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Quite spending money on the cover up go ahead and tell the people
Thx ❤️
There are no UAPs. He thinks "old enough." The CIA will now proceed to attempt to spin a new religion. Look mostly for ludicrous statements and embarrassing, congressional lap dogs, eager to pretend to offer acceptance way before it should be acropoe. People. We need to start over. I so do despise our government. You are witnessing the variation of plausible deniability. It's called brainwashing. You will note that it has no shame in missing facts. Yet, under the blessing of CIA logic, the above participants will redefine creation, congressional style. The Euphrates has dried up. So naturally, we must reestablish a plausible explanation of deniability of earthly origin. How long does the average CIA groupie last ? That and when we are going to abolish this Godless government are two questions I want to introduce " for the record." And " if I may, " whatvis goingbon here, at large, is the desperate attempt to have A NEW TRANSITION TO A REPUBLICAN RETURN TO DEBUNK THE DEMONCRAT AGENDA. Tossing aside God seeminglybwould create a slam dunk in that quest …….TO MODIFY A SMOOTH TRANSITION OF GOVERNMENT TO INCLUDECALL THAT IS ENTAILED WITH TRANSHUMANISM. BUT, when you mess with the credibility of Creation, what you will get is whatvthey trievto do overbin Cern, Switzerland. Guess who attended to witness what transpired ? The Pope and all the famous government types. How did that work out ? Well now wecare in America. Attempt number two to throw the Bible in the fires of hell. WATCH HOW THIS ALL TURNS OUT. My prediction . Thiscwill backfire shortly. Oh. Andvwhatbis goingbon overbin thevMiddle East ? Have they rescued the subterranean histages yet ? Too big of av task ? Completely understandable. The CIA M.O. is to regroup priorities to create more stress.
Yes, it is time to reveal.😊
Lookup and read about Dr. Steven Greer.💯💯💯
Conspiracy, destraction
Still missing the point. The government can’t control what is behind this.
These are noted to be following FAA guidelines for lights and are therefore NOT from space aliens.
This is bull. Musk is behind this and it will tue in to somehow benefit Trump.
what is the point of this hearing if anything that is actually important cannot be openly discussed and has to be referred to closed meetings
Im thinking over developed hologram of some kind
Why no sonic booms ?
Why no noise at all when you displace the air with the ship ?
Why no noise at all ?
Why no shadows ?
Never a landing ? Anywhere?
Ever seen one take off ?
Thes yaps have been getting aggressive with our jet fighters .Has there been attempts by the pilots to shoot the uaps out of the air. It seems like the pilots are afraid of retaliation from the uaps due to their suppearior capabilities and avoid violent contacts but need to know who is flying these uaps and what their intentions are. Seem like shooting them to bring them down for invetgation and capture is the only way to confirm who they are and how to deal with them as they are defiantly challenging our military personnel that must feel safe doing their lobs and if these entities friend or foe needs to be established one way or the other. Dr Steven Greer claims he can communicate with them so perhaps he can arrange a meeting with them to get details . The American people need to know if these are enemies also so we can deffend ourselves or at least be prepared to do so and know what to use if thats what it gets down to in dealing with hostile entities
What can you believe, mostly nothing. The US public is just fed partial information with no real content. Nice cover up, this is all a waste of time. Truthfulness doesn’t exist in our current government. The government is great at misleading and redirecting the public. You have to have truthful people to know the truth!
Theses DRONES are ours 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
It's the same thing over and over ,Just tell the Truth and STOP lying to the people .
I love it Dr Gaullander said at a time when leadership in government is much to be desired. Thank God Trump won. I cannot wait until he is sworn in and we can kick the current president to the curb.
U mongrel
Shut up
Fuck Little green men and UFOs I want the government to focus on shape shifting time traveling AI mercenaries that are traveling through time to kill citizens. The same type of transforming cop cars and police u witnessed personally trying to kill ME back on 9/19/19 in Parkersburg WV.
This is my opinion. If there is actually nothing to all of these stories then let's quit funding the research. And shut it all down. Save the money since that is so important
But as I am a witness to three different UFOs myself (and the shape shifting cops cars with mercenary AI police trying to kill me for writing Abel vs Cain) I want us to either move on to something more concrete or give it up all together since 89 years of research and millions of dollars has gotten us only this far
Lots of talk, no action.
pimp daddy bob lazar knows how to handle alien merchandise and hide the receipt 😂
Where is everyone else, we're they abducted?
has anyone considered demons who can appear as a ufo only they can move at the speed's spoken of only they can appear and disappear we are living in end of time's, God created everything including us his greatest creation, everything in our known universe and outside of it was created by God… God has always been here science tries to explain away God trying to recreate the big bang and more they will never come close to knowing who God is…
Can you ask those UFO to fly around Puerto Rico I want to see
Would you want your 3rd grader to come to your work and make decisions or options. Yea that’s what I thought!
Honestly we don’t want your opinion or suggestions about something you don’t have a need to know !!
What a WASTE OF TIME……. Congressional hearings on EVERYTHING. NOTHING EVER HAPPENS !!!!!
Might as well go back to investigating what happens when you buy a new pair of kicks (shoes) and you step into a fresh pile of shit. You can spend billions of $ $$ ‘s and you STILL WONT KNOW who deposited it in your front yard . BIGFOOT, an ANIMAL, or probably YOUR NEIGHBOR !!!
I noticed whenever there is a toilet paper shortage, more of my shoes get messed up …….