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Thanks for watching "Littermates Tips For Training 2 Puppies At Once". What are your pups' names? How are they getting along?
My husband brought home 2x 6 1/2 week old German Shepard border collies and I was overwhelmed, that was 2 days ago………oh my dog I'm in deep dog wee
Were bring home 2 st. Bernards!!!! One is mine, one is my mother who is staying with me (my mother and the dog) i was talking about how it will be hard to make sure they dont bond to hard. We want them bonding with us humans not one another (bonded yes sure but not need one another)
Thank you for this video. I bought one Shih Tzu for myself and another for my cousin, as we recently had 2 deaths in our family. My cousin decided she wasn’t ready for the puppy, so I’m now getting 2. This video really helped as I was experiencing anxiety abt having the 2. I bought 2 separate crates, 2 playpens, etc. I committed to doing the extra work, but I admit I’m feeling anxious abt it. I thought abt gifting the other pup to someone else, but after purchasing all the extra things after listening to this video I am going to stick this out. I’m going to sign up for the class once I get the pups. 🤞🏽
Thank you for this video. My husband and I got 11 week old Shibas. We never even heard about littermate syndrome until after getting our pups. Now we've done the research and are happy to do the extra work it takes to make them great dogs.
I like your speaking style. Thanks for your advice.
I love this video and I’ve watched a lot of videos lol
I just lost Junior, my 14 year old Rat Terrier. He was the last one from a family I started with his grandfather Moe, in 1995.
I also lost Junior’s sister and final playmate Bella, last summer. I watched him start to be less active and afraid of being alone since then. He was simply lonely.
Before, when I would come home from shopping or church, I was greeted by him with loud barking and excitement. Now, my house is so quiet. This hurts me and my ears more than hearing any loud noise.
I’ve learned at church about some free unplanned newborn Chihuahua puppies. I think these were chosen for me by God. I’m wanting to get two of them because I don’t want another lonely dog. I don’t want one to grow up without a playmate and I really don’t have the money to pay for a formal pet adoption or another puppy purchase. I simply want to have two dogs and this free puppy litter is a great opportunity for me.
My plan is to get a male and a female. I’ve learned from other videos that dogs get along better with the opposite sex.
I’m having to wait for at least another 7 and a half weeks before I can get my puppies. I still am sad about losing Junior just about 3 days ago on Saturday, but it was the next day that I was told about these 2 or 3 day old puppies. I’m now looking forward to getting them in January. I’ve never once had a chihuahua, but Moe was about the same size when I got him as a very young puppy. I don’t think he ever got any bigger than 6 pounds . Junior was about 11 pounds when he passed.
I’m doing a lot of research about Chihuahuas and how to raise them. I’m also giving my story to let people know so maybe they can give me advice in the next couple of months. Should I get two puppies or just one at a time? I’m definitely wanting 2 dogs sooner or later.
Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks for reading my story.
Im picking up my puppy cockapoo in two weeks. Problem is her sister fell in love with my son that has special needs. Im considering both – am i right in thinking the separate training could help the pups be less clingy to us also? So while i walk one the other slowly gets used to being alone, if that makes sense? Any advice?
I have two puppies and we are potty training but one I take one outside before I make it back inside the other has gone to the bathroom already whether they are in crate or pen. When can I take them both outside together? Or how else can I mitigate this?
I have 4 , 2 I kept from my liter and 2 I got from a friend
Hi! I just got 2 dachshund puppies a month ago and have been having trouble with separation anxiety. I made a mistake of putting them in the same crate. But they have also been fine with eachother, they sleep together and are never aggressive. They listen to commands and have actually learned off of eachother with commands like sit, paw, and spin. I just learned about littermate syndrome recently and Im scared that i messed up something in their development. Should i still try to crate them separately? They have always been good with eachother and love sharing their toys. They love spending time with everyone in the house and even have their own seperate favorite people. I think the only issue is that when one of them is away, the other one barks for them. Please any input will help!! ❤
So happy I watched this. I just got two siblings from the same litter. They are 5 weeks old. I got them early because their mom got aggressive with them after weaning. I knew 2 would be a challenge and THOUGHT I had done adequate research. I only bought 1 crate because what I was reading said it was fine early on. Definitely getting another one ASAP after watching this. Once they’re vaccinated I’ll be implementing separate outside trips as well!
We have two female bich-poos from the same litter because we were unaware that this is not a good thing. They're now 13 weeks old and we've had them for one month. They're highly socialized after being raised in a family with seven children. From our very first night at home, we crated them together in separate beds (bad – we didn't know any better), and they sleep from 10:00pm until 6:00am without a sound from either one. We sometimes walk them together, other times separately- and always do the training separately. They haven't had any accidents in the house for over a week as we learn their body language and are consistent with getting them outside in a timely manner. We're at a crossroad after learning all the negative things about litter mates – should we find a new home for one of them now while they're still young? We love them both a lot, but want to do the right thing for each dog. We're retired and wonder if the year ahead is going to be doable in terms of their training. They're very bonded right now, but for the most part get along very well with each other and us – and separately as well. They play fight a few times a day, and respond to us if they get too rambunctious. We take turns with each dog separately and they do just fine at the moment. Any suggestions for helping us to make this tough decision? And how do we subscribe to your course? Thanks so much- we're very grateful for your help!
I have two lovely Goldens. Both male. Love watching them play and have fun. I control their time and sleep. I watch them closely. They just adore me. Any sign of tension I intervene. They do sleep together and sleep very peacefully. I see one comforting the other when one of them is on edge.
But yes it can become a problem if one is not intimately involved. Training is very difficult. And I have gone wrong by trying joint training. Will try separately.
Thanks for this very helpful video. We brought home 2 puppies 2 weeks I just started thinking, should we train them together or separately. I have raised puppies in the past and was very successful, but 2 puppies at one time is stressful and almost feels like a mistake.
Great Advice 👍
Keeping a litter of 3 😅
I’ve just done it and been home an hour, it’s mental!!
Thanks. Just subscribed to your course. We have two puppies coming home in 2 weeks and this answered some questions I had.
"The comment that many owners have been successful with litter mates.
We just got two westies!
I'm glad I saw this night before I brought 2 dogs home.
Furry potato, hehe
They get me crazy, have not been able to train them to go outside instead of the pads.
Mines are 4 months and can't be separated, they need to sleep together. What should i do then?
I brought a 7 week old German Shepard home, and a week later, brought home a 7 week old cane corso😂my GSD got sick and we had to put her to sleep, but I think this is the best time to get another puppy since my corso is 1 now and already trained, so I can focus on training my new puppy and training them together since their both are gonna be male
Is littermates still an issue if the puppies are now 6-7 months old and are rescue dogs ?
I just got two littermates- one is my parents and one is mine. Mine is eventually going to live at my apartment with me but since he has not had its full vaccinations yet I’m too scared for him to live at my apartment and be potty trained there due to parvo. If i have a different crate will this be okay?
We have a 14-week-old male boxer and a few days ago git 10 week old female Rottweiler puppy. Well, day one, the boxer puppy appears to be dominant over the new Rottweiler puppy. We are sure it's not aggressive, but the boxer seems to be forceful in their play.
We have had boxer dogs before and had 2 at the same time from puppies and do not remember this kinda behaviour?
We were told Harley and Sameen are littermates of 6 and the shiest. They were perfect in the crate for the ride home. Once home they would wander outside together following each other every where; but now they are becoming a bit more independent investigating and playing on their own. They have their own food bowls but keep changing bowls. IT is funny if you put down ONLY one bowl they get aggressive but if you put down two bowls they are good but insist on eating together out of the same bowl.
These two are little like Feta. Harley whined the first night for maybe 5 minutes if that then they slept thru the night. They are really great at bedtime go right in and lay down. Harley is good until 6am or if he hears my voice then its a little whinny howl. At first they would sleep on top of each other but recently they sleep close to each other but in their own spot. I would say they are getting more confident. They have a large kennel and a play pen attached.
While I am at work they are outside with my husband or in their kennel playpen. When they get tired they lay down and nap. I know their nap times even though I am only there all day on weekends. Even though my husband is home with them all day they are more bonded with me. But then I get on the floor and play and love on them and hold them and feed them. They are learning quiet time – if they want to sit with me in the recliner.
Potty Training is another issue. Sameen most of the time goes within 15 minutes Harley may not go until he steps foot in the house. 30 minutes outside usually is good for both of them. Sameen has obvious signs – she actually turns around in circles right before going poo. Harley is the hard one. Of course he is too young to hike the leg so you don't know if he is just standing there or peeing. He travels when he poos. He is very private on his poo. Doesn't like anyone watching. My border collie was that way too.
We are starting on the collar and leash – I am going to introduce it like you showed.
Harley knows his long name – Harley Davidson – that's when he goes outside his allowed area.
Sameen is doing better with her name.
When I hold each of them I keep whispering his or her name in the ear.
Thanks for all the videos !
how long should puppies play with each other?
I just got 2 new puppies 3 days ago and to be honest when I was reading article so about how to train 2 puppies I’m feeling discouraged.
Is it okay if they are in an outside fence in the yard all day together while I’m at work?