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His mom and his aunt told him there were aliens. Conveniently, neither are alive today. He's so ignorant of stone fitting. Calls both interlocking, but they're not. They're just fit like any stone mason does. Can't move more mud than the size of the pyramids, lol.
His mom heard what Solomon said in Ecclesiastes 1:9 " The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun."
Also at the tower of babel, God talked about man's ability to do anything which occurs in his heart.
I don't care what anyone says, I will continue to watch and support Billy Carson
He's correct yet many of you don't like it! The same way with the Willie Lynch Papers! Yet People don't read so the socalled fallacy is also right! No! It is incorrect! Yet many people will attempt to keep you blind Yet I woke up at the age of #12-years old and then received more knowledge and awakening at #19- years old! When they baptized me at 12 years old I kept all of them fooled because I never believed that fake crap while the whole church did! I thought I was in a cult! So i went back home and gotnin my knees and prayed directly to God Almighty and not socalled Jesus because I never believed in it. Dude is deep!And an investigator like me! And many of yall hate it! because yall not intelligent!
Then Yet! Look at the conditions of my people! Look at slavery! Yet i would not have been a slave thanks to women because I would have been like NAT TURNER! yes! War for war! A fight for a fight! True men will not allow another man to make them slaves. Yet women will! Man is at a Lost because of women. Isaiah 3:12… Isaiah 2:8; 5:13; 1:15; Proverbs 5….etc…. yes I been reading the Bible and the Al Qur'an since I was 17 years old and have my own dictionary from my own studies. I faked them out in California and received 2- certificates yet I answered it the way they wanted me to to get my certificates. My third eye has been open since the lies about Jesus and Yeshua! And Amen= or Amen-Ra! Yes I learned early! In the year of 1986.
Yes! He is correct but fools hate knowledge! Proverbs 1:7….. look at how many fools will fight a war for there oppressors yet refuse to fight for themselves! This is bull! I'd rather die fighting 😤 doing the same thing to them that they have done to us! If I am wrong! Then they were just as wrong and I'd rather be wrong than be a slave! Believe that! And to top it off! I studied consummership and psychology sociology history philosophy culture theology criminal civil and business law, behavior science, etc. At the age of #19 and stopped reading fiction books. now I am 58 in June. These lies are a shame 🫠. Yet I know of them! They have lied to all of us yet many of you are trapped in a web awaiting slaughter and dont even see it nor know of it! But I bet you i do! This is why I refuse to allow a woman to rule me when God Almighty said, in Genesis 1:26 that man shall rule over the whole earth 🌎 but how can man rule if he is bowing down to a woman when God Almighty says to bow down to him? Yeah! Again many of you are lost and don't even know it because you refuse to read and understand but I bet you I read! And have had a 12th grade reading level in the 9th grade and a 11th grade math level in the 9th grade yet a Japanese little boy inspired me in 1983 at the age of 15 we were. And because of this I love education and history.
… I know that some will leave negative comments! Just know! I pray to God Almighty only and will ask him to double your punishment for your evil deeds.
I will never bow down and I bet it is just as many that think and believe like I do because I have listened to some young boys on Instagram say the same.
Just read the lead sentence….Yes Jesus himself said his kingdom was not of this world. He was/is God. Jesus is his earth suit.
Weed talk nothing real
The debate that should end Billy’s career:
I enjoyed this so much. I have gone from this way of thinking to christianity out if fear. But i am still on board that the universe is within and we can tap into our own power. Thank you for this interview pbd my soul connects with what he is saying. Maybe not all of it but a great portion.
Aways is pleasure to listen to Billy Carson 👏
So is Jesus good or bad? can anyone give a final answer finaly
disclosing, this…
GOD PLEASE GIVE me a final answer on this comment by an external person commenting on my comment.
Please dear god.
I ask you upright for this final answer.
Is jesus good or bad.
Meaning, is it a deception jesus or not
Open AI CENSORSHIP is the entire danger of AI—handing over the power of cyberspace life and death to mindless algorithms—think about the description of the “Terminator” in that older movie… relentless, never tires, has no empathy. Nuff said.
Censorship in the modern world is the absolute highest form of evil. ❤
Vesica piscis ❤️🔥👁️❤️🔥♾️
What a clown😂😂😂
I think Patrick already knew about the Wes huff debate and was playing it cool.
Moon crators' FLOORS are CONVEX. The depth of crators on the moon is mostly uniform– it doesn't vary like crators elsewhere.
There are a lot of known cures for things, but government and big pharma continue to scheme to keep us from cures, continue to perpetuate our illness– to keep us sick. Otherwise, it would be like abandoning the oil industry. Humongous disruption in the economy.
Patrick! Patrick! Presidents are DENIED access to the information concerning Alien issues. Jimmy Carter, for one, demanded to be given privilege to top secret material, and he was STILL denied (by the CIA or some such intity). Look it up. THAT'S old news. No, Presidents do NOT get to know stuff. Furthermore, not that YOU don't already know this, but our government is mondo bizarro when it comes to hidden knowledge etc.
Isaiah 55:8-9 For my thoughts are NOT your thoughts; neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.
I Corinthians 3:19 For the wisdom of the world is foolishness with God.
This man's arrogance that he can't accept the Gospel because ALL MYSTERIES UNKNOWN TO MAN, and not entirely clear to him, just isn't good enough for him? Good luck m'man.
Ohhh. So, many say the Holy Bible is questionable because it's been "translated sooo many times, but the Kuneaform by Sumarians, alongside the predynastic Egyptian record, "with a lot of information," whatever form that's in– hieroglyphics? Together is WORD. MM-HMM. Really? Lots of travel stickers makes him an EXPERT? I go to the grocery store EVERY DAY, and I have yet to become a Julia Child.
Ohhh. So, pyramids were made by PEOPLE in a day and a half, but God can't complete creation in seven days. Mm-hmm.
Billy Carson is as nuts as Terence Howard. The people that follow these charlatans are the same people that think the Earth is flat. Gotta admit it’s astonishing how much money these grifters can make off the completely clueless, zero common sense people. I’m actually envious.
Now Mike stories saying Billy Carson ended his career and people are sueing him. Of course I commented in his defense and I know it will cause back lash, oh well! I survived a NDE SO I COULD CARE LESS ABOUT WHAT IS SAID ABOUT ME! I KNOW WHO I AM, LOVE! HAVE A GREAT DAY🎉.
Religion is dogmatic hypocrisy. A bunch of different factions living in glass houses and throwing rocks. They all think they are right and superior. They think the others are wrong and inferior. It would be funny if it wasn't so divisive.
Good luck when you're called from this world
He's a fool that is in for rude awakening Jesus was an alien how disrespectful to our God And im done with you. and your bullasheet s
God bless Wes
33:48 He isn't cooking…he's ROASTING
Lol He believes a book written in 1900 or so, (the gospel of the holy 12). Some nut rewrote some of the gospels tp portray vegetarianism as the way and that Jesus was vegetarian. This scholar takes this book as truth over the Bible ? and some of you actually believe anything this man says . KRAZEE I tell ya. No, the Gospel of the Holy Twelve does not say that Jesus lived in Egypt. The Gospel of the Holy Twelve is not recognized by academic Biblical scholars.
The problem is that you depict these beings as aliens and not as what they truly are.
Carson is a FRAUD!!!!!!!!!!!
Billy gonna mess around and make Wes reach back on that bookshelf again!
Can’t believe you had this guy on
Kick this demon out
I’m going to try to find the debate with Wes Huff, but my knowledge of the Bible growing up in my studies of reading the Bible accounts that there was a large number of angels that turned on God they were cast out of Heaven. They went to the Earth and they took on the forms of men, had relations with human women. And the women that got pregnant gave birth to giants, or as the New World translation called them Nephilim. And they were unable to reproduce, and they were destroyed, along with everyone during the flood when Noah and his family escaped in the ark, something tells me that if they were still around and alive they would appear. I think we will see them start showing up but they’re demons. I do not think that they’re true aliens, but people are going to be fooled that’s just my opinion my gut.
With the introduction, PBD summarizes just how cookoo Bill Carson is: "He fully believes in what he has to say."
The dude just swallowed up every bit of interesting information and just came up with his own wild theory, and that wild theory is the truth, and every piece of info that lines up with his theory is now correct, and everything challenging that theory is false.
And when he gets called out as a liar over botched interviews, he doubles down and lies even more (100% provable lies, using his own words against himself)
When Billy learns the truth, it will be too late. I hope he gets saved before then.
All these huff followers are just bible thumpers.. ridiculous
It's a shame a show like yours falls so easy into diversion. Or maybe that is the deal. Making sure real important information sinks into a sea of BS. Therefore anyone coming up with anything related to hat info instantly looks like a dummy. Still a shame to me as I don't get the plan.. You guys might have a good reason for that.
Some people will listen to bill and still say he is saying nonsense .. how dumb can a human be be ? Listen to his analysis and facts and picn the facts as against the mental slavery cage you have been confined into by religion, society etc