Earth and it is everywhere. It may therefore be that simple life is very common, complex life much rarer, and intelligent life much rarer still.
Coming for our resources? Really? Did your writers think that through? They is no resource on Earth that is not outrageously more abundant in space and getting things out of a gravity well is incredibly inefficient.
It's a mistake to assume that aliens capable of routine or somewhat common interstellar exploration would have a massively higher average intelligence than us. They could be in the same intellectual ballpark as individual creatures on average as us but have had significantly more time to flesh out their technology, science, culture and so on while also shedding political dogmas and religion/religious dogmas (I suspect this could be a great filter if there is a great filter.) AGI is a good hypothetical of ballpark intelligence (Say + 30 average IQ, spatial reasoning/raw problem solving, if we ever achieve AGI and solve the alignment problem we'd effectively wield intelligence that exorbitantly exceeds not only ours as individuals but as a collective civilization in a timeframe that's insignificant to a rounding error on geological timescales.
Brains are incredibly resource expensive.
They could simply be beyond us in knowledge, time, conflict, resources, technology and social maturity. If you consider the percent of religious people and the people who claim otherwise who more often than not cling to other false dogmatic beliefs pertaining to the substitution hypothesis than I consider this likely, though I have no evidence to the contrary as a betting Man this is where my money would lay.
First contact with aliens must be like this shown in the link below:
Star Trek: First Contact: The Vulcans arrive on Earth
It would most logical for first contact
We tend to think of aliens as being a collective coming to earth, but I think it would be just a few, perhaps even a family unit that's house shopping. If they were indifferent or wanted us gone, all they'd have to do is start terraforming it into their habitat. I imagine they'd have ways of doing it and pretty rapidly. If their ideal atmosphere required less oxygen and mostly carbon dioxide, we would simply wake up one day getting dizzy the sky would start to turn orange, pressure would increase dramatically, sound would be different, we'd all start choking and lights out. As far as resources, way too easy to get those elsewhere, the ONLY think unique here is life – us. We just have nothing worth stealing.
Imagine if aliens are like some people in power. Smart in some ways but unbelievably dim in other ways.
If aliens were only looking for resources, it's more likely they would find what they need in their own solar system. Why travel interstellar distances when you can shop next door?
It is quite likely that most solar systems, even ones with fewer large objects than ours, have plenty of stray asteroids and a rocky planet or two to mine.
If advanced aliens were to take the trouble to travel the great distances their motivation might more likely be peaceful.
I think the first alien contact will be like Half Life.