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I completed the demo and it's good, the combat is fine and the gameplay can excel at puzzles, what it lacks are powers.
linear one and done shooters like bioshock are the most unenjoyable type of games, after youve played for 1 hour theres no reason to continue playing because youve already experienced all the gameplay these type of games contain. Play scarface the world is yours thats a video game you can sink some hours into. First person only linear games are LAZY and your only goal is to run forward to the end of it. Games like that should not exist.
1:14 atomic heart sucks
Amerikan istihbaratı Nutraxin firmasını kontrol et.
Hey mate,
Greetings from Australia.
Great game recommendation and it runs surprisingly well just on a 980ti at 1440p too.
I can’t say that about most new games.
The spooky sound and bashing balloons is fun lol.
It was nice to play a Bioshock inspired game again with a keyboard and mouse.
I would love to play it. I wish it was on console.
Bioshock – one of the best game series due to own universe , gameplays, lore, stories, plots, characters and so on
And plus there are a lot of themes combined even if they are werent mentioned by someone or something like that
Philosophy in all colors, society , this, that and etc
I can talk about this game in days and years
truly gem of this (our) world of real and game life!
BTW: Second bioShock still the best in all aspects!
Change my pants and mind
but how many bones in us thus so many opinions and other stuff we have…..
prey is mostly a system shock 2 succesor, so its more like a brother to bioshock
Cheers for vid
Did we play the same demo? Because to me it seemed like "We got Bioshock at home" type game. It wears its influence on its sleeve, but it's got none of what made Bioshock actually fun and intriguing: unpredictable combat, interactive environments, complex level design, unique superpowers, art style perfectly intertwined with gameplay and story. Rapture felt like a living place, Twisted Tower feels like a series of artificial enemy placements with braindead AI. It's also not scary in the slightest because everything is evenly lit, blood stains look like dried up grape juice and every enemy encounter plays out the same way.
I get that we can't expect AAA polish from a small indie game, but this feels like the dev bit off more than they could chew and the result is a shallow imitation that only succeeds in its quirky artstyle. Even in your video, whenever you cut to the 18-year-old Bioshock, it felt like a leap forward just thanks to its use of lighting.
I'm sorry, Prey doesn't reach the heights that Bioshock offered?! Prey is leaps and bounds better than Bioshock! It does everything Bioshock does and better, and not only does it NOT ditch the immersive sim aspects, Prey actually expanded upon them and is arguably the best immersive sim to date.
I loved Bioshock back in the day, but revisiting it these days it's extremely basic.
calling bioshock 2 the weakest is insane to me
1:41 I wouldn’t even say Bioshock 2 is the weakest out of the 3 but rather infinite is. The story alone is full of loopholes to the point of it not making sense & there’s nothing memorable about infinite. You say Splicer, i’ll know, You say Big Daddy or Big Sister, i’ll know. You say Comstock & i’ll say who? What?
Gotta give the Bioshock 2 team some credit, they made sequel with a difficult choice to make. Either make another jaw dropping finale or take an alternative route. I for one don’t like having a game being a carbon copy of the 1st game. Even infinite did the same & it just didn’t pay off well. Hell if you’ve watched pixar’s incredible movies, you can see #2 was just a carbon copy of #1 but with a female lead instead.
Bioshock 2 is far from the weakest game, are you kidding me, infinite has an entire oxymoronic storyline that makes no sense
Is it coming back Xbox Series X/S? It’s got my attention! I also like the animations so far and I like the way the character reloaded that Tommy gun!
Prey has nothing to do with Bioshock. It’s a lot closer to System Shock than Bioshock. Bioshock just has a similar name. It’s arguably just another shooter. Don’t compare Prey, an actual immersive sim, to this.
how did you remove the HUD without removing the weapons?
I'm happy to see people are still talking about this game ❤
Can we all just acknowledge that the protagonist is a moron. Name a rational person who would run to the aid of a girlfriend who left you for money.
If I was the protagonist the game would be very short. Protagonist receives letter, protagonist ignores letter😂
Bioshock 2 > infinite
I’m not sure that’s the case anymore that Bioshock 2 is the weakest of the 3 games, that was the initial sentiment when it was first released but to many people including me it’s the best in every aspect but the story.
To me, and it seems quite a few others, Bioshock 2 is by far the best of the Bioshock trilogy, at least as far as gameplay and replayability are considered. Yes, it doesn't have the fantastic first view of Rapture that you see at the beginning of the first game, B2 doesn't have characters as memorable as Ryan, Atlas, and Fontaine, B2 doesn't have a very memorable plot twist as B1 does have, and B2 of course doesn't have the same sense of wonder that the first game has, because B2 has us revisiting the same game world that was new and astounding in Bioshock 1.
But Bioshock 2 improves on most gameplay aspects of the first game, with better hacking (so much better than the endless, tedious Pipes mini-game we had to endure seemingly constantly in the first game, better and more expandable plasmids, better weapons, more open levels, better pathing for the flying turrets (it's really annoying in the first one when you're trying to lead the turrets to an enemy and they just get lost instead), the Big Sisters, the Brute splicers, and the Alpha series Big Daddies are interesting new enemies.
Also, Bioshock 2 does not have the huge flaw that Bioshock 1 has, where the fun and atmosphere of B1 drops very, very noticeably after Fort Frolic, instead in B2 the atmosphere and and enjoyable remain very high all through the game. And in B2, the final battle, whilst just being a rush of familiar enemies, is much better than B1's ending (the super-Adamed up Fontaine fight). And the final cutscene (at least the good one) of B2 is better than the good cutscene of B1 (though B1's is still very good in itself).
Plus in Bioshock 2, you get to walk on the ocean floor (though not for long, sadly, just for short, linear trips, so you unfortunately get to explore more of Rapture), you get to see Rapture through the eyes of a brain-washed (and probably memory-adjusted) little sister, and you get to experience parts of Rapture get flooded and made uninhabitable, which should have happened in the first game to heighten the feeling of danger you'd have if you were really trapped in a bottom of the ocean failing city, only separated from an ice-cold death of near infinite pressure by a few inches of potentially failing man-made material.
As for Bioshock: Infinite (which might be the single game that disappointed me more than any other), it's just a very pretty, great sounding, sometimes very atmospheric game with gameplay that feels very reduced from the first two games, that makes little use of it's environment (whereas the first two games used Rapture very well), the story sometimes switches between interesting and dull, Elizabeth (who we were led to believe would be a previously unseen level of real human-like character) turned out to be yet another indestructible NPC who followed the player around and spoke set words of lines at pre-set or random times (to be far, her lines were better written than with most other game's similar characters, but the point is she was supposed to be amazingly life-life, which she wasn't in the least)
In the preview videos Bioshock: Infinite looked really good, and the impression we got from the videos, the publicity from the makers, and what others were saying about the game made it sound like Bioshock: Infinite would be almost genre-defining, a true new-step forward in game immersion. And instead we got a very pretty game with an interesting but ultimately wasted game world, a pretentious story-line, game play that was a few steps back from the previous games, and nothing you could point to and say "Wow, that is really new innovative".
Personally, I replay B1 occasionally (maybe once every year or two), B2 much more often, and I think I've only played through Bioshock: Infinite twice. Aside from the setting, Infinite's is mostly just boring.
Is it coming out for the ps5? Please say yes
Your girlfriend being kidnapped is a little cliché. I preferred Bioshock's idea.
Watched some hour long gameplay of this game a few days ago … I love BioShock …but clicked off the video for simply not bringing the vibes or looks up what so ever. : / And now seeing you compare it to BioShock … meh, maybe I get old.
the aesthetic reminds me of american mcgee's alice
😂 I'm surprised you didn't mention the ducks. I heard them in the demo and my first response was like "all the times Ive let Donald die, their coming back to haunt me!"
ooo what a crossover. i'm a big fan of both your channels :).
I agree the game is great so far!
looks amazing
I played all three games and there they are awesome to experience the first time around.
good video bud
This game looks great. Love Bioshock. This has the same appeal. Will check it out
"Bioshock 2 was the weakest of the games". Well let's agree to disagree
I actually think that Bioshock Infinite was the weakest of the 3 games. I thought the gameplay of Bioshock 2 was improved in almost every way over the first game, and that the story was just a little less impactful. I felt that Bioshock Infinite was essentially "Bioshock Fast-Food." IMO, B3 was over-simplified and full of plot-holes. It shed a lot of what the past 2 games held so dear- in the story and gameplay mechanics. You couldn't play carefully/ stealthily stock up on resources/ upgrade everything (without exploits) to prepare for the ultimate conclusion of each level, or hold all the different types of weapons you came across in your travels. You also couldn't affect the story/ ending by making morally prefferable decisions, and none of the main characters made it out alive when all was said and done (if you played Burial at Sea then you know what I mean). B3 retconned the entire first game and left us empty inside at every turn. It robbed of all the real nutrients that we had come to savor and rely on, thus far in the series. It was fun, yet wholly unfulfilling, in the same way that Fast-Food is tasty, but terribly unhealthy.