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Worst game ever made
One of the worst halo in the series, IGN is the joke.
I just got the game and just landed on the ring, so far I've been having fun. Far better than 5 and still working it's way up
Just done every Halo game in chronological order (Except 5) on Steamdeck. I enjoyed all of them. What a great and simple gameplay repetition that is always fun.
Coming to ps5 👐
They gave it the same score as 5 😭
Why would they recast…
I had to rewatch this review after finishing the Halo Infinite on Microsoft Game Pass today. And I'd like to say "What 9?"
1. New characters aren't interesting (Echo-216, Echs-whatever-his-name) except the Weapon, she's more tolerable – most of the times – because she portrays innocence and child-like wonder. Still, her dialogue irks me.
2. Most of the dialogue made no sense, it's more focused on drama rather than war-like experience. I can't even feel the threat of the story. Esch is a big yapper that I always skip or move about whenever he's talking because everything he says is non-sense. And what's with the unggoy, brutes, and elites dialogues?
3. Level design is not great. Most of the environment looks the same, especially in the forerunner buildings. It's like that level in Halo Combat Evolved wherein you're trying to run away from the flood with 343 Guilty Spark.
4. The twist isn't even twisting.
Overall, the story is not grounded at all. The only thing worth about Halo Infinite was the grappling hook and the dash. I went like a spider-man lol.
Teen rating struck the campaign story real hard. Another thing is they focused on Halo Infinite's multiplayer, and did whatever they could with the story. Multiplayer could be 8 or 9, but campaign? Definitely a 3/10. Master Chief for 1, The Weapon for 1, and grappling gun for 1 lol.
I still can't believe IGN gave this a 9. It's an incomplete game. No coop, no chapters, no actual ending, and failed promise. Imagine handing in an assignment after asking a year more for development, you can't even complete the game.
Looks too plain
I’ve always loved this game. It’s like farcry and doom eternal both rolled into a halo game 👌
Probably my favourite Halo! Freakin EPIC!!!! Re installing now on my new hard drive along with the Master Chief Collection and 5. Can't wait to get back to it!!!
I played this after watching the Halo TV series and some Youtube videos for back story and I absolutely loved it.
It's 2024 let's get a mobile version that's better then cod mobile already
Looks like a lot of fun
I'm not sure if Jen Taylor (as Cortana/Weapon/Halsey) or Ashly Burch (as Aloy/Beta/Elisabet) does a better job playing 3 character, all basically the same but slightly different personalities.
It's a Halo-skinned Far Cry game, got it.
After playing HALO on the very 1st xbox. This harks back to when the game was GREAT. 2024…definitely worth every penny
Ok but it's too bad you can't play co-op split screen with from the same console.
Just started playing now not played any halos since the original one
a 9?? this story mode was the most basic of them all
Halo Infinite could have been greatly improved with A Proper Day/Night Cycle and a Weather System. But no, we get Grass (grASS), Hills, Forerunner Buildings, and Octagon Pillars that 100% signifies that you're falling into the abyss no matter how much you believe in the possibility of jumping across. Traversing the terribly designed terrain in this game is fucken disorienting because Sprinting Up the Steepest Hill/Mountain and Climbing Up with the Grapple Hook for the 150th time really got really fucken old fast. With NO Perfectly Flat Areas on the entire map Vehicles other than a Banshee are Worthless … 343 needs to learn some basic geography before messing up again. We need ODST 2 ASAP!!!
If only they reboot the series with some.. better character models and gameplay. Tired of seeing same gameplay and character models 😢
Still haven’t beat the campaign but it’s awesome. Great job 343
One of the worst campaigns they ever made. So much re-using of levels and a lack of diversity when it comes to environments. A lazy campaign.
Shitty DEI is clearly behind this game 😆😆😆 and gonna flop like MK1
Worst decision to make this campaign open world.Make more cinematic action gamplay
Loved the halo infinite campaign although the story felt unfinished in the end. Would love for the next game to go to more locations. Like a mission on earth, Reach, Halo, The ArK, a huge convenient ship, a dessert, a snowy biome, and just more variety in general. Although the campaign was open world-ish, it felt small scale at times. Very few characters, all on one location, and where other games felt more like a War, this feels more like a battle.
For the positives, the gameplay is not too bad and the visuals are stellar.
The story is bland and short. Nothing really motivating to keep the player going.
There's no way someone at ign wrote this review. This sounds like it was written and sponsored by 343. This was a commercial more than a review.
They got lucky with Craig
Great review, thank you!
No way its an 9. Halo 1-3 are 9s. Halo Reach and ODST are 8. Infinite is 7 at best,
Smallest and shortest open world game Ive ever played
So does the game allow completion in coop mode? Really miss that feature from 1. Trying to decide if this one game is worth getting the Xbox platform or better to go with ps5
This game is amazing, gives goose bumps at times and keeps you wanting to keep advancing
give cortana back
Is it better than combat evolved?
da best
so basically it's just cause 3 but they replaced rico with master chief and medici with a halo ring
This game is absolutely awesome!
Nah the game was meh, story did nothing for me.
Dang!! Wow 9 out of 10.
Love this game
One of the rare times ign has a review that doesnt make me think badly of a game