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0:41 I’ve never played the “Tales of” games, so can anybody tell me what’s the name of these 2 characters?
This was the most boring Tales game out of the entire series. I kept waiting for the game to become awesome…and then it was over.
Everything about this game was, "Remember how the King of Inferia was convinced that Celestia was about to invade back in Tales of Eternia? Let's make a game that does just that, but with 1/3 the content of that old PS1 game."
This games awesome. Its my first tales game and im trying to see other stuff in the series
Even a new fan myself I, can tell this video is straight up cap for saying every Tales of game after Symphonia is disappointing.
This game was so anime that midway into the game, it no joke says "Now play season 2" complete with a new opening that's super emotional but not necessarily as punchy as season 1's opening.
And in true anime fashion, the second season wasn't as great. It wrapped up the story, but it also dropped the ball in a fundamental way too.
Is there going to be an honest game trailer of Tales of Berseria?
The only downside of Tales of Arise; is that combat & fishing is the only meta. The older tales games had environmental puzzles.
I love these games 😂 (they are too long tho)
I really enjoyed the game but I don’t disagree with anything here lol
I swear this game would of been better off as a multiplayer game
"Neighboring star"
Get your astronomy in check.
The combat is pretty fun and liking the story so far too (although it definitely is kinda predictable)
would be 100 times better with english subtitles
Martial law
That one get me
the game is ass , ngl
yeah this game disappointed me for sure… I'm going to move on to falcom games like trails and Ys
Do Scarlet Nexus PLEASE!!!
One can say is a goodsoso game but overall, I never got bored playing it, (except a bit in the part where I have to escalate a very long mountain, and then found the best seiyuu joke in the game xD) .
I can't remember what was the last time I played a fun game since Hades 1.
Just beat this game. Never played Tales games before, but this one hooked me despite its overall mediocrity. Something extremely warm about this game that made me happy whenever I played it.
Idk man, I really enjoyed this more then stuff like ff7 remake
This is the first Tales game I've played and I think it's pretty fun but I know I can be very easy to please so it's not that hard to make a game I'll enjoy
Still worth buying the ultimate for. XD
Any game I can lose myself and forget about reality is worth replaying.
I'm quite happy with a game that is "allright", and a lot of the jokes are fair points… but I'm enjoying the game so I guess they succeeded
I wish the Tales series were by the book JRPGs. The combat is really boring
Imagine thinking any form of smoking to be safe
This is legit quality hilarious content. Great job!
4:31 Every Rose has its thorn 😂
21% of viewers are from looking this up
79% are from ads =/
Отстойный ролик 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎🏾🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦
tales of arise is bad
cmon i hate this
guess what? requests are now closed!
uh clearly tales of Vesperia was its peak, not Symphonia