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Good thing this glitch still works! Now I can grind Partner Marks, in peace!
I have found a new one in the DLC and I didn't even mean too. It's pretty epic but I'm frantically looking if anyone else has experienced it. So far no one!
Funny thing is i just went into the void by complete accident not by the cave method only by randomly getting stuck on the floor and falling into the void. Basically if you jump and land on the perfect angle or get yourself stuck then you could go through the void nothing much though still interesting
Still works in 2.0.2
There may be a way to get to Area 0 early the area is just one big trigger for the warp, no matter how I entered(Above, Below, From the side, while gliding, while climbing, while climbing up etc.) but there are two things I can’t get to even attempt to work, enter via a Pokémon battle or while in a picnic, it’s a bit complicated but there is a platform you can stand on that let’s you walk on foot but the ground is weird like in the mountain in the north east and will rarely let a picnic happen even though it is perfectly flat and the wild Pokémon that spawn there seem to be somewhat trapped by a not real barrier
I managed to get over there into area zero you are unable to walk there
I'm mad cause most of the pokemon in my outbreaks are spawning in the fucking walls
Imagine seeing a shiny while you're down there and not being able to encounter it
becore you beat the game if you go in the crater it tpes you back
You cant get there until youve done the quest to drop down bakaaaaaa
You can clip back in bounds by flying or finding a pond in the surface
I am here because I have an outbreak thats entirely INSIDE A WALL!
Update: I got into the void but sadly my Rookide outbreak was just a little too far from the traversable void.
No shiny Borb for this birbo.
An easy way to get out of the void is picnic
How did you get that helmet
This is patches i cant do it they changed the terrain
What if you hatch it in the speed fly zone..
It's obvious that black part of the map is DLC. Not because of the floating island but because you can walk over the line and grab items.
I’m in there rn it’s so cool, plus all I get is falinks sweat, and berries
I keep getting mass outbreaks out of bounds and it’s really pissing me off.
This game is so well made, I love having to glitch through the earth and swim all the way to area zero to do a Charcadet Mass Outbreak I can’t reach because all of them are spawning inside the mountain.
And then when half way to Area zero I have to send out my Ghouldengo inch by inch to make sure there’s collision.
Seems when you cross a place where there is water on the map, you jump back to the surface
I’m trying to go to that crossed out area that looks like kalos but it’s hard
Has this been patched? I was doing it no problem but i've been trying for an hour and no
I found an out of bounds spot in the crater
Walking through the void? What am I Kassadin from League of Legends?
Void Access found by the wall below the suspected DLC Area near North Province (Area One)
I accidentally glitched out in area zero climbing where I was inside a rock near where you catch the legendary. It was like a tiny void.
I came across it accidentally fighting yungoos' XD
im starting to wonder if im the first person that been doing the out of bounds thing cuz now videos are being posted about this
“Let go your earthly tether. Enter the void. Empty, and become wind”
If you wan to get to the pokemon leauge early, an easier glitch is to get on miriadon/kioradon and jump onto the mountain behind the school from inside the school. it respawns you right in front in frount of it.
Going to Area Zero before unlocking it causes you to automatically go back up. It's like the fog around the Great Plateau in breath of the wild
what if you hatched an egg in the void under the walled-off DLC area?
I once got stuck in a rock playing scarlet
I call it the upside-down world
I got knocked outta the map my a yungoos in the first cave where u meet the legendary. Spent an hour trying to get into area zero but I would always fall through when I got close to it
“Go into the void with all sorts of weird things under there” proceeds to glitch under the map with literally nothing under there.
You can do this in several places. There are caves around the steal titan area that are very tight and if you encounter a battle you are pushed back into the wall. Run, and you in the void. I played around for hours early game and you can't really interact with anything even wild pokemon
Am I crazy or is that a shiny Salandit at 2:00 lol
Cool glitch but seems like there’s not much to do with it
just found a dude who does tips and tricks for this glitch, only has 6 subs his name is Gutenberg
I was in the void once after a lavitar attacked me in a cave. The battle forced me behind a stone in the cave and when the battle stopped I could not move inside the cave and behind me was just sky. I was SO scared. I eventually jumped into the sky and landed in water.There was supposed to be a lake and it was that exact same lake, but glitchy. To my left, where the cave had been there were only glitchy shards like the ones we can see in the video. I was so scared but luckily i could just fly to some random pkmn center and everything resetted (I hope without any damage to the game. Does anyone know if this causes damage? Gives me instant missingno. feelings that shit x,D )
I love the bugs in the game it's funny and it's awesome helps me out a lot and makes me laugh
Maybe you could get down to area zero early and get the legendary box pokémon? Also if this is possible maybe the "event" will reset afterwards when you get there normally
My ocd acts up everytime I see you haven't fought all those trainers. Lol. Still that's pretty cool
I got Like -630