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Because there hiding something
Further Analysis
2:40:32 the look on his face tells it all
We are being visited by curious highly intelligent aliens.
Why can't anyone hold a phone / camera still!!! 😖😖😖😖
A Mile wide fkn craft unfreakinbeilievable 🛸🛸🛸🛸
Rex Heflin's last photograph with the "ring" in it looks to me like a photo of a swarm. Where insects for some reason swarm and create this odd ring in the sky, birds have been photographed doing the same thing and there are even cases of clouds forming the same shape! It's not even anything really strange and I think it's just a coincidence or perhaps something about the "craft" is causing the insects to swarm in this peculiar shape.
That little blurb introducing the Lonnie Zamora incident is no where near accurate! He also claimed to see a 3.5' to 4' being outside the craft that made eye contact with him with deeply troubling results. Wish people would quit changing facts to fit their needs!
6:35 I'll never forget this day…..and btw. That is not how we use flares in the military. There is no need to drop or shoot up more than one flare in the same area unless you are trying to intentionally waste resources. You shoot/drop one flare at a time. It is more than enough. Once it burns out, you pop another one up. But to drop several in one location is absolutely ridiculous. It's amazing how stupid they think the public are. The skeptics and deniers of course eat it up anytime the government tells them that 2+2=5. However, the rest of us know it equals 4, regardless of what the government/military says.
I don't think these visitors are hostile. If they were, we would all be dead already. I think they monitor us and the cameo appearances they make, are just their way of breaking the news to us gently but one day, these ships are going to land and God only knows what will be stepping out.
What's really bad is when you report a UFO sighting in the sheriff's department shows up with a warrant to force you to take a drug test I know this from personal experience from 1997 in Palmdale California
Nothing but flares dropped from an Aten wart pig
I've only had one UAP sighting in my life, but it was several of them, if not a dozen or more.. It was the evening of September 10 2012. I was out in my driveway smoking a cigarette. By the way this was in the western suburbs of Minneapolis. I just happened to be facing north, and a light in the sky grabbed my attention. I can't say for sure if the craft was emitting light, or if it was the sun reflecting from it. It looked from where I was standing like a strange bright light in the sky. It was moving in a southerly direction, but still a long distance from me. It appeared to be traveling in a straight line keeping the same attitude. Then it got to a certain point and shot straight up and disappeared. About ten seconds later another one appeared in the same trajectory and shot straight up and disappeared.. The next one appeared maybe ten seconds later and did the same thing. There must have been between several and a dozen that repeated the same pattern. I'm assuming it was UAPs. If it wasn't that I've got no other ideas.
i saw these same looking lights over the 29 palms military base while 8 of my friends and i were on top of the jaushua tree monument in california
Special effects fool you every time
I still want to know what that was over Arizona in the 90s. We have absolutely nothing to this day that is large and can fly over multiple states at night. It's simple as that.
If the government can lie about lights over Phoenix. Imagine the Big Lies they tell us.
Thank you for all you’re doing! It’s refreshing to be able to educate my daughter of truths of certain things. I grew up believing what we were taught! Keep up and keep pushing for the truth!
I bet the men in black were busy the next day 😅
TR6 Telos
Why does this Richard guy sound like barack obama?… 🤣 7:30
UFO chase me in my van two weeks ago . It was all over the van. It was the big one. I'm very shocked.Its mind blowing. I've got to put my self togather.
Yes just ask Benny hill. He saw two floppy disks. Ohhhhno only a women walking by. 😮😅😊sorry
who waits for officials to authenticate what they've seen with their own eyes?
Hi 👽 Welcome 🤗 To The Fight 🌎💪🏻👽🤗👽🤗👽🤗👽🤗👽🤗👽🤗
He threw his fadora and took a picture 😂
Switching teams meaning what
Idk. These sightings are probably just the US Govt messing w people…
Alien is real????
The Phoenix lights were definitely flares.
As for the road resurfacing in Texas, there would definitely be a "joint". Marking the ends of the excavated asphalt. Also , the county would definitely have a record of this event. I've paved many many miles of roadways and find it difficult to imagine a super secret government asphalt crew that goes around removing and replacing short segments of roadway . The unmarked vehicles raise a red flag. I noticed traffic control devices , unless the road was completely shut down, locals would have been alternated through the work zone. I am highly skilled in this trade , believe me , there IS documentation in the County's archives noting said resurfacing, particularly by an outside source. If the County Road Commissioner at that time is still alive, he would definitely be the one to either corroborate or dispel this allegation. Simply put , this is no simple nor easy task to perform. Easily a one day job , but men , equipment, and materials are not easily forgotten among the older generation of citizens. They would remember a not so routine undertaking. Check the records !!!
Why wasn't the colonel asked if ANY arm of the military had been involved? He very specifically said the army was not involved. If the air force had been the arm involved his answer was truthful. When dealing with the military or lawyers your questions have to be more broad. If you ask specific questions, you had better ask enough questions to cover each agency which might have been involved. Otherwise you end up with answers which can skirt the facts.
Dam lie stinking hybrids
Flares DON'T HOVER!! 👈
A10 flares my a$$!! 🤦🤣
'83 I have witnessed 5 blk triangular crafts come together and make one HUGE MOTHERCRAFT! 🤦
How many are holographic images?! 🤦 hmmm
Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventures ❣️🫶🏼
We also have our own flying aircraft and space ships on our military bases, underground bases, and outer space bases that are on Mars and the Moon. Now these alien ships that people are seeing and the government wanting them to be quite about it, are very real. They have been here, coming and going as they please for thousands and thousands of years. They are very intelligent and highly advanced, so what can humans do? Some of these aliens look just like people, and some don't. We humans better wake-up because the Anunnaki want this planet back.
Since. Space. Shuttles. Been. Going. To. Outer. Space. Folks. Man. Was. Scorched. To. Death. In. Testing. A. Part. Of. A. Space. Part. Before. Going. To. Outer. Space. Rocket. Launch. Way. Back. In. Past. Time. Over. A. Thousand. Degree. Burnt. And. Caught. On. Fire. It. On. U. Tube. I. Wacth. It
There's. Noting. Hidden. They. Been. Seen. In. Sky's. For. Dectaides
Their. Everywhere. Noting. To. Worries. About. No. Aliens. Tough. Unless. They. Make. Some. Like. Ai. Roboiots. Or. Something
Their. Even. Been. Seen. Objects. In. Arksansas
Probly. Made. In. Outer. Space. For. Many. Many. Years. Space. Shutters. When. Man. Go. To. Outer. Space. They. Go. There. For. Something. To. Do. Because. There's. Noting. In. Outer. Space.
Only. Gravity. Ships. Speail. Made.
No. Aliens.
If they were LUU-2 Flares like the Air Force claimed and also that the sighting was uncharacteristically not near or typical to the military reservation I'll have to say it doesn't line up for a few reasons.
– The military isn't going to purposely deploy these very large flares (about 2' long x 4"-5" in diameter) over a city for obvious liability reasons. Ordnance doesn't always function as intended an I don't reasonably seeing the Air Force drop these large tubes filled with photo-flash powder over a major city.
– There are no reports of large tubes with deployed chutes being discovered in the area of this event.
– I could be convinced that these lights were indeed LUU-2 flares, they are bright enough, but these heavy tubes seem to defy gravity and show no descending of these lights.
Just my observations as someone who has an in depth knowledge of ordnance and explosives and 20+ years of unexploded ordnance recovery.
So was she washing dishes on the street
And that is nothing but those new anti-gravity flares that I've never heard of according to the government