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State DOGE activity will dissolve Big Pharma. Warren, Sanders, all Democrats are Big Pharma.
Who killed Honey & Barry Sherman. APOTEC The Clinton Foundations donors for Haiti….
CIA used TDS on Celebrities. See how many have melted down…. Trumpy gonna get you…
Dang and people protest fracking, meanwhile NASA is bombing the Moon ? What the crap?
"The Heavens are Mine," sayeth the Lord
Dark Side of the Moon, great album.
The temperature on the "dark side" of the moon, which is actually the side not facing the sun at any given time, can reach scorching hot temperatures during the day (around 250°F / 121°C) and plummet to extremely cold temperatures at night, reaching as low as -208°F (-133°C) due to the lack of atmosphere to trap heat; the coldest temperatures on the moon are found in permanently shadowed craters near the poles, where temperatures can drop below -410°F (-246°C).
Looking at how the Federal Government was basically doing this at every level as DOGE and whistleblowers have shown what the DOD, DOJ, CIA, FBI, NHS, have done, the statements made by Alex Jones don't seem that far from the truth.
Your dismissive tone is unwelcomed.
Funny to hear you talk about AI bots being one yourself.
I really enjoyed this, although it came out 11 months ago I hope any further content I look forward to seeing remains unbiased and with the viewers respect and dignity in mind. It's kind of a fine line to walk with videos like this these days I guess. That being said I'm now pretty sure my dog is actually is Keanu Reeves who works for big pharma and knows a little more about volcanoes than he's letting on. Bad boy! Mainly cuz I want some of that matrix cash in. To hell with the immortal pooping on the carpet. Back to a serious note though I did not know Hemingway had anything to do with the feds and further Roots belief in a saying I didn't quite make up but came to on my own many years ago partly being fueled by growing up in a quasi community of delusional meth addicts ending up in prison. Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean you're wrong. Thr strange phenomena that just seems to follow from the risen ashes of that horrible lifestyle is just too undeniable.
1:18:30 treat the symptoms not the illness it's how you make more money
2:54 okay I think somebody saw Austin Powers one too many times
Just wanted some freaking sharks with some freaking lasers on their freaking heads!
I havent clicked on one of these for a long time. The first one is so stupid I just had to finish the vid. Utter shit..I love it!
1:07 "4 swimmers were attacked without warning."
Really? 😒 Has there been any shark which gave warning before attacking people?😂😂
Jack the Ripper case has been solved by DNA,it was Aaron Kosminski.
Avril didnt die she grew up so i guess ya shes not the same person.neither am i im vastly differant from who i was 10 yrs ago in every way from stle appearance and personality.she WAS a skater shes just a for the moon being an alien base where aliens make frequent trips too earth..that might check out.nasa claims they so not posess the ability to travel back to the moon but aliens can come and go through the same atmospheric challenges we face regularly so maybe aliens allowed or provided nasa materials to make one real trip in exchange for nasa covering up the aliens being sighted and the goings on at the moons surface (enter full moon phase being overlaid with hologram for this reason EXACTLY) odds are aliens on the moon base dont want frequent human trips so instead of allowing the unrestricted access to their tech that allows them to travel through the radiation field ,they offer access to other tech more in line with keeping life on earth.such as cell phone tech and internet for all with tiny micro sized electronic chips that can effectively put the whole world in the palm of a single persons hands.
GOD bless Avril. She refused to sell her Soul. That’s Melissa now. 😪😮
Trying to close down a real conspiracy goes to show this channel received funding from the CIA
It is scientificly proven that wooly mammoths were alive when the pyramids started to get built
If dinosaurs helped build the pyramids then where are the fossils? I this channel is a AI bot.
This video is stupid it doesnt show any of the evidence for these theorys that the conspirators have and than just says "theres no evidence"
Alex Jones was right ?
did he say dessured? what the hell is that reassured deassured?
I dont want to come across as mean but some people are really stupid lol. Oh and i'm ginger btw 🧑🦰 Heres my thought,….conspiracists are either bored, lonely, attention seekers that want to be seen as and part of something different…..or they are genuinely unintelligent and extremely gullible.
I just started the video. Ill probably be editing my comment but i have a theory that we are so dumb aliens dont actually wanna interact with us in fear theyll catch the stupid .
Edit 1: Time travel. It exists but doesnt exist. Its somewhat a paradox, The only people who would realize its solved are the people involved with it. Like Umbrella academy or legends of tomorrow, as soon as five was born the time bureau existed since his ability allowed him to travel through space AND time. Same with legends, the s4? start where the "Anachronisms" become a problem the time bureau on there already had been created in seconds after rip hunter walked away he emerged with a different look and older.
Edit 2: Yea, i have no life get over it. Lets be real, We arent smart enough to build shit on the moon. We cant even go far into our own ocean without blowing ourselves up..
Edit 3: God could very well be an alien sure but wouldnt God being the universe itself make more sense? Also ,What if the biblical angels (eyeball rings) and "demons" do exist BUT not on our plane of existence. We are only able to see/visit when we die and our souls leave this plane? The "angels" could go between planes with their "physical" forms into every plane of existence but "demons" cant bring a physical body like the angels.
Edit 4: We ARE squid game to ETs
Edit 5: What if adam and eve are just 2 of many lifeforms (us) that were sent from mars (our previous home) with knowledge of technology that are now lost. Also Technically whether its evolution or adam and eve, Every human is related to each other. In other words we're all O.O ahem
Edit 6: Dinosaurs were actually more "Fowl" like birds or chickens than scaly like reptiles some paleontologists theorize. If you take most of the dinos we know and add wings or feathers to them and youll see why.
If he traveled forward in time, he would have arrived late and not early.
No, crocodiles are not dinosaurs. Yes, chickens are dinosaurs.
"Further DEMEAN" their existence? Further than what baseline of demeaning existence?
What's going on with this guy's voice? Had to give up after 5 mins. That gutteral throaty inflection is shit
Alex Jones was right. It has been proven many times now.
I mean ppl domesticated the animals we have now so I guess you can say it is a possibility for dinosaurs as well. Who tf know. Lol
Redheads require more anesthesia and paralytics for surgery than non redheads.
Read the Book of Revalations. It's all right there. The CIA doesn't know squat. It's going to get really bad before the return of Lord Jesus Christ. Just be ready.
God bless all. Amen 🙏 ❤.
Redheads part lizzid people ! And
You need a gaydar to detect gay things don't you know nothing?
so is jesus a zombie or a vampire
The ice cream one just reminds me of modern " art "and gives me a chuckle
I've seen a drone bird at the airport/airplane viewing parking lot .
Too many commercials you greedy animal
Frog one turned out to be true
★★★★★ 【 The Dead Intenet theory implements alot more aspects than many people realise, and that is scary !¡! 】 ★★★★★
★ Up next is just a little idea i cooked up / sussed out, for your edification and enjoyment !¡!
Add to that that I believe bots and ai actually outnumber real humans.
,NOT all the time, of course, but in certain discussions, and certain groups….
Filled with ai, BOTS, and useful idjits!!!
The worst and scariest part is that real flesh and blood people start to emulate the ai/bots !
They start these comments, and with hundr3ds of replies, they all do the same:
Think of those joke threads.
Everyone tells a different joke but on the same theme and with the same style. Those jokes where people insert their own xyz part of the joke into the joke already created. Like the joke is 10 lines and 2 lines are left for people to insert their version of the joke !
* It may seem like harmless fun, and "Hey, we are just telling jokes. So what exactly could be so bad about such a harmless thing? " ‽‽‽*
● It can be very harmful.
● these bots start these threads, other bots keep the thread going.
● Then the humans are unwittingly lured into talking with an ai/bot !
● It moulds their thought patterns and puts every normal humans mind into the same 'rut' !
★ Only ĢƠƊ, and our ØVƏŔŁØŔƊ§ Know what they hope to achieve truly !
◆ Is it a test where they get all these humans thinking along the same thought pattern, and then use that moment to scan their brainwaves and get a better understanding of whatever it is they are after ?
[ Folks, it has been proven and done scientifically that ~ They can take §ịŁƏŊŢ footage both old and new §įŁẸƝŢ footage and work insane "miracles" . They can hear exactly what a person is saying in a video with no sound by the vibrations on an open bag of chips. They can hear not just those in the footage, NO ! They can hear anyone in the room anywhere in the house who is close enough / talking loudly enough by zooming into inanimate objects, watching the vibrations of any number of items in the house, and then perfectly reconstruct EXACTLY WHAT WAS SAID AND IN THEIR OWN VOICES !!! ]
★ I pointed the above out because I want it to be clear to you that THE SCIENCE IS THERE and THEY can do the most wild things you could never imagine !
● They are training those who are tricked into participating with bots and moulding how they think, which moulds how they act
● They are in the ₽rocess of Č̣reating a ₩ĤØŁƐ Ģ3Ŋ3ŔĄŢīƠƝ of people moulded in the hands of Ai/Bots, but more important by those who started the initiative created the bots missions & whose shadowy goals are unknown to most.
◆ Merriam Webster Definition :
▪︎ 2
: something that is first : beginning
compare omega
see also alpha and omega
: something or someone designated with the name alpha or the Greek letter α especially denoting the first in position, order, or class
▪︎ Alpha software is at the first stage of development:
an alpha version of the program
★ 【 !¡! The ALPHA GENERATION has arrived friends, and this will be the 1st generation where ai/bots that are invisible, blend into the masses, and arw undetectable. Shaping the minds of the susceptible ! Programming them, literally programming the ALPHA GEN !¡! 】 ★★★★★
★ The scariest part is that this is just one facet of what the alpha gen faces , us oldfags can see it happening now, and unfortunately those normalfags don't, can't and WON'T see what is happening !
★ They must be ALPHA for many more reasons than this, and that should scare you. It scares me !
Lastly, as an odd point of interest
★ Gen X was the 1st generation to get the 'GENERATION' designation for their groups. There was no gen qrstu or v ! Let that sink in !
★ So have they been planning much for 'Generation ALPHA ‽‽‽ Since at leat Gen X they have planned for Gen ALPHA… actually even before that. Before Gen X was implemented it was conceived. So Gen ALPHA has been planned for a long, LONG TIME !! ★
Alex is right Again, it's been proven. Do a video on Atrazine and prove that you are the one that wrong😂
(psssttt… there is no "Dark Side of the Moon, that's a Floyd album… there's a far side we don't see but all sides get as much light as each other 😉)
What would be the point of faking dinosaurs ? Who benefits from that ?
Maybe Hayes has ct
Am I the only one that had DeJa Vu when the Avril story popped up again? 1:15:15
Alex Jones is really Bill Hicks.
I'd love this video if the voice wasn't so fucking annoying
Dinosaurs still exist! Just because you don't hear about it doesn't mean they aren't there! Tales of entities like mokele-mbembe, living saurians or large scientifically unidentified creatures walking around the African rain forest, are not rare; there have been multiple tales of large, smooth-skinned quadrupeds with long necks that fed on large prey still living in central Africa.
Gingers are aliens lol😊their pussy is out of this world