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I'm at around 100 hours and I've completed the main story, but I've got so oooooooo much left to do. Some of which I have no idea what or where to start. I think I've basically lost interest at this point
Can't wait for my sixth year
Dont get me wrong, its a great game. But if you have ever played skyrim, you are bound to get dissapointed. Just knowing the kind of worldbuilding and NPC interaction that is possible, just makes this game seem very lackluster.
I think the actual map of the world and hogwarts are amazing. Hogwarts looks fantastic and is big – but not quite as big as some of the behind the scenes with the production team allured to – the problem is that there is more to worldbuilding than just visuals. There wasnt really a lot to do in the world outside of regular quests. There are merlin trials but only like 6 or 7 variations of very easy puzzles. There are hidden chests but the loot in this game is basically worthless because all you really ever loot is money or cosmetics. And once you have all cosmetics – which you gain quickly – there is no reason to loot anymore. Not only this but the hidden chests arent even that hidden. They have markers and it makes it seem like they are in dungeons – which would have been awesome – but no its just 3 meter deep caves with nothing in them except the chest. Other than that you can chase some butterflies or climp some ruins and thats basically it. I also found the NPC's in the game horrible. The only time they ever aknowledge your existance is in quests. If you just did a quest with a classmate and you pass them in the hall you cant talk to them and they dont even have any dialogue aknowledning that you are passing them. A simple "hi" would have been enough for me but no. You are invisible to NPC's outside of quests. Which makes the world seem so extremely empty. Also like it was stated in the video, the house common rooms didnt matter at all. They were pretty to look at but that was it. No reason to be there because there is NOTHING you can do there except unlocking one single chest with house emblems. Thats it. Cant talk to your housemates, cant play minigames with them, cant even sit in the chairs, no reason (or option) to sleep in your room, no inventory chest, no wardrobe, nothing. And the "classes" were a complete lie. You have ONE introductionary class in each of the subjects, after that classes are just skipped and you earn spells through fetch quests from the teachers outside of class instead. Really dissapointed here. This basically makes the entirety of hogwarts useless as classes and the classrooms therefore doesnt matter. Once you have been in a room in hogwarts you have no reason to ever return there again. They also made the fighting club seem like this huge thing meanwhile its 3 or 4 battles and then you NEVER hear about it or do anything with it again. HUGE missed opportunity to just have it be randomly generated battles. The leveling is also horrendous. You get so much xp from collecting the pages in hogwarts and the rest of the world that in the beginning you will jump to level 20 in no time and then never really level again. Which doesnt even matter because at level 20 you have already unlocked just about everything in the skill tree and this only took me about 2 hours. There is also the room of requirement which on paper is a great idea and it looks amazing! but again within a few hours you will be fully stocked on plants and potions and have no reason to use the room really. There is also absolutely NO REASON for the room to be that big. And it just keeps expanding, meanwhile you have nothing of value to place there so it just ends up being a big empty room. either that or you just have a million potion stands and planters you dont need and couches with no functionality and maybe some statues. The only reason i even went to the room in the end was to look at my beasts. Which also become useless after about 10 minuttes because the automatic feeder is so easy to get that you never have to take care of your animals ever. And even if you choose that you want to its so boring because its just the same animation over and over again for brushing them or feeding them. Sure you get materials from them which you can use to upgrade your gear but i never saw a reason to actively do this because you become so OP so fast anyway.
I really really wanted to love this game. I followed it for MONTHS before release and watched all of expecto go's livestreams and ben snows videos and wife wants a wizard and all the others. I was so hyped! so happy to play it! and i did get some good experiences out of it. I do think the main storyline is good and i do think everything looks gorgeous. But thats about it…
I think my biggest criticism was the way our character learned.. Let me explain. Why are we not learning charms from the CHARM professor, not just 2, but ALL charms. Why do we buy potion recipes, instead learning from our POTIONS professor? Why do we buy seeds from vendors, instead learning to harvest from our HERBOLOGY professor? Why do we help a guy in Hogsmeade make our broom faster, without directly improving our broom skill? Broom drifts, and tricks would’ve been cool to learn from our FLYING professor. Don’t get me wrong, I love this game but I’m on my second play through and there’s little to no replayability at all. Benefit of doubt goes to a new studio, but on the next iteration of the game i.e. Hogwarts 2. There are no excuses!
The fact that you can get lost exploring or heading to a quest cuz of whats happening along the way truly magical
loving the game!
Just got this game and i only have a rtx 2060. Runs flawless on medium. Haven’t messed with putting any settings on high yet. Great game so far. Just a few hours of play logged. Great representation of the wizarding world
spent a couple days in Hogwarts and didn't see any gameplay. It's all run-talk/cut scene.
Good review, JuiceHead good job. Have a question, I thought you were playing on PC?
Anyone noticed how when you talk to a character, your character will say something and then the other one will repeat it?
PC wasn't that bad. I was playing on an i5 11th gen cpu, 23 gbs of ddr4 ram, and a rtx 2060. it does suffer from frame drops sometimes. but it's not unplayable.
PC player who was on the middle line from buying the game or not. Bought the game and i was impressed. The amount of content this game has is definitely worth the money. Only flaw id say this game has is its graphical issues, although it might just be my PC because I’ve seen other reviews saying it works just fine for them. Now thinking about it I haven’t updated my drivers 😳
PC Player here. No issues at all. I have been playing Elden Ring on PC and Hogwarts Legacy is so much better. Controls on PC are fine. No studders for graphics. Best part of HL though is the immersion.
Dark wizard robe with the hood on and the asylum mask is the hardest fit in the game Ong
Reviews this early are stupid that’s why I only really care about in depth reviews from luke stephens
I’ve had no performance issues at all on pc, playing 4K ultra, stable 60fps and since I have a 60hz moniter that’s all I need, no drops whatsoever
This dude got the easiest job. wait for all the reviewers to actually play through the game, then watch their stuff and take it, without even touching the game LOL
Like Chat gpt, using AI to dynamically change game choices using AI could revolutionize the gaming industry. I think it is not that far away.
How does it compare with The Witcher 3? That's the only question I ask.
I found at first I was struggling with multi duels where I had to fight multiple enemies, probably since the controls are made for lock on with console. I found once I used free sim only I had a much better time at combat. (Am playing one the hardest difficulty)
I've heard from some that the performance hit's were due to the DRM itself Denuvo is one of the main reasons why you have so much issues with fps drops randomly and at times crashes, I think it was tome raider game used to have Denuvo but removed it due to performance impact it had was horrible and had a night and day difference when they removed it.
I love the game, my only gripe is FPS instability on pc. I’ve got good specs and I’ll go from 120 fps to 20 in a matter of seconds
I’ll wait when this game is on sale but I’m excited!
I'm loving the game so far and it's been a while that game has been so engaging that I lost track of time. I definitely agree with the criticisms about the PC version. I got it running mostly smooth with a Ryzen 7 5600 and an RTX 3070Ti (RT off and DLSS on performance mode) but there are some moments when the FPS dropped for a couple of seconds and these did not happen often. The game definitely needs a patch or two to fix it up
Your teacher dies at the end and there is no way to save them. Rookwood is the one who cursed Anne.
Im.playijg prerelease on pc and its running 100 fps on ultra with rtx on with a 3090 and DLSS on.
The game is amazing
The world is amazing, but the story to me is just mid at best. I sometimes have trouble sitting through the dialogue bc it’s really boring. The only character I care about is Sebastian. I’m not asking for an amazing story but at least one that’s engaging.
I'm not the biggest HP fan, but I do love a solid open-world game. I'll be checking this one out.
i dont have probs on pc. but thats because i dont play on max grap. just lower it so it runs more smootly instead of canceling the pre order on this awesome game
Game of the year to be honest just for living up to expectations!!!!!!! Trust me it had a lot of expectations
PC players needs to stop crying just because they can't get 100% realistic looks.
I play the game on a GTX 1660ti running 60 fps and only dipping below to 55 in extreme places. Sure I may not have RTX and such, but the game looks decent enough on lower settings and it runs smoothly.
Playing this on my 3070 laptop, I’ve seen nothing but amazing things. This game has blown me away and it is imo just plain wonderful to play on PC
Oh the biggest bug I saw is also super funny xD the tail part of cloaks will sometimes spawn/clip in front of the legs and look like the front of a dress and it makes my heart smile xD
So, what do you do in this game?
"seen the books or read the movies"
Do you prefer your books in 1080p or 4k?
When he said PC players should cancel their orders, I first thought “they already have, as well as the series’ author”