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It's a target.
lookie .. more blurred photos and videos .. never seen so many terrible shots of supposeds .. nothing to see here that hasn't ben faked before.. just plain blurred trash.. as usual
Wow.. a sighting.. Meanwhile…. millions have full disclosure.. billy meier.. see site, has had over 800 recorded face to face chats with human ets since 1943. They get here instantly over 400 light year space, are 3500 years ahead of us, live to 1000, bm has over 1000 close up fotos, cine, metal fragments, sound recordings. They claim over 30 diff et races visit here annually and that mankind in this sector of our Uni had a Prophet Nokodemium recorded 12 billion years ago and that we are ALL aliens here today
The pilot only took photo's IN FRONT of his craft (or those are the only ones shown) – so how do we know the balloon did not get hit by the jetwash and deflated/got torn up?
More likely the balloon deflated and dropped to Earth than it magically propelled itself out of the area at an impossible speed – no?
The Craft was the Common Tic-Tac Craft used by the Tall Whites for travel under the sea and within the atmosphere of the Earth. They were described in some detail by the American Airman who had many interactions with them. They have been at a base near Area 51 for well over 50 years.
China owns alot of our land. Who knows what there doing with it. It could be too spy on us..
Must have been from Cuba! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Cigar form that it looks like a missile for training the airforces?
3:33 an astrophotographer is giving expert analysis of propulsion systems?
Moses described it as a, "Pillar of Cloud."
Scotty says it's a Photon Torpedo…😊
Flying Dog Turds. What will they think of next? The Humans that made these craft wanted it visually clear that these things don't fly, they have absolutely no lift capability due to their shape so when they built these they wanted it known that this is a different kind of Flight that no other conventional craft on Earth has. Our Government and the richest corporations are hiding Technology that would change the world, end suffering and bring peace. But if you do that they lose control so to keep us under their thumb they possess the Highest Technology, even beyond the secrecy behind the Hydrogen Bomb. I think the reason it is more top secret than a Hydrogen Bomb is because the bomb is extremely difficult to build. I think Anti Gravity and time travel are easy once you know the right Frequencies and type of waves to use. We have known it since the Philidelphia Experiment that didn't happen for us born after the Experiment but does for people born before it. My Electronics Teacher had a friend that worked on the Philadelphia Experiment. Bill said his friend told him they tried it 2 times and ended the program because they couldn't control it, they got some guys killed and a few were moulded into the ship. If you think this isn't possible google "SUPER SOLIDS" ( It's a state of matter that is not taught in schools yet because they don't want you to know that walking through a solid wall is easy if you hit the right frequency and Liquify the Materials. The materials act like liquids and can pass through each other without mixing or losing form. Solids that act like liquids! It's possible but far off for us today, but not for US FROM THE FUTURE coming back to alter events today to change their future in machines we can't make today is my suspicion. But they may be our craft from today but I think they are from our future and they cannot let you know time travel is possible today because we haven't OFFICIALLY discovered it yet. It could erase all history if we find out Time Travel is possible before we are supposed to learn it in Reality. But always keep in mind, they control us through FEAR. Instill the Fear, then offer the solution that only you have. Donald Trump ran his campaign on fear and it worked. An uneducated public informed by one source (FOX News and Disinformation Channel) that the Radical Left NAZI invaders are taking over America when the opposite was true. Trump tried to convince you there was going to be a civil war if he didn't win to put him into power and it worked, so now it's an Alien Invasion so MAGA will give him 100% power and Immunity so Donald Trump can save us from the SPACE INVADERS!
It's a targetable dirigible used for fighter pilot training.
In the early 90s I was 7 or 8 I was Playing with 15 other kids. We all were playing hide and seek and I remember we were about to start a new game and 2 kids come running from the back alley and they are yelling “ look look look” as they are pointing up. We look up and there it was a round very big and I mean big saucer coming over the apartment building. All of us started oohing and awing. Then all that amazement turned into fear as it was about 15 stories above us and it was making a crazy humming sound kind of like an electrical sound, it was like a pulsating electric feeling all threw our body. We all literally started crying at the same time and it wasn’t normal crying , that cry like if we were being killed. We all ran home terrified for what we just saw. This thing was so low and really big , the city lights lit the thing up, u can see everything. We can see the windows and in the windows there were little people waving at us. I swear I ain’t making this up there was a lot of people who saw it. Then the next day we all gathered around the spot we saw this and I swear I ain’t making this sh!t up. So we were sitting there talking about what we saw and this guy walks up and ask if we saw weird stuff last night. We told him everything he wrote it down and then when we were done he tells us not to worry about it because what we saw was a weather balloon, I shit u not. Oh did I mention the guy was dressed in a black suit. I thought he was FBI because this happened before the movie men in black came out, this sighting was way bigger than the Arizona sighting and I don’t understand why the story didn’t blow up. This happened either in92 or 93 in Orange County California.
Vrill-Thule still flying the friendly skies
Too bad nobody can focus their cameras on UAPs like they can on aircraft.
Good Photos! Are there any pictures of the UFO’s at the soccer match in Florence?
I cant help but think that when i see them just zip off it reminds me of a magnet repelling from another magnet. And when they jump like leapfrogs its like they turn the magnet on then off and on and off. I watched that interview "walking with the tall white" and the guy said that the beings told him that their vehicules work with magnitism.
This is an old video around for years
Yeah I agree interesting video Bro, cheers 👍👽👽👽
Great video as always, and when can I hire you to make my intros haha?