2022-11-04 11:30:00
Celebrating the accomplishments of hackers is something we want to do year-round. However, we decided we wanted to root Cyber Security Awareness month and give it our own spin. At the start of October, as part of Hacker Appreciation Month, we posed challenges for hackers to earn one-of-a-kind badges. A total of 719 badges are being awarded to our community for facing these challenges head-on. We are excited to highlight everyone who achieved their badges here in this blog. See if you or your friend’s names are featured below and check out the related content at the bottom of this page to find other helpful blogs we released for hackers this October!
First-Time Bounties:
This badge rewards those who pressed forward and captured their first bug with HackerOne. Becoming a hacker requires the will and dedication to throw yourself at a problem repeatedly. Getting your first bounty proves you stuck to it. So, whether reporting your first bug with us took two hours or two months, we are happy you chose to hack with HackerOne this October.
Congrats to the following:
sumzer0, krrish_hackk, davwwwx, roxy32, g0ndaar, cajahack00, thwin_htet, brunocasth1, woossh, joelb021017, prav3en, lukaszenick, ghasemipourreza, aytashu, sefedin, no0ne001, bc0d3, xorqie, skaggs88, jjuy, mika-mo, nonameeeeee, el3tef0rce, blue_corn_chip, mik-patient, duncam, skyrm, asi890, hami, eyalgabay, suprnova, cartersande, johnnysnax9, danihamdaniiskandar, dehash-dr, mr_yogii, udhay003, aufzayed, Jescol, ignition, athdesk, starry_night, hammer1895, mohamed87khayat, aseemyash01, fundi, omega_hacker, 0xa1w, cyber__hawk, mohandsdakah, darkworld0x, gamblerog, darsl1an, pentestmonkey, jimmity99, zer0h, momxom, geekchenwu, miloaisdino, thatchersgold, teaandcoffee, kp123, t0day1337, madbitch, indevi0us, 5shield, khattab101, sohit07, rjarv, houdini_123, d-muhammed, muzalam, sam1603, carlosvieira, drstrnegth, spaceboy20, lambui, riuok, misop00p, bonbon1337, tadhakar, aroziyev, alpe, akorpusenko, amitkh, chadsquad, rockstar132, darealsh0t, sign3tsh3l1, gokulsk, alwayslearning13, mshakeg, tym786, houssemba, netsploitt, ciscoso, dionysios_of_sirakusa, samirhackerone123, alexbob90, vida1337, rcehunter, absec-nz, quinndevicetest, attack-resistance-assessment, cyber_ritik, goldenapples, haxster123, badisman, ghoulthekitty, hampuskraft, ineffyble, silvaluzz, strawp, solo_kettle, nasar041, adi-agrawal, linted, 0xblackbird, thanatus, ghasanov, hua_cheng, sainath_reddy, x00tex, tr1xy, un1k0n, aminei, touseef_gul, notrobot, tahmidnil, artemr, abise79, mkilic06, math-lover, farhanahmed101, jhsong, hermo, sufatmawati, snms_g, arjunchandarana, hackerman_tyrone, danox02, r4hul_indian, infected_tn, philpennock, moey_, thomasr, tr5, spark_1
Have you heard the phrase “Burning the midnight oil?” This badge represents the extra nights of effort individuals took to elevate severity. In doing so, you provide impact and support for many of the companies we represent here. We admire your skill, dedication, and creativity in engineering these hacks.
Congrats to the following:
d0xing, zdi, exploitmsf, stfuanu, hazemhussien99, nagli, drhckrpy, shubham_srt, zseano, derision, try_to_hack, murphyy1337, todayisnew, 0xd0m7, hrithikbot, dockerchen1998, exploitprotocol, dianeme_, krevetk0, youstin, m0chan, asm0d3us, mohamed87khayat, zonduu, diogourupes, dipuhasan, badcracker, nakyamad, me9187, 0r10nh4ck, proabiral, enigmatester, alittleninja, yassineaboukir, pmnh, rhack, a7_b3siony, bogdantcaciuc, djurado, jayesh25, nytr0gen, dbseclabs, emanelyazji, aminei, holybugx, themarkib0x0, f6x, rzx007x, vulnera, hussein98d, amakki, putsi, arsene_lupin, dgrindle, mikey96, arl_rose, hij4cker, takionexmachina, shubs, wolf101, mikemyers, arthuraires, 3rd4l, santero, amalyoman, rz01, jensec, shorty1, moshakes, hipotermia, none_of_the_above, dehash-dr, ch1naa, 82af5ddffbb795, tinyb0y, bugdiscloseguys, yaser_opozo, fahimium, safehacker_2715, rsotm, xploiterr, infected_tn, amedit, f4d3, jin0ne, otuken, krynos, kasser, balerion, jonathanbouman, itsrickyy, oxylis, adibou, rutvikkalkumbe, sicarius, dharmenderkumar, curiositysec, honoki, hollaatm3, buraaqsec, godiego, nahamsec, s3rdz0, bibekshah, melar_dev, anupamas01, sharp488, 720922, sumzer0, fousekis, moey_, eatonz, andi, vme50, sheikhrishad0, madhav88888888, 0x4m, noddyn12, killr00t, ltidi, a5tronaut, samux, samidu, snorlhax, ramsexy, noobyboy, thpless, f_m, amnotacat, luqii_, dartdev, namhabach, fatal0, fransrosen, leixiao, imtheking, exss, rez0, monke, bonbon1337, oscuridad1010, ne555t, lennoruders, bendtheory, bubby963, mik-patient, sainath_reddy, sam_exploit, its_afolic, darkworld0x, imranhudaa, spoofing, mr-admin, avishai, vampire000, ertugrul, jupiter-47, rafipiun, mopasha, rootsploit, dexter0us, sheikhimmi, b11r1m_2, deshine, s3cr3tsdn, maliciousgroup, bobvance, cswiers, kaif0x01, j3rry4unt, 0xhunster_, mikee, yukusawa18, realexp3rt, n1had, mariobrow, cr0ok, leo_rac, w–, slope, jfran_cbit, seytan6161, hulk, rororodrigo, namunah, gofunc, mindaugas, daik0n, evanescence, nxnj, inhibitor181, netfuzzer, s1ber, vp_007, yashrs, shuvam321, modam3r5, melvin, lukasreschke, arneswinnen, semsem0x01, hitoriibocchi, yjdfy, ali_hassan_khan, haiderk87, ova, ibruteforce, n0_m3rcy, auditz, dkd, ashish_r_padelkar, mdaahil, smileydox, kushu09, yvvdwf, bughuntar, starry_night, aychabata9, 0xd0ff9, d3cryp_tor, vz04, goldenstone, buggfinder, h4rshbothra, qu4ker, fackman1993, aramosf, spidy_idc, dee-see, akincibor, jaytezer, xorqie, chengjia4574, green-jam, tosun, imgnotfound, darrenwhite99, sinayeganeh, blaklis, bababounty99, martinvw, cdl, m4ll0k, ex_cookie, tycho101, c1b3rx, damian89, rafa3lsys, b4by_y0d4, pwn33d, goums, niraeth, amwsis, mrecho, 0xelkot, roublardise, gnux, sainttobs, mateuszek, masquerad3r, i4mm0th3r5, 0xmzm, jianjia, m0m0x01d, sicksec, erbbysam, malcolmx, parveenyadav, rcehunter, abd55, cablej, shelled, tedix, madinmars, lesleybw, 0xprial, naddara, polem4rch, bmanx, xzemit42, mvinni, mega7, xhzeem, joaxcar, konstanz2412, babanibrahim, kayke, ngocdh, arbus, pacmanx, vasanthg, mehedishakeel, shadow1krd, seqrityy, seifelsallamy, tester2023, zlz, rebane2001, greytesla, mitesh_patil, rptl, serdar_uzunay, screamy, an0nim, pelevin, divyasreddy, johnnysnax9, valluvarsploit_h1, leo_rosian, cyberboy, jeti, albertspedersen, pigahack, mrccrqr, Jescol, t0day1337, hx01, fattselimi, mystical_pistachio, caon, brainoverflowofficial, ipol, cela, stormyweather, jerry_jakcson, tofuburgershop, 0xc4gr1, shailesh4594, qotoz, mo-ramadan, 0xbeefed, gammarex, ak1t4, rodrigoramosrs, hisxo, spaceraccoon, superngorksky, generaleg, folklor, lu3ky-13, henrychen, not_stoppable, dannisec, 7amdy, svennergr, nanwn, itachi22, asad0x01_, newfolder, m3ntor, t0rr3sp3dr0, rudra_2000, axfla, ibrahim71192, zombieesshx, taraszelyk, ralamosm, sowhatsec, michael1026, aryan2808, zere, 0xth0mas, bug_digger21, sim0nsecurity, th3g3nt3lman, aplis, dmc3, zaggeb, yipman, fr4via, aiacobelli, thebeskarmandalorian, kr1shna4garwal, ashwarya, sayaanalam, qu1nten, fisher, cthulhufhtagn, tahmidnil, xsky, dn24, 0xanas, quikke, frkblsra, renas, nonattribution, vrahand, takito, r3dvv0p, alejandroar, iamnoooob, prazumaki, ok_bye_now, second_grade_pentester, tashwish01, 4bg0p, roland_hack, jatindhankhar, valent1ne, pichik, sim4n6, mrmax4o4, swajyadip, 0cat, beginner1000, balgogan, zin_min_phyo, ahmed0x0mahmoud, 0x2374, se47, basyounii0, 0xelkomy, the_arch_angel, mehdisadir, cametome006, ex_097, hackerman_tyrone, shalzuth, providor, k4k4r07, fklet, criptex, toastycat, devashishsoni, cajahack00, gomer12, whitefantom, nbabii, lamscun, six2dez_, renekroka, hami, gdft2112zzz, galoget, 0x616b6d, theokeen, voatz, scheb, ahacker1, muzalam, lghunter, zeeshank, reemer, mksyi, mr_admin, 54v4n7, myq, 3_hack, myasnikovalexey, chiragartani, adnanmalikinfo, spaceboy20, ayman3os, bhavukjain1, aavulnerability, nexi2k, pprab, xinba888, mbz0x7, lpi, plaintester, vp40, toormund, pomme, aliyugombe, freesec, harrisoft, 0xteles, bengsky, psaux, tolga, riramar, raazkr, ibrahims, delisyd, devdevirl, mohamedd7w, r34pr, capso, vaib25vicky, isimsiz, twelvesix, sadra_asadi, edduu, 0xm5awy, dhakal_ananda, ismailsenturk, v3rvain0001, mrhavit, c1phy, harry_mg, kashyappatel3, soperd, thezhu, khalaf_altayeib, upper_anubis, c1231665, mdakh404, tf1t, amrtechguy1, ilpadrino, brunet, d0kkillo, abdelhafid, sleepyeinstein, hazimaslam, egrep, sjn_scythe, refaat1, dzmitry, yassinek3ch, molenzwiebel, k1rox4n, 0x0asif, urinaori, roarn, datph4m, mrhacker404, the_mod, muon4, jq1, ziot, syngular1ty, 0xbug, ryotak, thanksforallthefish, divyasreereddy, optimus90, addictrao, 0x50d, ras-it, splatterxl, frostb1te_, robhak9, genoscyborg, m7mdharoun, sumgr0, 0ertxta, math-lover, h1_anaiyst_doge, aitchzeday, metattoo, pwd0_ls, jimmity99, l0cpd, nairobi-fcc1, mrd7, lowtechnaut, mattipv4, kotko, foobar7, tuenhi240821, adruga, 0x3n, nbxiglk
Yahoo October Campaign:
We have to hand it to Yahoo and the Paranoids for buffing up their bounties this October! This badge represents the first 75 hackers to submit a valid report to their public program this October. The speedsters who clocked in and captured this badge also got a bonus to payouts.
Congrats to the following:
0xd0m7, anonymous_blackzero, d0xing, err0r403, hipotermia, jeti, mayonaise, mikey96, mlitchfield, todayisnew, umerfarooq90, villagelad, yakirka, youstin, yumi, zonduu
We want to know if you enjoyed this event. While sharing badges on your socials, be sure to stop by ours to share your thoughts! Let us know if you’d like to see more events like these in the future.
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