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Drugs are a terrible thing Joe. Rotting your mind.
Nothing at all adding up with Elon. Not acting crazy? He showed how not crazy he is on inauguration day. And $500 bln for some vague AI Stargate? Where is the plan for it? Smells very bad. "Saving humanity" on Mars and threatening UK citizen to overthrow their government and etc. etc. – doesn't add up.
Elon is dodgy asF….we really gotta watch that boy….he's gonna be a problem…..just you wait and see….
Lui è alieno
Elon is from Venus
He's also not shy about screwing with people. He knows too that if he has a good conspiracy theories going. It takes focus off of real things they want kept secret.
Hes smart, he knows.
That's what an alien would say. It is crazy the amount of government released footage from a range of military members around the world recording UFOs with the best equipment in the world including video and eye witness.
It’s been crazy out In NJ !
If aliens were here, and wanted to make their presence known, this wouldn’t even be a debate.
Just have to watch The Simpsons! Aliens
Elon is fucken authority for this guy. I am ashamed to say that I used to listen to this guy’s podcast.
Do all UFO come to USA only? In my country we call them Americans.
The writing is on the wall at this point
I was a staunch admirer of Elon Musk for a considerable period. However, he has lost my admiration and is now regarded as a liar. I wish everyone the best of luck. I genuinely hope that we all manage to live for at least another decade. Nevertheless, the current actions appear to be poised for a Great Reset, which are merely euphemisms for mass extinctions.
He knows alright.
Ille do this annon or however works this message needs to be public I have all the evidence
No evidence, look up charles hall and the tall whites
Joe- come on man- you are not stupid! One only has to read between the lines! He is basically TELLING anyone who has ears to hear that there are no actual aliens from outer space! They are definitely something that’s coming into our world via another dimension. Otherwise they would have to come under the law of physics which they do not and for our government to stay quiet only tells me that they’re involved.! Period!
Curiously, the only things larger than a human’s iQ is their ego. They each think they were briefed on what UFOs really are. pff
That old serpent was subtle.
Elon not only has contracts with the US government – he also has the security clearance that goes with it. Of course the guy denies that there is so much evidence. No brainer.
Elon, knows plenty! BUT…He admits there is alien's. He says, there is no alien's but he then says, then admits, alien's, are very subtle. Well, which it.?? I don't like being LIED TO!!
Yes indeed
This video doesn't have anything to do with Elon talking about no drones. This chanel is garbag…
There isnt any alien probably that stupid to reveal itself to a genius mind of that magnitude. He'd out smart them & probably catch or keep up with one with an invention. Lol. Their like "nope, he's too smart".
🔻🔻 I'm Jesus 🔻🔻
🔻Bismilahi Rahmani Rahim
🔻They are not a drone, airplane,UAP or UFO, they are miracle of (ALLAH-GOD).
🔻This is miracle of ALLAH.
🔻please Share this comment or message with your family, friends and the world if you can.
🔻First the curse of (GOD-ALLAH) on me if I'm a liar AMEEN,Curse of (ALLAH-GOD) ON THE LIARS AMEEN!
🔻Everybody who is believing ALLAH-GOD just pray to ALLAH for help, the governmens they are lying they are disbelievers.
🔻ALLAH have sent Jesus back to the earth again Christian PROPHET, this is the miracle of ALLAH and he is in the Prison-Jail in United Kingdom LONDON, WEST LONDON HAMMERSMITH-FULHAM.!
🔻Pray to Allah nice from your heart say Oh Allah if this comment-message is true please make me and the world shock by your MIRACLE!!!.say Oh Allah if this comment is true please help US, help your PROPHET and help our PROPHET too give us the victory AMEEN.
🔻be careful ask for help only from Allah-God don't ask help from Jesus Allah hate it when you ask help from anyone accept Allah and Allah getting angry if you ask the prophets for help. This is disbelievers made people to ask Jesus or someone else for help it's very wrong Allah will punish you if you do that.
🔻the first thing every believers need to stop🛑making partner for ALLAH,,Allah hate this people who is making partner for Allah and Allah will put this people in the Hell forever never come out in the Hell and very painful punishment for them becareful.
🔻From your heart say Oh Allah I'm sorry and forgive me if I made any partner for you I didn't know they are meaning partner for you,. And say Oh Allah I'm sorry and forgive me if I made any partner for you I knew they are meaning a partner for you say Oh Allah please don't punish me for all my mistakes forgive me, then Insha Allah we will get the help from Allah very soon.
🔻The Victory of ALLAH is coming very soon!.
🔻I'm repeating again the CURSE of ALLAH ON me if I'm laying Aeem.
🔻 Don't forget don't ask Jesus for help it's a big partner for Allah-God!!!
🔻 Don't forget to say sorry about making partner for ALLAH otherwise Allah will punish you and say sorry to Allah for all other mistakes you made it in your life say I'm sorry Allah and forgive me.
🔻There is not any God accept ALLAH!!!.
🔻If the governments telling you he is a lair or he have got the mental health issues tell them the mental health issues can not write nice and big message like that!.
🔻Go to read the QURAN ALLAH saying the disbelievers have told ALL my prophets have got mental health issues or they told ALL the prophets they are magician when they showed the miracle of Allah to them ALLAH repeating this few times in the QURAN, READ IT.
🔻 I'm not saying go to read the Bible because the disbelievers have changed the Bible it's not the same Bible Allah have been sent it 2024 years ago!!!
🔻I'm Jesus the son of Mary Curse of ALLAH on the lair AMEEN…
🔻I'm not lying I Swear by ALLAH-GOD… I Swear to ALLAH-GOD…
🔻I have got the proofs-evidence I'm Jesus…
🔻Don't forget to show this message to anyone around if you can.
🔻This is the MIRACLE OF ALLAH!.
🔻Pray to Allah say Oh ALLAH make me and the world shock by your MIRACLE if he is Jesus…
🔻 I'm sorry if I have made some mistakes in this writing that's how much I can speak English and I'm in the Prison-Jail very quickly I wrote this message.
🔻Thank you very much
Asalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu
Elon got Diddy'd by the government. It's over
There's no real evidence for intelligence in the overall human race neither. And that especially pertains to Musk, regardless of his tin plated cock rockets.
When Elon dismissed the existence of UFOs and extra dress wheels on earth, I can no longer take him seriously about anything. I understand he has billions of dollars worth of government contracts. But him covering up for the government and goes against everything he’s been saying the last few years.
Great immitation!!!!
Elon is an alien 👽
If he says it's not aliens then its not aliens who else would know better and i believe if it was aliens he would tell us unless he is a alien!?😮
Listen to what he is saying "There is no EVEIDENCE for alien life on Earth" "Where ever they are they are very SUBTLE"
He didn't say 'Oh Joe there is no way they are here" He's not wrong they are extremely subtle. The public evidence is not disclosed both statements are in a way true
I was in a rehab at big bear for 45 days, and about 10 of us saw a bright star, which turned out being a bright light floating over San Bernardino for about 30mins… which turned into a triangle craft, that had 3 lights. It floated by 1-300ft above our heads…i wrote about it in a comment section with mufon as soon as i got out on their site…the craft was silent and frightening…the rehab was called Above It All…if nothing else, we were all sober
Maybe Elon is corresponding with ETS to where he is today
The yanks get crazier ever so often who knows what yous will believe in this time next year
Joe has a point, Elon is very vocal on a number of things but is very silent on this subject, I suspect he knows a little more then he lets on.
Elon believes 100% we live in a simulated world, yet he denies aliens' visit?
Ellon is silent with regard to this new jersey drone , maybe He need to be silent just like the FBI , or this drone can not be explain or beyond our intellectual understanding ,
Dude got bullied into going bald, but now that he did, he looks like bald Matt Damon. 😂😂
He's too smart to say that aliens are subtle. He knows.
Look at our universe, do you really believe we are the only creatures in it? Ancient times, water so deep in our oceans, unexplored, yes I think it's crazy to think we are it!! There is life everywhere.
I would hope that president Trump shuts NASA down
Elon Musk is the greatest threat to UFO education as he promotes denial to his devout followers. Oddly enough, at the same time we are watching the Trump-Musk nexus play out.
Yep 😂
It’s all about control.
Someone who is involved in space travel doesn't believe?