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I loved this game. This was a weird honest trailer. Maybe it helped that I played it on the Switch and not with motion controls.
This was one of the best Zelda games. Sad that people just hate anything new.
I just finished playing Skyward Sword. I liked most of the game, but yes, the combat is atrocious. And the last two boss fights practically requiring a shield when I got through the rest of the game basically never using said shield was infuriating. I basically gave up on the third whatshisname fight and just watched the ending on YouTube.
Okay but I cannot do a full button control only run. I HAVE to use motion controls to get through boss battles.
"When the Groose is loose, it's all over for that caboooooose" has become one of my favorite lines ever, thank you for this gem.
Overhated af
This is the only game I own on the switch that uses the full functionality of the motion controls so I have nothing to compare it to. I also never owned a Wii. So the HD Remaster Skyward Sword wasn’t as janky as the world made it cracked up to be. I tried the control version and it was more difficult outside a few precision fall areas in the game. The motion controls work great for me. There is a lot of shaky stuff going on when trying to be precise, but otherwise the game controlled really well for me and did what I wanted it to do for nearly all of it save a few sword slashes and precise flying drops.
My favorite video game of all time
2:28 that got me😂😂😂
Now the game is available on the Nintendo switch, which can be played either with motion controls or handheld. I prefer playing handheld.
It is one of my favorite games just like tears of the kingdom
Screen junkies Groose is not the main character Plus he’s a stupid bully and plus I mean character cannot be a bully a bully can be a main character that’s a dumb trope
Lmfao why did they make the shield button the joystick 💀
Whoever did that needs a new line of work
no. no. i played zelda 2. that "thing" should burn for eternity in death mountain.
The Legend of Groose
played it first time on the switch. loved the game! had a lot of memorable moments
One of my favs, strangely enough.
The fact that, in order to swing your sword from right to left bypassing the enemy's electric sword, you obviously have to first move your sword to the right to prepare the swing, yet the game never corrects for this and without fail interprets the motion as you wanting to swing right into the enemies electric sword would be hilarious if it wasn't so frustrating. The fact the developers went "yep, that's the experience we want to go with," is just baffling to me.
I love "Zelda: Wii Sports Resort" as a title I would totally buy that game
So I have this game to blame for the shit durability system that now plagues every Zelda game.
One of my all time favorites. I didn't struggle with the Wii controls at all. Which made the swordplay very excellent and rewarding for me. I did not play the remaster. I think the motion controls are why i loved it so much and how i was able to ignore repetition and linear design
4:17 Illya called, says she wants her servant back. XD
This is actually my favorite Zelda game, and it really doesn't deserve the hate it gets. I love the motion controls, and Fi is actually my favorite companion!! It also has some of the most beautiful music and an absolutely GORGEOUS art style, and that story? Phenomenal.
Zelda fans; we know what we like and don't like. What we don't like is when you try to change the things we like. Leave the side-scrolling and linear levels to those Italian plumber guys.
Zelda series in general is one of the BEST ever… definitely in my top series which are, zelda, final fantasy, mario in no order
I guess people didn't like Skyward Sword.
It was the first Zelda game I was able to beat, any other times I played a Zelda game was at a friend's house.
Admittedly the controls sucked, and some bosses were jank, but I fell in love with the characters of Link, Zelda, and Ganondorf and the grand-time line in a way I don't think I would have if my first game was any of the earlier releases.
"Berserker" caught me off guard here lol
They do look alike ngl
Was surprised by all the hate in this review, as I loved this one to death far beyond any game I had previously played
This is not a Groose game
Groose it’s not even the protagonist plus he’s a bully So basically it’s a dumb dialogue
Gotta do Tears of the Kingdom! Gaaaah!
awesome piece <3
Why didn’t you do the HD version
Can you do a majora mask honests game trailers?
The amount of character development Groose went through is phenomenal, I ended up loving him by the end of the game
takes earrings off who hates this game?
Skyward Sword was amazing, i play it with a ps5 controller on pc
I tried this game and gave up after 2 hours. Why'd they have to go all out on motion controls that dont work!
Ironically my favorite Zelda game of all time.
You did not just call him that oh my God
People didn’t like this game? It undoubtedly has its faults, but also has some very memorable environments, and the music is some of the best in Zelda. I just finished Twilight Princess for the first time, and think Skyward Sword is leaps and bounds better. Just watching this trailer reminded me of some of the fond memories from playing it.
This game is fantastic on the switch
Say "The Jedi are evil and always have been"
I think I might pick this one up. Still want twilight princess and Windwalker ports. Never got to play Windwalker before. 😔
outlined literally every single problem i had with this game. i hated this game and i still hate it with a passion. more than anything i hate forced control schemes. i hate this game because i really really wanted to be able to enjoy it. i hate that i and gamers like myself were excluded because they wanted to enforce motion controls. it felt like the developers abandoned all their first gen supporters when they put this out.
"People hated Skyward Swo-?"
Since Zelda 2
"oh yeah, I liked Zelda 2, maybe I do just have bad taste"