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kurtis joins in around 1:00:00!
You are giving him attention which brings him money… yet you think he is telling the truth. Pathetic
25:33 fob mention but at what cost
All the weird old dudes crashing out in the comments cause jarvis didnt know who this dude was before hand is hilarious lmao
Technically the greeks also stole a majority of their plays and mythology from mesopotamia (Modern day iraq)
ah there's a dope movie about his experience called Fire in the Sky! some of the best body horror I've ever seen on screen!
Michael Shermer has an earned reputation in the Atheist/Skeptic community for being an asshole. He’s also had credible accusations of sexual misconduct with women.
i love that the risk abt this is sounding insane i guess……..i can profit off of BEING INSANE? finally
This doesn’t prove anything because Travis has taken many test and passed as well
love seeing one of the people who were really aggressively trying to argue in favor of alien ufos existing just casually drop that they believe in ancient aliens
That smarmy skeptic says "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence!" Dude replies with "There's geiger counter readings, electromagnetic readings.." Then the smarmy skeptic immediately pivots to "But you liked UFOs so you wanted to be abducted!"
Guy's all over the place, moving goalposts like a champ
I think they set my boy up
The movie “Fire in the Sky” is an incredible (of course not entirely accurate) retelling of Travis Walton’s story
Whether it’s true or not, I believe he truly believes his story and I respect him very much for that
faster than light travel isnt real, lightspeed is the speed limit of the universe
I got really hyped by the fact that the subtitles on the video are in my native language, for some reason
Video gets ass as soon as his cringe friend shows up talking like a middle school pothead…
10:40 me when i am a drag queen in texas
I think this is the best use case scenario for this gameshow structure
Alternate reality Mypillow guy
54:50 His children were literally bullied and I CAN'T IMAGINE his wife had it any better, not to mention the people in his crew, this abosolutely harm the people around him..
from wikipedia (thought it was interesting):
Waltons as UFO buffs and pranksters
Mike Rogers and the Waltons were known for their interest in UFOs. One member of the crew recalled Mike Rogers and Travis Walton arguing about how UFOs can fly.[1] Rogers later acknowledged he had watched "the first part" of the recent television special that dramatized the Barney Hill "alien abduction" case, while the Waltons acknowledged prior discussions of wanting to be taken aboard a UFO.[1] The Walton family long had a reputation for pranks and practical jokes. One neighboring family, the Gibsons, recalled being the target of multiple pranks.[39]
Within four months of the incident, UFO author Raymond E. Fowler, himself a believer in UFOs and abductions, proposed that some members of the crew had been the victim of a hoax perpetrated by others in the crew. Authors including Klass and Pflock argue that Travis Walton and Mike Rogers planned the incident.[1]
As early as 1978, crew member Steve Pierce expressed suspicion that the incident had been a hoax.[1] Pierce noted that on the day of the incident, Rogers made the crew stay past dark whereas they usually ended work at 4:00 PM.[1] Pierce recalled that Walton did not work at all during the day of the incident, instead he slept in the truck while claiming to be ill "from carousing too much".[40][1] He also reported that Mike Rogers disappeared from the worksite for two hours that day.[1]
National Enquirer misrepresented polygraph results
Authors including Michael Shermer and Philip Klass note that while the National Enquirer tabloid publicized the opinion of a private polygraph examiner who reported the witnesses as being truthful, it omitted all mention of Walton's prior polygraph examiner who concluded Walton was being "grossly deceptive".[1] They further note that while law enforcement had conducted a polygraph examination of the crew during their missing persons investigation into Walton's disappearance, the objective of that investigation was to determine whether the crew had killed Walton, not to investigate UFOs. Thus, they asked only four questions: three about violence against Walton and one asking if an unusual object was observed.[1]
Possible role of fire lookout tower
The crew normally traveled to and from Turkey Springs by way of Black Canyon Road, a 16.5 mile bumpy, low-speed dirt road which passed by the Gibson Ranch House where the Waltons were allowed to live. But on the night of the Walton incident, the crew may have returned by way of Rim Road, a smoother, graded road that passed the Gentry Fire Lookout Tower (top).[12]
Robert Sheaffer, a long-time writer for Skeptical Inquirer and a founding member of the UFO Subcommittee of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry, has argued for decades that the Walton incident was a hoax.[44][45][46] Starting in 2021, Sheaffer promoted the hypothesis that Rogers and the Waltons made use of a nearby fire lookout tower to achieve their hoax.[12]
While the crew typically traveled back to Heber via Black Canyon Road, Sheaffer suggests they returned that night via Rim Road, which passes by Gentry Tower: a 70-foot-tall Forest Service fire lookout tower equipped with a generator, a 200 square-foot living space for the lookout, an outer metal catwalk, and a spotlight.[12][47] Sheaffer suggests Travis walked towards the tower, which was brightly lit above the tree tops, until an accomplice in the tower illuminated him with the spotlight.[12] Sheaffer proposes that when Rogers later drove the crew back to the supposed abduction site, they actually arrived at a different spot entirely—one closer to their Turkey Springs site.[12]
Also.. you're so dreamy .. <3 you
The odds that there are aliens in the universe: 99.99/100
The odds that there are aliens within our galaxy that could reach earth within a lifetime: 0.0001/100
The thing is, using the science we have available, we know that traveling fasting than the speed of light is impossible. And the closest habitable planet from earth is 4.2 lightyears away. The odds that there are aliens on that planet alone are very low and it’s unlikely that any living being could travel that far within a lifetime. Of course, the likelihood of aliens traveling from any habitable planet further than Proxima Centauri b decrease the further they are away. I believe that Travis had an experience, but I do not believe that he was actually abducted by aliens given how low the odds are.
Brub you could have looked up travis waltons account before reacting to thia video… i understand you are capturing you genuine first reaction but its kind of painful listening to you make confused comments and questions bc youre clueless of the incident
They werenr depicted as flying saucers in tv/movies until after Ken Arnold coined the phrase flying saucers after a sighting in 1947. Hope that helps.
You seem to not at all have a grasp on recent UAP disclosures and theories but thats fine
After the comment about an alien coming out to ask the next question im gonma have to watch at least one more vodeo on this channel
i had a history teacher in high school who wasted an entire hour of a class period trying to explain to us that aliens weren’t real. a lot of us didn’t care about it and we just wanted to get back to learning so we wouldn’t fail the ap test.
Jarvis fighting with chat over being a skeptic warms my heart. remember to use rational thinking my friends
Talk about an intense intro. Brave man bearing it all here.
this man looks so much like the boss (darryl) from crazy ex girlfriend
They fucked him over so hard, that's just wrong. I mean, the dude is most definitely delusional and what happened is for sure different from how he experienced it, but lie derector tests are like super unreliable and they either pick the answers themselves or they just took his understandable nervousness as a sign of lying, which is fucked up. Sure 25k is good, but 100k would've been so much better and he didn't get it just because the writers wanted drama and build up. Infuriating.
i mean the man wrote and sold a book, it's almost certainly an act on his part as he as all the incentive to make it appear as real as possible and he shilled his book/movie a few times on the show
Love you Jarvis
Im from snowflake az lol, its a really small town so we see travis walton all the time
all military pilots are officers and are typically engineers
in order to be an officer you have to go through college and the selection process favors engineers
also in flight school you have to learn physics
and in both navy and af rotc you have to take physics
most people on this show is like
hey did you fuck a dog
for him its like either hes a crazy person or an alian came in and tickled him
also when they asked did your abduction ruin your life
its like the only answer is yes
nobody whose abducted is gonna say yeah i wished i could get abducted again
this video shows that, the moment of truth, as a show was too out there for a show on tv. also the robotic female voice, sounds like the the one from the portal games, who else hears that?
Let the truth be known Jarvis is racist against white people he said it in this show white people look out
Oh there it is Jarvis is racism against white people ! He just said it!
Jarvis doesn’t know Travis at all because he didn’t do any research at all before his so called show unprepared just unbelievable why would you ever do a show on someone that you didn’t study
? Jarvis is clueless
I have never seen a show so unprofessional set up before! I will never understand why people don’t do the research ahead time have the settings preset before your you record wow just very amateur cheaply done! These hosts don’t know a thing about ufos or the people on the show! Just cheap
Again the host has done absolutely no research on the subject at all not prepare on the subject at all has no clue can’t even quot a real scientist!
This host was unprepared in the beginning didn’t do any research on Travis Walton at all! Plus he kept fiddling around with the settings stopping and starting very unprofessional! Skeptic or not he was just not very knowledgeable about Ufos or science at all! Not prepared at all!
The way you are making fun of him is wrong !
Your partner said he wants to beat someone am 66 he couldn’t kick my ass
Jarvis you talk to much you need to play it and let each person decide for them selves but you don’t
Your trying to explain away every thing he says maybe it did happen several people were involved not just him if it was just him would be different