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waited to play this after the hype and after the patches gonna get It now by the time writing its november 2024. Can´t wait to jump in
94291 Kihn Meadow
When Baldur's Gate was released, it almost single-handedly transported the pen and paper feeling into the digital world. BG2 made it even more extensive and a bit more interesting. Since then, many games have tried to incorporate this feeling into their own projects. We basically all know them. Skyrim, Witcher, etc. One studio that discovered the feature of consequences for itself was the young studio Quantic Dream. With Fahrenheit, the sequels Heavy Rain, Beyond Two Souls and finally Detroit Become Human. So many different ways to tell your own story where certain people can die right at the beginning. With Skyrim, it was the variety and design of the avatar. And of course to a certain extent the story too. The world feels tangible and comprehensible. And now, over 20 years later, after 3 years of Early Access, the long-awaited Baldur's Gate 3 is coming out. What I (we) had hoped for was actually the same as in BG2, only with more story and interesting characters and of course enormous freedom of choice. What we didn't think, however, was that Larian Studios had overdone it in every phase of what was humanly possible, to the point that it leaves you speechless after the first 10 hours. Wow, even the Early Access phase doesn't even come close to doing the finished product justice. I can't find the words to describe how deeply grateful I am personally to be able to consume something like this. In times of spectacular disasters and the worst games ever released, BG3 stands out so much from the crowd that it can't be ignored. YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Metacritic, every platform agrees. BG3 The Best F… Game of The Year. And I, for one, am glad that there are people out there like Naughty Dog, From Software and Larian Studios who still dare to do something and produce games for gamers and not primarily for shareholders. And what can we learn from games like BG3? Well, you just need a leader in steel armor who walks around the studio the whole time and motivates his employees. Please Larian don't lose your fire like Blizzard or Activision. Because then you'll quickly end up in the top 10 worst games on Steam and who wants that? I'm happy to be able to consume this kind of content and I'm excited to see what else Larian will conjure up. Fill me with magic and take me with you wherever it may lead. Love, lots of love and a 12/10 for the best adventure in my gaming history. 180 hours for one RUN btw.
Great game in the first half but it takes a massive nosedive in the 2nd half. 6/10 overall
I agree that this is a good game, but you are kind of over evaluating it. I played almost all old D&D rpg and I think that some gameplay features were made better there than here, like resting system for example. Deleting 7-9 spell circles and limiting max level at 12 I see as a personal insult. But I guess if you have nothing to compare it with, or if you played only BG1 and BG2, then I agree, this game will look fantastic. Also, for some reason I liked combat in Divinity Original Sin 2 more as well. It was more dynamic and engaging, while here you constantly run out of spells and have to go rest or just barely use spells because of this.
Also I randomly found a bug in the shadowy area related to pixie lantern which made me to replay around a half of the entire location (in comparison, I finished DOS2 a few times and there were no bugs at all). It is related to being a sorcerer, so it's probably not popular. But since it's my first playthrough, I couldn't know that it will softlock me (or, to be precise, there will be a choice – to reload the game from before pixie, or to play football with useless item which you can't use or take in hand, but which is glowing only when lying on the ground). It was kind of very discouraging, but sadly the game is too good to drop it like that. So I can't agree that "Act1" is "rock solid" and "very immersive". Hearing that other acts are worse makes me feel a bit cautious.
Here from Asmon's reacts. Agree with everything. I'm 700 hours in but I haven't finished the game yet. I got as far as the castle battle in high city. I find act 3 extremely demotivating to play. Not bad but like… pointless. You run it to change the end cinematic and that's all I feel. You already have great gear and are already capped by the time you reach or a bit after lower city.
Have they fixed act 3 yet? Any major patches since this vid?
Currently on a bg3 break coming here to get the motivation to jump back in. 200+ hours accross multiple play throughs from early access and after release (ive only beaten 1 of the big 3)
After all the patches and the additional epilogue, Act 3 is amazing imo.
My only complaint about Act 3 is that I wish characters had more reactions and conversations in the camp, otherwise, it's fantastic, my second favorite act after Act 1.
Overall, it's my new favorite videogame of all time, something I thought was impossible to happen, especially from a CRPG.
I haven't had a chance to play the full game yet. Have they fixed the Act 3 issues by now?
Best game ive ever played 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 best game made since skyrim!! Just 100/10
Finished 2nd playthrough. It is enough. I cannot imagine doing it another time. Its like years of your life. It draws you completely in and i feel drained after each time. Opposite of a vacation.
I am done. No more playthrough.
2nd time moved faster but felt grindy at the same time. I left the gnomes alone in the sub and never bothered with steel watchers.
It is a good game but so damn draining.
2nd playthrough I used Bard 6 and Palladin 4. Finished at level 10.
My Lazel was stronger Bard and Palladin. She was constantly landing critical. She had Deva mace and sword with critical enhancement.
I realized towards the end that I should just use Asterion for stealing and that's it and put him back to camp after using him.
Just used Gale, Shadowheart, Lazel, and that is it.
Gave all of them worm just for flight.
I think its almost difficult for act 2 and 3 to ever be as good as 1, because what makes 1 so good, is just the amount of ways things can be done and solved and how many stories you can start (or not) – and at some point, the game has to put you back on rails a bit to funnel you into the final story and to the final boss… I think the only way they could change that, is if the "end of the story" could be accomplished… like 50 different ways, and only 5 of those ways were with confronting the final boss…
The lack of reactivity in act 3 is a killer, like companions who have been with me since the start could straight up die or leave the party permanently and nobody comments on it. I just wish they gave it an additional year of development.
Is it possible to enjoy Pillars or Pathfinder after such experience?
So I just finished the game for the first time and I played it on Xbox. I achieved the good ending and kept everyone alive beside for laezel leaving because I didn’t free orphius but she still came back to the party. I have to say I’ve only played around 3 or 4 games that compete with bg3 and two of them that I believe are genuinely better when it came to thoroughness and details being The Witcher 3 which is my all time greatest game and RDR2. Mainly because unlike bg3, TW3 and RDR2 are through and through solid games from the beginning to end. There were just times in bg3 where especially in the 3rd act when the game would just bug out and the same NPC’s would be talking about the same stuff in the same spot after every long rest. That being said when a game can bring a tear to my eye it automatically is up there in the hall of fame.
I played it 3 times on release and i played it once this past week and act 3 has improved tremendously!
Perhaps it's because I bought this game recently after all the hype and it won game of the year, but I have this feeling that "it's just a game" from act 1, as well as several of the bugs Cohh mentions in act 3. I love rpg games and especially heavy story and literary games (e.g. disko elysium is one of my Favs) but with this one I just keep skipping a lot of the dialogue. I don't know, I'm still just 30 hours in, and it's a good game but for me it doesn't live up to the hype.
I agree with what you said about act 3. Act 3 is a bit messy. Spent hours walking back and forth in different regions of the city but not finding where to progress the mission. The side quests were so hidden it did diminish the fun.
I can definitely 100% agree that if you aren’t even a fan of this type of gameplay (being turn-based) you’ll still want to give this a try. I avoided this game not for the performance issues, but because the turn based combat was a big “keep away” for me. I’ve been looking for an RPG that gave me choices and something that would give me multiple playthroughs. I’ve hit Act 3 about 5 or 6(?) times and remade to make a new character because I’m not a man who accepts his consequences of his own actions and every time has been a different experience for me. 10/10 game and this is coming from somebody who plays ARPG, League of Legends, and Survival/Shooter games. If you have a dedicated group of friends you play with I would highly recommend it. 10/10 for me. This game will change future game studio releases (excluding EA games) for sure.
Have they fixed act 3 before i buy haha
Let's goo!!!
totally fair critcsm
I think kingdom come deliverance is a game that I feel more in
150 hours with at least 8 hours of loading screen due to my incessant save scumming.
Anyone play the game now after the recent patches? Is it safe for me to buy the game now? I just want to play this game in it's most finished state, if possible.
Finally, some fuckin' honesty.
We need update after patch 5
GOTY 2024
Watched 3 diffrent reviews now, 2 from the bigger youtube channels…. And you did the best, i tip my hat to you, sir. Buying the game…
I never thought i wouod like a turn based combat game. But i do now and i will play rogue trader when it comes out eventually. I even tried DoS2 but i didnt quite get into that lore after BG3
If this game were bug-free, this game would be 95% perfect. With this voice ensanble, if they had designed relationships (romances/friendships) to work the way CD ProjRED did them in Cyberpunk 2077, it would have been 100% perfect. No, you can't romance whoever you want to in a single playthrough, or using the same gender across two playthroughs because the romancable characters have preferences and stick to them. But the romances in Cyberpunk felt real – as did the friendships you could have with all those characters when you didn't share preferences, or if you were already in a relationship with somebody else. My male V's strong friendship with the gay character, Judy, was one of my favorite aspects of that game. When V complimented her on how she looked in her wetsuit, her response of, "Dude, don't go there," was so much like a line I received from a similar friend (tats-and-all) I have in real life that I had to put down my controller and call her up to laugh with her about it. In BG3, if you turn down a character who isn't named Gale for a romance, that pretty much causes any special, personal scenes with that character to dry up, and fast. I refused a dance with Wyll early in Act 2 and it felt like that was the last non-quest related scene I had with him.
Also, unless you're playing as the Dark Urge, romances in BG3 are far… too… easy. Please… bring back the 20 step, screw one of them up and your done, romances of Baldur's Gate 2! I mean… my goodness… having a priestess of Shar who complains about every abandoned temple or follower of Selûne we come across, coming onto my character when I am a devoted paladin of Selûne is, simply put, immersion breaking.
Other that that – completely agree with you. Bugs and all, this game will definately be game of the year.
Finished BG3 recently and hadn't really done a turn based combat video game. This game struck me more than any has in a long time. It's a masterpiece and the patches keep coming out for it which makes me so happy!
I'm sad I finished the game😢
I agree mostly. But the ending itself was just not good. Not compared to other games. The conclusions were lacking and missing.
Thanks for sharing this play-through! I did a 20 minute lecture based on your play-through to my grad school lit class Powerful Females: Goddesses, Saints, and Witches. It was based on the characteristics that Ethel shows that align with the medieval witch-hunting text Malleus Malificarum, and the characteristics that Orin shared with the ancient goddess Anat of Ugaritic myth. I got great feedback and made 100%, and my professor was very interested! I hope to incorporate some gaming study into future PhD study. Thanks for showing not only how fun this game is, but also that it’s worthy of scholarly study too.
Finished it.. yeah it kinda fell off at act 3 but i still love the game as a whole, gave it a 9.5/10. I wish there was a big epilogue on act 3.
The problem is that choices do not matter whatsoever. The illusion of choice like some telltale game. Ruins other runs.