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This game is a pile of steaming dog sh!t cash grab garbage.
oh my god fucking thank you. In 80 seconds you summed up my entire thesis on why I dont want to play Diablo IV. I think its story is unironically the best Tragedy Written in at least the last 30 years, and its a shame thats the best thing I can say about it because I just have no Incentive to want to play so it doesnt matter if they add more things to do when I have no desire to do them.
This seamlessly played after your other diable video lol i didn't realize i was even in a new video
Better than most stand ups
Diablo Chore 😅
Worse part about D4, the fallen don't even say their signature line " radkadishu"
I vote that Nethack should be considered an ARPG.
Yeah so I watched the video back when it was released and decided not to buy this game, and so I waited for the expansion to hit. Long story short, the expansion brought a few new things to do, and some other content along the way, but after 80 hours into the game there was literally nothing else to do, my character was pretty much as strong as he can be, without some unrealistic grinding. Most people in town didnt even reach my mastery level of 272, and I realized that maybe Im the crazy one. There is very little unique items and they disregarded sets altogether, farming bosses is literally getting 20 copies of each unique, and then maybe on your 50th run you'll get 1 purple mythical item, there's 12 so good luck with doing this boring shit over and over again. I had 7 out of 12 at the end of my playthrough, but didnt feel like I would accomplish anything with getting all of them. The game is fun untill the late game, because at that stage 99,9% of items that drop don't matter, they added runes in the expansions but they dont feel insanely impactful, still they're better than just +60 int gems I guess. Overall I dont think Ill be returning to diablo 4, theres just nothing to do in this game once you hit the ~50 hour mark, and I feel like dragging the experience out just to get your money worth, is in fact not worth it, like at all.
Its free this week.
what a shitgame… booooring horseshitgame.
i am a diablo 2 fanboy from the very first minute with thousands of hours of playtime but this crap here i cant stand at all. i never made it even to lvl 20 because its so boring and arbitrary, unbalanced with stupid dumb loot. a game clearly for idiots who dont want to think for themself and dont want to put ANY effort in they r char.
The only thing i like are the cutscenes.. but the casuals would buy it. world has changed. and blizzard idiots will go on with this crap type of games..
Diablo 4 was my first arpg (I had played like 2hrs of D2 right before D4 dropped) and holy shit it was… alright. Completely brain off, always left me wanting more. I'm glad I discovered POE and Last Epoch shortly after putting in a few hundred hours of D4 so I could actually get that itch scratched. A year later there's the crafting overhaul and DLC and it ALMOST looks like it's becoming something, but only after like 80% of the playerbase realized it sucked and left.
9:50 diddykong racing
Yeah I think after a year this game has no aged well. Lets talk vessel of hatred expansion, the only hatred I felt was towards the game. The new class is kinda fun. Would've rather had a Paladin and I actually think that would've added enough gameplay variety to add some fun. BUT lack of set items, a lot of the item mechanics, crafting, this game is not it. Also lets kick POE1 out for POE2. POE2 is everything that POE1 should've been and it's actually incredible. I think POE2 might be the best arpg every made, truthfully. If only it had an offline mode
When PoE 2 comes out and sweeps fhe the final floor with this game ❤👌
It will always amaze me how they think they know better on how to make a sequel to Diablo II; they can't, they are not capable. the idea should be: play Diablo II, improve over everything the game offer and do some benchmarking through games like PoE and make an actual Diablo game without throwing its core through the frigging window
All are trash. Light show games that make bullet hell enjoyers blush at the amount of particle effects and bullshit on the screen at the same time.
What the hell happened to immersion?
Cant be immersed in @#$& when all I see on the screen is storm earth and fire.
The good thing in diablo iv is that you can make a hot ghotic gf (female necromancer)
Diablo CHORE lmao so fitting.
Very new to the channel. First video I watched was Path of Exile. I first found your sarcastic comments annoying and also they way you speak. But that completely changed after the third video I watched in a row. Then I realized holy sh*t he thinks exactly like me about ARPGS and how they should be! Great content man. Amazing job. I will be following
Diablo died with level scaling.
If this review came out in 2023 I 100% agree with it. But I am watching it in late 2024 and it’s a throwback to the old days of D4 bad which 5 years from now we would be looking back at the D4 launch like WTF were they thinking. Thank God D4 is getting better because they dropped the ball on release. Season 4 was the last chance and season was a good indicator of the future of D4. D4 is that retarded replica from Alien Romulous who got an AI upgrade then suddenly became a bad ass.
You know what Last Epoch got what D4 doesn't? Paladins.
Any chance of a 2nd look after the expansion drops ? Personally I hated the game (besides the story) until the season where they fixed the items , now I love it :p
Two things wrong with this dogshit trash game,
1. Why the hell waste, time, resources and energy making a pvp what so ever? The fetishists can fuck back off to cod
2. UNLESS you play and grind for 25 hours a day, you wont be getting fuck all of value in this game, its like blizzard expect us all to be welfare leeches or some shit
Blizzard sucks now. I know the game is a bit better a year later but it still sucks ass.
All I remember is entering a tavern at the beggining and everyone started to drink and dance while your character cheered. I never opened the game again.
I hate the graphics and tone. If this game had any less contrasts and colors, it would be a full grey/brown screen.
I'd love to get a follow up review once the expansion and item changes happen. I respect the hell out of this mans arpg opinions, mainly because they're correct every time. Lol
When are they going to realize that BIG numbers on screen are ANNOYING and you cant see sh1t.
Really wish I'd seen this before buying Diablo 4. As a series veteran I was really excited for it. I was busy during launch though, and heard from some friends who grabbed it immediately that it was terrible.
Disappointed, I eventually grabbed it on sale and found…. well that I pretty much agree with everything you said here, but also that Blizzard's servers suck, the lag is awful, and I hate being forced to play an ARPG with other players.
If you think this is the best, then you haven't played diablo 3…
I started now with Diablo 3 cause of friends. Saw your opinion video about D3. I don’t know 2 so i can’t compare, i don’t find the end game grind bad.
Anyway thanks to this video i know i will not buy 4 but 2 next… really curious what THE DIABLO GAME is.
12:08 oh yeah, that Dark Cloud music is wonderful!
I have to give an unpopular opinion here: Diablo 4 is genuinely a great game, with many aspects that are far superior to its predecessors (yes, including Diablo 2). Sometimes, I read the reviews of Diablo 4 and wonder, what do people expect from an ARPG? Many content creators constantly compare D4 with D2 and Path of Exile, but at the end of the day, they don't play any of the three games. I'm an old-school Diablo player, so I’ll compare it with the father, Diablo 2 itself.
Itemization in D2: Let’s be honest, if you played D2 in a ‘regular’ way, you only looked for items with +x skill points in the desired skill. Nothing more. In fact, this argument is so true that it led to the creation of the immense and fruitful sub-world of D2 mods, which aimed to add more ‘excitement’ to the game’s items.
World: Let’s be honest here too. If you played the story mode, once you finished Act 1, you never returned to the harpy camp. If you defeated Duriel, you never went back to Lut Gholein. Farming certain items was viable, but the world was extremely limited, and only a very small percentage of it was important. We can’t ignore why the world of game design has shifted towards open-world design.
Graphics: D2 is beautiful because the graphics were pre-rendered. It’s a common phenomenon; many games convey the same feeling (Age of Empires 2 is the best example).
In favor of D2 and against D4: The campaign difficulty has a very disappointing drop. D2 is challenging in the campaign, while D4 is simply too easy (D3 doesn’t even compare). The enemies in D4 are very interesting in their abilities, but they feel like they’ve been heavily nerfed. They have interesting patterns and abilities, unlike D2 (but in D2, certain enemies hit very hard).
Perhaps, we simply can’t find a favorite ARPG because we’re no longer 16 years old.
Try Slormite Chronicles, its a great ARPG with pixel graphics
Season 4 re-worked most the systems, 100% changed loot/items, content etc. I'm finding it as it should have released and would have been great.
It's a good skeleton but, wasn't good. Now? I find it fun as hell.
This game looks amazing and the story seemed good but i droped becahse it was so boring.
I too liked how u weren't as op as in diablo 3 but diablo 2 character was probably strongest. Right from the get go u r slaying lesser and prime evils left in right. No character has a higher kill count of gods essentially then them. Kind of crazy
I'm a bit confused about how u say the game disregards past lore etc. I just don't see that but would be curious what specifics u mean
I think I may have come to the conclusion that this entire series sucks balls. D1 is old and slow and barely playable. D2 is absurdly grindy and repetitive with outdated mechanics. D3 is a soulless husk, and I have never and will never purchase D4.
'tis was a good video and objectively highlighting the issues fairly; as if giving a contextual voice to my thoughts of the game. Agree with pretty much all of it. 5:50 and 11:35 being my biggest gripes that had me snoozing in D4 over the 3 seasons and 100+ hours I gave it before giving up. It has me rather playing Sacred 1 and what not despite their crashes and god awful controls.
Hey Seer, I am a Diablo fan and I found your channel from your Diablo 2 content and find your stuff hilarious and entertaining, first video I saw was your beating Diablo 2 with only the mercenary, just a minute or two in and I already thought "this guy is onto something" and immediately subscribed.
When I first played Diablo 4 I also found it fun only up until around level 60. There was no more campaign to explore, found out paragon was leveling but you really only got a skill every 10 levels, no end game, doing the same thing over and over again. I put away the game after about a few months in.
However, recently season 4 came out and I was told that the game was actually fun again so I figured I would give it a try. And to my surprise it actually is the most fun I've had in the game.
Not enough people give this games 'generator/spender' mechanic shit. It worked in D3 because you weren't resource starved constantly, your generators actually fucking generated and by end game you filled up your resources so quickly it didn't matter – all without having to get lucky and roll multiple gear pieces with resource economy affixes just to make a build function. I fuckin hate this shit in D4.
(At least that was my experience in S1)
6 minutes in and hearing a actually great review. Hitting a lot of points but trashing a lot that I actually enjoy😂 still so far very well reviewed even if u don’t agree with the takeways