Keep your cat entertained for hours with the SmartyKat Skitter Critters Value Pack Catnip Cat Toys! This set includes 10 adorable, catnip-infused mice designed to engage your cat’s natural instincts. Perfect for all ages, these toys are safe, durable, and just $5.98 on Amazon.
With a 4.7/5-star rating from 59,101 reviews, it’s a top choice for cat owners! Buy Now for $5.98 on Amazon!
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Oi estes gatinhos nem.precisam fazer nada p serem graciosos ainda mais c estes gestos tao carinhosos para c seus donos.abrcs.
Que privilegio es tener el amor de un minino son tan lindos y su ronroneo es capaz de quitar incluso el dolor de cabeza y calmarme si he tenido un día nobtan bueno son maravillosos
I miss you Shadow
O meu Deus que amou mais precioso amei vcs muito fofimho beijos pra vc meu amor adorei vc meu amor

فداتون عشق هستن

This is why God gave humans cats so that they would have a creature that loves them almost as much as he does.
Cats are endearing creatures…most house cats are.
All they are doing is rubbing their scent on to you and they are YOUR owner, not the other way round.
J'aime bien votre vidéo
I love cats (=^ェ^=)

I crying so adorable I miss my cat is name kitty
Beaùtiful Love you Cats mignons

nice video
Beautiful feelings, beautiful girls too.
My ragdoll boy is the most loving & cuddly cat I’ve ever seen. My female British shorthair cat is completely different. Her love language is disappointment & violence!
Thanks for sharing your amazing
Могу я записаться к массажисту?
Cats are soooo smart; they know what good is.
I have 2
loves of my life.
Хвостатые тарахтелки.
I really enjoy the visuals, but the narration bugs me. Could captions on the screen be used instead? I have to mute the videos every time.
Thank you Lord for cats. your best work
Even though we just got done cuddling, I have to go cuddle my cat again….

0:45 LITTLE cat? That cat is huge!
Ammma cat lover

but my cat is a gangster

I would marry my cat
A house without a cat is pure Hell.
Can't get enough of it

Cat's make me happy….
Какая трогательная подборочка

I like the first part when the cat meowed as soon as he opened his eyes
Cats and Dogs are amazing unconditionally loyal and loving, they live for the moment and seem to know us better than we know ourselves.

"Please don't shop, instead ADOPT!
il conteggio delle calorie è stato inserito ad arte dalle due industrie (purtroppo) dominanti: quella agroalimentare e quella farmaceutica. La prima , con l'uso di cibo non specie specifico (cereali legumi latticini zucchero cibi industriali e conservati ecc) crea "clienti" alla seconda. collegato a ciò quindi devono imporvi il conteggio calorico per "tentare" (senza riuscirvi ovviamente) di far funzionare quella robaccia non adatta all'umana nutrizione limitandone le quantità. Non funziona così, in natura ogni specie vivente assume istintivamente dall'ambiente il proprio cibo specifico senza nessun folle conteggio di improbabili percentuali… Ovvio che per capire ciò bisogna "disimparare" quello che questi subumani in camice bianco al soldo delle aziende di cui sopra ci hanno propinato da 10000 anni. PS per quelli che qui sotto continueranno a dire "ma gli i tu chi sei un dottore..ecc" rispondo: pensate sul serio che un branco di subumani in camice bianco che vivono in improbabili laboratori "ne sappiano di più" della natura (che ha creato anche loro)? Oppure che il leone si fermi a contare le calorie prima di mangiare la gazzella? Svegliatevi e tirate fuori la testa dal culo delle multinazionali del farmaco e del "cibo".
I miss my cat's
The colours on the calico cat at 2:00 are the most striking I’ve ever seen. What a unique and beautiful cat
Put these angels in nursing homes! They’d give and get love!!!

A wonderful video! I enjoyed watching
Cats are amazing little beings