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No extra transactions after purchasing the game sold me this game great job hello games.
As an Eve, ED, and SC player, i've really been enjoying No Man Sky for searching out paradise planets for cool places to build bases… Even though the graphics and mechanics are not as good as the other space games, I find NMS much more enjoyable and relaxing than the grind of the other games… 🙂
7 people lost half the data in a flood, still released the game and built on it. Awesome business model
the reason i went to space engineers was due to the sync in this game. didnt render terraforming to my friends correctly.
When rick and morty played that reality based version of asteroids and morty did a video log for his future son thats what no mans sky is like😂
This game is really good now, I know it was rough in the beginning, but now I really enjoy it. credit where credit is due, Hello Games dedicated years of work to build this work of passion and love, I can't wait to see what else they have install in the future.
5:39 Baby crushing machine…
The problem now is how can one co-op in this game properly and make it fun?
Been playing lately and the game is so cool and worth it.
NMS release was shit game but was good base for developers to put stuff in. It would make no sense to leave it die. If they released it as early access they would save themself a lot of reputation. Its cool that they are puting work in it but it makes sense, its their baby, their only big game, their only chance to make hole in the world. kudos to them for doing it for free. But imagine if they didnt. If they asked like 10 bucks for each major update. We would have another Sims.
For me personaly i cant enjoy game to its full potential until they make one , for me essential update. And its increased draw distance. Yes i have like 260 hours in the game through the years but each my save is maximum 30 hours long. It just breakes imersion for me, looking on the mountain in front of me and seeing it completely hollow. ( you can see it in the video ) I dont know if this require some game engine overhaul or what but in my eyes its mandatory thing and nowadays GPUs definitely can take the beating. So where is the problem?
So until that day, center of galaxy is forbidden for me.
Its such a shame this game doesnt have competitive gameplay. Why is it that I cant find the ideal "Survival, base building, PVE & PVP"???
Boys I’m debating on buying this game, I’ve played Ark and other free roaming games, is this game like that? Worth the buy? Thank you
If Bethesda took notes from hello games, starfield would be one insane game! But instead no man’s sky runs so starfield can walk😂
Not played this in over 4 years, never knew about all this but it’s now installed and I’m ready to get back in!
Elite dangerous > no mans sky
Wasn’t the game free when it first released. Idk y it matters what was and wasn’t in it. It was a pre release anyways and it’s still a great game
I waited until this year to play NMS. So basically, the only thing I know, is how great the game is.
Who is this guy from gameranx? He is by far my favourite reviewer of games and I only know his voice! 😂
The engoodening continues
the fact thsi has no microtransactions is inspriing to look into installing it
I got it on special after the most recent updates in 2025. Has been good value for me.
This game in VR is also amazing and I’m glad I got it. Playing it on PSVR2 is so amazingly fun.
It's at the point where I WANT to give them money for DLC, but cannot. Bravo Hello Games
I spent hours on this during my college years
I didn’t know that about water/gas worlds
As an older PC gamer whose been playing PC games since the early 90s I cant tell you how many unfinished games we got suckered into buying only to have the developers run off with the loot and never have follow up support I was actually shocked by Hello Games and Sean Murrays decision to no just put some weak patches on the initial game but to go all out and continue updating and adding content almost a decade after release. Especially since its not the type of game that charges monthly fees to maintain income while continuing to support. I have huge respect for that, and looking back now I honestly believe Sean wanted all the things he described would be in the game and was truly passionate about the project and he definitely proved that to be true.
Great to see developers actually working on a game that brings back the gaming of pure fun not just money
Still space mine craft and still the same gun mechanics
😂 all the uproar about refund back in the day
I haven’t played it since 2016 lol. I still have the disc in box of the original release version. I was so irritated I said I’d never play it again. I suppose I should give it another try
Announcer voice has changed in those 10 yrs too, raspier.
Cyberpunk could never hold this title cus they charged for a lack luster dlc the first chance they got. Here we are a decade later still talking about how amazing NMS has gotten at the extra cost of 0 dollars! You buy the game, you play the game. That’s it. No season pass. No bs.
does the game have a story? does it have an end? can i play it offline solo?
they just need better combat and im all in.
1:32 it's not the internet, it's people. Why can't ppl just admit that?
VR support is the most underrated feature and anybody that has played this in VR will definitely agree.
This game was and still is ass.
Is it good on the quest 3 through PCVR? Unfortunately i have an RTX4060 and i-5 14400 but you think i could still run it?
lol this was great thanks. I was one of those 2016 people i got it and played it for about 20 or so hours and was planning to never install it again but after watching this i think ill give it a second shot in 2025.
Man this game is wild. How are they still making money from this? I know the game is hardly ever on sale and if it is it’s barely a discount, but even then it’s crazy that it doesn’t cost more
The greatest comeback since Lazarus
I deserved a refund as I purchased day one and never got this game 😢
Would be cool if they added a auction house and bossing for loot
I bought this game 2 weeks ago for £15 , i think thats like free to me with the amount ofworlds to see, i played almost 200 hrs already and not even doing story atm, just exploring planets looking for ships just amzing. Community is great players just drop you loads of stuff to sell or stuff like thst.
Who plans to ask if NMS should get elephant-like fauna next?
If only TaleWorlds had done the same thing with Bannerlord. Hollow half baked turd of a game with a mountain of potential and they just took the money and disappeared.
In an industry blazing with volatile, corrupt, unbridled corporate warfare, burdened by the borderline demented consumer expectations of its customer base, No Man's Sky is one of the most encouraging, hopeful stories around. Exemplary. And the game is phenomenal.