Keep your cat entertained for hours with the SmartyKat Skitter Critters Value Pack Catnip Cat Toys! This set includes 10 adorable, catnip-infused mice designed to engage your cat’s natural instincts. Perfect for all ages, these toys are safe, durable, and just $5.98 on Amazon.
With a 4.7/5-star rating from 59,101 reviews, it’s a top choice for cat owners! Buy Now for $5.98 on Amazon!
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Hey girl, I just wanted to tell you I just ordered the Equi Groomer and…… ITS INCREDIBLE!! My long hair chi is shedding and trying to rid of his winter coat and now he’s a soft majestic little man. I can’t believe how much hair it took off! Thank you so much! 10 out of 10 I freaking recommend!
What a beauty! My feral “queen” is now ten and still does not fully accept the other cats in the household but she is very attached to me and I have actually “caught” her grooming and playing with the other 3, and yes there are still times where she is growling and hissing, but she isn’t miserable, hiding or avoiding the litter box. I love her dearly…she was found as a tiny kitten in a trap with a broken tail and a gimpy eye. 😻kudos Vanessa for rehoming her. You did the right thing! ❤️
I'm starting to wonder if my white cat is actually albino: her eyes are icy, pale blue just like hers!
Even though it didnt work out for her living with you. Its great that your friend took her in and that you still get to be in her life.<3
My first cat was a white long hair named Slick and his brother was a long hair orange tabby named Sunny. Though Slick’s original name was Sunny…why? I dunno! His name changed after he got into an oil can!
when cats pee outside of the litter box, they do this because they are in distress. It's not out of spite.
She is stunning! 🙂
Amazing 😍♥️💯👍
She is beautiful 🙂
My late cat BLUE had a white coat, blue eyes, and ginger points; was told he was a Flame point Siamese. Thirty years on, I still miss him … and my two small dogs.
😍Beautiful fluffy cloud. 😍
She’s cute
The fish bowl of shame 😂
Disappointed that she's called Matcha but she's not green lolol
What a beautiful feline, totally exquisite!!!
What a beautiful cat!😍 As a cat rescuer on youtube often says, "Hisses get kisses!"
Matcha looks and acts almost exactly like my oldest cat. 😍😍😍😍
Macha is a doppelganger of my cat Lilly, except Lilly had odd eyes-1 green and 1 blue. She was a Turkish Van Angora. Her kittens were all white too. Gorgeous cats.
She is gorgeous 💜
She looks a lot like my cat Meon-Kitty. MK has amber eyes, loves to be brushed, petted and her treats. You did the right thing for Macha. That had to be hard for the both of you.
'the helmet of humiliation'… aka 'the ball of baloney'!
I had a beautiful albino cat named Ruby because her eyes were pink or bluish in certain angles. She was a small cat who got pregnant by my blue eyed boy Cyrus and she was so ill from the birth that my vet recommended spaying her which I did. At the time I knew she was rare but I didn't realize how rare she was. She was a sweetheart and I was sick when she didn't come back after getting outside. I like to hope she was found by someone and had a long life.
aww poor macha
Albino animals typically have pink eyes. It’s interesting that albino kitties have blue eyes.
if i took my murderous baby (who's 12, been with me since he was less than a year old and has VERY strong opinions on how he should be touched/handled) to a groomer he would kill me in my sleep that very night xD
OFC if it was a matter of health id take him but he has short hair and no problems grooming… I cut his nails myself (learned from his first vet, so i know how to cut them without hurting the nerve and all that) and its actually a two-people kinda job for our family xD
His dad holds him like a baby completely wrapped in a blanket and i try and "fish out" each paw and hold it without hurting him and getting the nails out with one hand while i hold the clippers with the other…it's a freaking SHOW xD (so ANY tips on how to better handle it…both for us and for him would be GREATLY appreciated).
He's BIG and STRONG, i mean he's only 1kg overweight according to the vet (he's a lazy LAZY cat xD), and the little devil weighs 9kg!!
I've started cleaning his pads with a wet wipe cause i noticed his skin there looked a little dry, and he HATES IT, screaming and trying to wriggle himself out the whole time (nails + cleaning paws).
Tried to give him a bath on his first year with me, we had already bonded and he trusted me enough…I did the whole "put a towel on the bathtub" i saw on the internet, filled it up a little bit, picked my murder baby up, put him down on the towel in the water (warm, wouldnt reach his stomach with him standing, just the paws and part of the legs) and he proceeded to BOLT out of the bathtub, SOMEHOW managing to scratch both my left boob and right eye (just under it) at the same time…
That day we both decided it would be for the better if we never spoke of bathing ever again xD
ANY water outside his water fountain* is a CURSE on this planet and should be hissed at and run from at all times. (For how could ANYONE drink water thats not been filtered and kept moving, but of course not JUMPING, just gently flowing filtered water could do for the KING of the household xD) That of course includes wet things, like wipes xD
He thankfully does like pets AND the brush, so im gonna try one of those soft brushes that give off water vapor to see if i can "trick" him into not rejecting it just for being water without trying it out first, to help him keep his skin hydrated…….. But i dont wanna take him to a stranger for a bath cause it's a lot of stress he doesnt really need, even if id love to do more stuff with him like give him baths once in a while u.u
So any tips, tricks or recommended products for "house management" would be VERY appreciated 🙂
Stunning cat! She's as lovely as she is beautiful. Thank you for loving her enough to rehome her, your friend obviously takes very good care of her.
aww, she remembers her first mom!
Matcha is a gorgeous regal cloud of feline floof! 🥰
3:52 Matcha be madge.
Cats aren't spiteful. Yappy dogs with sharp teeth in the house is scary for little puddas