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You’re asking yourselves the wrong questions. Ask yourself, could you be a part of that attack? And what would be your price? To pull a conspiracy off, you have to have conspirators, and they all have to be trustworthy. So the airports probably have to be in on it to some degree to make sure you’re huge investment in this plan works. And then you have to get some military and engineers that understand explosives who are also completely trustworthy. And then you have to control the cleanup to make sure there’s no evidence. so local law enforcement and the workers combing over every last tiny piece would also have to be trustworthy. The fire inspectors too. Because if you got caught, you would go down in history as one of the worst human beings on the planet. How many leaks do we get a day from administration? Which administration do you think is competent enough to pull something off to this degree without mistakes?
Nice try baby
He debunked nothing
I dare you to try and debunk the evidence presented in 911 Alchemy: Facing Reality
Maybe you want to get your facts straight lad. They investigated the insider trading because there was suspicious activity on all the major stock exchanges around the World with regard to United Airlines,American Airlines,Morgan Stanley etc concluding that Bin Laden didn't benefit from the insider trading so everything was rosy in the garden end of investigaion. They never ever said that no insider trading took place.
Because you and the government say it's the truth makes it the truth? I am a little dubious to say the least. You can keep agreeing with what government/ government controlled media or grow a mind of your own.
Lmao building 7 is the worst justification ever. Please dont be retarded kids
He did not touch the surviving passport theory
Why don't you do a debunk video of the insider trading butty eh….It would be even worse than this effort I'd imagine. RIP the victims ❤
I also can't understand why I haven't found a new boyfriend here yet!! 😪 Where did all the gay truthers go?? There used to be a huge comunity of us!!
I can’t understand why debunkers can’t debunk anything. Isn’t that the whole aim??
You do a lot of content with Jewish people. Coincidence joe or just coin
My name is Joe . You are no fucking joe. What an asshole
Then why were there explosions if it was just collapsing
You absolute clown.
And the lack of insurance by the port authority had nothing to do with it?
Yes Josh!!! He’s finally in! MAGA!! ❤️🫡
I dont wannt to dissrespect the victims or the Familys the damage was real but i dont think it was a terrorist attack
The Kids in school had to repeat the words
Hit steel and plane
Hit steel with a plane thats what they learned in the school the president was visiting
And if you hear about some cults they praising the goat
After the kids in the school had to repeat
Hit steel plane
They had to say
kids playing with goats in the yard
Or Something like this
This whole thing really happend we live in a world where those creepy things about the leaders of countrys exist like trump and other people on epstein island
I love George Bush! He’s just so amazing 🥰
This comment section is the playground for the fools… tinfoil hats….
Involvement of Saudi Arabia was even described in the first official report.
Head of pakistani intelligence ordered to wire 100,000 to Mohammed Atta.
Mossad agents were celebrating the burning towers, had prior knwoldge, failed polygraphs and were flown back to Israel.
If al-Qaeda did it then US mercenaries did it.
Thermite produces small iron spheres. Those were found all over in WTC dust.
Shills still can´t explain the free fall of WTC7 without controlled demolition.
Literally no debunking what on here and I don't know why you can't find it anymore but there are interviews of people that were watching the second building and saw bombs no plane flew into the second tower.
You’re a fool if you think that building fell like that from a plane crashing in it. I know for an absolute fact that there was more to it. Period . Our country has completely lost its morals.
Debunked my arse hole.
Ask that guy saluting, he knows what happened.
I just don’t understand how 3000 bodies disappeared
I just can’t understand why everyone won’t just believe us truthers!! It’s sooooo frustrating!!!! 😖😩😢
I googled “how to be a retard”and it said to believe this video
Morons. It was a terrible thing. Idiots.
This video debunks absolutely nothing. You are a part of the problem.
So the whole building collapsed because the steel softened on the top floors…?
Because of science….?
That was embarassing. When does the debunk begin? Thanks for wasting my time.
I would laugh but this is somewhat serious. Every theory was true. Trust me. Thermite, bombs, missiles EVERYTHING is true. Shut up “JOE”
This is the silliest video I have ever seen in my life
Great video! Now explain why 2.3 trillion Dollars went missing the day before 9/11, and why a BBC reporter claimed tower 7 had collapsed while it was still up.
If you think fairytales are real then ya believe everything in this video
That's the weakest debunking I have ever seen. I don't believe any of the conspiracies, but this video was crap.
Jet fuel can weaken jet fuel but it cannot melt it and make molten iron the way that it did and it also would not make the entire building implode on itself the fire was burning out smoking and then all the sudden burning molten Steele's going to come pouring out😂
The Pentagon WAS hit by a cruise missile. the EVIDENCE is in the rarely seen photos of a 6ft diameter hole punched right through THREE rings of the building, so at least SIX concrete walls. This hole was just above ground level, it is evidence of a large shaped charge warhead. Furthermore the type and colour of the explosion is indicative of high explosives, NOT jet fuel. And to go on a bit more, why was the (only available) footage of the impact have all frames that might have shown the 'jet' cut out? Also you can see the contrail of the missile only a few feet above the grass. Why are there no other released videos that could show the 'Plane' we are assured hit the Pentagon? The place is covered in cameras, and many other cameras cover the outside, if any of them showed a plane, why can't (won't) they show us? Why did the FBI confiscate virtually all non-government owned CCTV footage showing the impact? The only one to see the light of day is the one I meantioned and it literally only shows a few frames. Even cameras from back when this happened had high enough frame rates to show more than what was released. (Most from the 1990's were about 30fps, but some were between 15 and 30fps) Either of these frame rates would have yielded far more frames of the impact than we got to see.
These photos are featured in the eye opening book 'Pentagate' by Thierry Meyssan. (Photo pages XIV and XV).
If you can't find a copy of the book to see for yourselves I am more than happy to send photos of the pages detailing the smoking gun photos.
British Bloack PRINCESS DIANA KILLED HERSELF, she wasnt murdered
😂😂😂😂 all that and they found the passports .. lmfao bruh they bombed it in 93 and still didn't fall. #INSIDE JOB
The twin towers were built to withstand a 747 crashing into them they had reinforced columns, the people who rented tower tower 7 spent over $2 million reinforcing the steel structure, i believe the 1300 architects and engineers who say it was impossible for the buildings to collapse like this and people who were actually there who heard the explosions in lower parts of the building, plus the janitor of one of the twin towers who said there was a huge explosion in the basement about 7 seconds before the first plane hit it was actually 9 seconds and picked up by a nearby recording device, plus hundreds of demolition experts have all said these buildings were all brought down in a controlled explosion, part of your debunking video is from the NIST computer simulation, it is their computer simulation yet it goes against their own theory of why the buildings collapsed which is the same theory as yours, as for the plane that hit the pentagon answer this, after repeated requests by crash investigators some of the planes parts were sent to them, unfortunately they were from 2 different planes and the crash investigators say they were parts from other crashes, flight 93 strange how during a hijack so many people managed to make goodbye calls and how clear they were from a plane even though technology was not that good.
And for flight 93, the crash site was nowhere near the size of a crash site of an actual plane as well as there were no plane parts found
You say that the tower simply could not hold yet the report was that the steel beams were melted, if they couldn’t support it, they would’ve just broken not melted, which is two different things
You're a joke, Joe.