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When you have the shiny or rare Pokémon you want in front of you, you can even change the date back to to the normal date.
Tysm. I got a shiny snorunt
Now u don’t have to do the picnic resets and 60 knockouts just make sandwich and wait. Did a lot of hunts to understand that
I've only found one real outbreak of any Pokémon ever. How come it's usually no outbreak at the spots marked at the map?
Doing all ythis for a shiney Lucario just to be gifted a shiney from GF is wild 😅😅😅
I'm disliking your video purely for how cringe and desperate of a title you made.
The information was nice I guess.
You basically acknowledged that you're doing the same thing as everyone else but with one minor difference.
Thanks man, I didnt know that.
Here's another tip: You don't even have to date skip. Simply opening the time and hitting okay will cause everything to respawn, since the time will be, let's say 3:34:23 resetting the seconds to 3:34:00 will still cause things to respawn.
I did everything you said, it's not working. This method doesn't work, you just got lucky af.
This is great information! Thank you! I'm assuming this still works on version 1.3.0?
There's so strong physical evidence to support the claim it's more of a theory that being in the environment and doing it will help.
Literally all you have to do is change your day back and forth that's all.
Cool! Thanks for sharing. Now I can try to find a shiny Espeon
I don't now how to get into an outbrak 😢😢😢
I'm months late, but just in case, do Zorua instead of Zoroark.
I found a shiny Vaporeon during the mass outbreak, it took some resets but it was worth it. But I have two questions about just the outbreaks themselves.First, If I made a shiny sandwich for a Pokémon I'm hunting, can picnic resets work as well?Second, if I made the outbreak disappear on accident by auto battles and auto save is off,will a soft reset make it come back? Apologies if these sound a bit dumb to ask.
doable without making sandwiches?? 👀
Okay, but do it with Dolliv now
if you encounter a Pokemon that's not who you're hunting, does it affect your chances of a shiny? or does it break your streak?
zorua, zoroark and ditto outbreaks don't actually work, those zoroark you saw were just normal spawns. You can confirm that by actually killing 20 zoroark or else and you won't see any outbreak status update message, proving those pokemon you killed aren't part of the outbreak. quite sad actually.
Fore those who are wondering, the actual best way to hunt these three pokemon is with sparkling and encounter power sandwiches. there's a few tutorials on YouTube 😉
Are you able to still use picnic method to find shinys after the update?
I tried this and it didn’t seem to work. Kept getting the same one
should you use fighting or steel sandwich man, shiny hunting dual types confuses me..
please put tips how to get dreepy shiny. I've defeated hundreds and done shiny sandwiches and resets but still can't get one, please help.
Didn't work for me, went forward two months and couldn't find a lucario
I should do this,but I've never tried to do the next day thing before,I don't like messing with my date and time on my switch,maybe that's just because I always forget the date and time is at in the system option and I'm looking for it for 20 minutes or so (XD (I'm extremely forgetful) so I usually just like to leave it alone,but I really do want to try this at some point,cause I do seem to have pretty bad luck with outbreaks and I do want to try to shiny hunt in a mass outbreak
yoooooo blissey is an outbreak that’s insane
Is there any tip to get a dudunsparce outbreak? Serebii says that dudunsparce is in the list, but it doesn't spawn outside of area zero, and outbreaks won't spawn until you exit if you use the day skip in there.
Fortunately Dunsparce is in the list, but still.
I'm a bit confused on what this is doing. By going to a certain Pokemon's habitat, are you increasing odds of mass outbreaks occuring there? Just a tad confused
has anyone gotten a salazzle outbreak????
No such wrong method in shiny hunting. It's always optional.
I knocked out about 60 lucario in an outbreak and I got robbed because I tried doing a picnic reset and I didn’t see anymore after I did that 😢
My best shiny is when I was shiny hunting dreepy and I still had time on my sandwich and I saw an out I didn't see before so I went to the snowy area and when I was going there I jumped and when I feel down I landed just in front of a shiny frigibax
I’m not able to skip time since I have perental control
Doesn't work..
Do you wait in their spawn area and change time? I want a Smoliv outbreak but all Im getting are same mons everytime I change time
Klawf is the hardest to find.
Change my mind
Thanks for the warning about Gardevoir vanishing during the night. Was actually doing that hunt while watching this. I'd have been mad if they all vanished and I didn't know they were a day spawn lol
Dude…your adding a whole syllable to Zoroark
why does this not work???? I skip time nothing happens….
Where can I find Lucario in Scarlet?
Thank you for this wonderful guide! I know I'm 11 days late from upload, but, if anyone was Interested, you can do a REVERSE time skip instead!
I did this on accident while hunting Cacnea, but if you turn the system clock BACK by 1 hour then the outbreaks change! So instead of date skipping 1 day at a time, you can reverse it and get 20+ new outbreaks in a single system day. I got a Florges, Noivern and 5 Noibats doing this 🙂