Give your dog the ultimate chew toy with the Benebone Wishbone Durable Dog Chew Toy With Real Bacon! Whether you have a small, medium, or large dog, this Amazon’s Choice chew toy is made in the USA and infused with real bacon flavor to keep your dog entertained for hours.
With a 4.5/5-star rating from 97,216 reviews and over 30,000 units sold in the past month, it’s a top-rated choice. Designed with a paw-friendly grip, this durable toy is perfect for chewing satisfaction.
Only $9.00 on Amazon, it’s the perfect durable and tasty toy for your dog!
Buy Now on Amazon!
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Watch “Do This Every Day For A Calm Dog” next:
The 10% rule didn’t work for me as my dog went off her old food and just wouldn’t eat so we swapped it out 100% on day one. It was fine. Don’t worry about doing it if you think it’s right
Totally misunderstood my dog at first. We started off rough but I started really workin w him n now our bond is unbreakable. Dogs are the best
I am NOT gonna stop giving my dogs huggle-pups
1:17. My dogs ALWAYS have a routine, and when it’s even a few minutes after the time we should do something they surround my mom and start barking at her- They always remember when they get food and they especially remember when they get their medications and force my mom to give them it even if it’s ever so slightly early
i just came here for the dago vids 🥰
10:18 my mom and dad says if were gonna Get a dog me and my brother need to STOP fighting.. But, but they argue and my dad specially hes so loudly and my sister argues too abt homework cuz its hard.. its not just me and my bro
Good facts
My dog wants to say hi o Every DOG he sees like he stops and does not move and then starts barking and tries to go say hi😅
I've done punishment, domination, etc. But he's right on one level, you have to be consistent, easy to understand, build up to what you want done.
For example, I'll scold my dogs when they poop on the floor, then I'll clean the mess. I won't go dragging their nose in it, the moment they realize I'm displeased and they caused it, that's enough. I don't need to be cruel. Once it's clean, the issue is over. Then I make sure they get out and if they go, I pet them, celebrate, treat them, and they love it.
Again once they realize they're being scolded and why, that's enough. Punishment is different than abuse. One is authority to say no this isn't okay, the other is being cruel. "Bossman doesn't like me manuring the den." is different than "Bossman hates me because I manured the floor."
Next is domination, this is a 'tricky' area, as this is where dogs often find safety, authority and the desire to work. Most people mistake 'domination matches' for fighting their dog. Or they ignore when a dog is challenging authority. Or the dog will be getting nippy, bitey despite knowing it's wrong. This is challenging an absolute authority that can get that dog put to sleep if they fall out of line with a stranger. Imagine for example in a fit of anti-authority behavior your dog bites a five year old and causes an injury.
In this case I have a very careful solution, I engage with the dog. I meet their gaze. And if they go and try to get nippy, I move in, carefully immobilize the dog with an arm so they can't bite or scratch me. And I just lay there with the dog till they stop struggling and then let them go. This teaches the dog three major things: One; that I am stronger than the dog. Two; I have no desire to hurt the dog, or any intent to do so. Three; I am the boss. These combined give the dog a clear message, that I am strong enough to protect them, kind enough not to abuse them. And that they can trust me to be the boss.
Every dog I've had has lived 15 to 19 years. Has been super affectionate. Obedient, happy, cuddle bugs who sleep next to me or mom. They are never bitey, and because we are the boss, they're never as nervous as when they have no clear system of authority to follow.
Dogs thrive in benevolent authority. Clear set rules. Fun and peaceful authority figures who can assert both discipline and reward without abuse or unkindness.
Bro mij dog wud kil the ader dog
I'm a child and my family refuses to get a nail trimmer for our dogs no matter how much I beg, and It's really painful cause I know how bad it is for them 😔
My dog goes mental 9ver every dog. He nearly pulled me over when we turned a corner and saw one lol Gary is the weird dog
I dont yell at my dog, i just slowly take the shoe or thing that they are chewing on from their mouth and give them something else to chew on then for some reason i just tell him "no no no no u shudd not be doing that baby"
I don’t even have a dog😂
how do you know that dogs don't want to meet other people. Dogs tend to run to strange people when walking or trying to drag the owner to a strange person. Have you ever owned a dog before? you are dumb AF dude.
Nasty obnoxious dogs.
Yeah always on adventure driving with dogs hiking here and there. Unemployed temporary and they like wtf we doing home all day.😮
Bro that my dog 1:28