Give your dog the ultimate chew toy with the Benebone Wishbone Durable Dog Chew Toy With Real Bacon! Whether you have a small, medium, or large dog, this Amazon’s Choice chew toy is made in the USA and infused with real bacon flavor to keep your dog entertained for hours.
With a 4.5/5-star rating from 97,216 reviews and over 30,000 units sold in the past month, it’s a top-rated choice. Designed with a paw-friendly grip, this durable toy is perfect for chewing satisfaction.
Only $9.00 on Amazon, it’s the perfect durable and tasty toy for your dog!
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Robert Cabral is a true pro dog trainer. Do what he shows you and do not flinch or make excuses
Just went to my daughter's for the 4th of july she has 2 German shepherds and a cat, i just got a malinois puppy he got a quick education in not chasing cats and did great. It only took one afternoon of doing this and now they are best buds.
that was a hard pop on Dwayne, a bit too hard. That must have hurt his trachea……these dogs were really very close to each other
The time the 2 dogs are together in the beginning is building or can build tension I can see it in the black dog
It’s the dumbest thing I have ever seen with the stuffed animal
I'd love to see this exercise with a dog like mine (5 year old female GSD), who would might have reacted with a lung, and barking.
Fearful dog, and possibly some reasorce guarding (me), but not sure.
Shelter said she was dog tested, but after 3 months with her, I don't trust this.
Thought the reactivity was limited to the front yard, and dogs going by, but has shown serious concern with a dog (walking with owner) that we see on walks. Stops, stares, gets real tense.
Wasn't able to see if the other dog was staring at my dog.
Apparently this rescue is extremely fearful.
For this reason, I'm going to have to get with a trainer. I'm afraid watching videos isn't enough, with my limited experience.
I can't afford to mess this up.
Would you recommend this type of distraction training always in the beginning? I recently took on a 1 year old female shepherd and her dog reactivity is a bit out of control. We’re in a group class but I feel that throwing her in a group of other dogs immediately is too much for her when I can guarantee she was not socialized properly. I correct her but I feel like she doesn’t understand what I’m correcting her for.
The fabled Sable
Thanks for training this guy, Robert. He makes me uptight! Lol. Kudos to the guy for learning on camera.
He's beautiful.
I can attest my female Akita Luna would have a hard time not going after the toy 😆 Would be interesting to see how she would do.
Human seems to be struggling with basic directions. Dog is great!
Beautiful dog!
Watching this with my unneutered 17 months old male akita. Hes like, "Dad, change the channel. I dont want you to get any ideas. I run the show". Great dogs. Just wish more people knew what they where getting into before getting one. Amazing relaxed body language on this Akita. You know its gonna be difficult when they tense up or start to prowl like a big cat.
Great vid! I would love to see more of training Max the Akita, there are not may videos out there with Akitas. 7 months ago I rescued a 2 yr old Akita who had no name or training at all. Hes come a very long way in 7 months. Akitas are so incredibly smart but he can be just as stubborn. Very good! work your vids have helped me so much so far. Thank you.
Awesome! Shows clearly how hard it is to train the owner. 🙂 The guy was trying, though, and his dog was trying too. Fun to watch.
Why does almost everyone use treats all day walking their dogs? Praise and a toy are all you need and a clicker.
Thank you. Going to try this with my cockapoo puppy. Only ever had German sheps and collies – and feels like I have never trained a dog in my life. She has a 30 sec attention span mmmm.
AMAZING video. Such a great show of what's good or not good. I wouldn't have praised/rewarded a few of those things but you explained why it's good to at first and then build later. I think I got too restrictive and hardcore at first and it made the reactivity worse instead of better. I'm using more calm energy and backing up slightly with my expecations and it's been giving my dog better chances to win and improve.
Wow… this was so perfectly executed! Best training I have received to date… now let’s see if I can pass it on to my dog. 🙂 Thanks
I had a solid black, perhaps the only all black Akita, I acquired him when he was 2 years old. He was an owner-surrender at the shelter I worked at. He failed the temperament test and was unadoptable. However Because I worked there, and had some akita experience at a dog training center I had worked at before the shelter, I was allowed to work with him and I ended up adopting him. Like Robert had mentioned in a prior video, most people get Akitas because they are beautiful, and I am guilty of that, because he was the most stunning dog I had ever seen with his gold eyes, jet black coat. He was like having a beautiful, emotionless pet rock who never had his tongue hanging out, never was silly. He just had a serious look all the time. He was smart, though. I believe he was too busy thinking about quantum physics and philosophy to be able to play. He died in 2019 at the age of 15, in my arms. ❤
What kind of collar is being used with the Akita?
If people would just train their dog it would reduce the number of dogs going to the pound.
the praise timing and frequency can make a big difference; so easy to spot the missed opportunities when watching; it is so much harder when you are the handler, i keep telling myself “look to praise”.
Great video! My akita gets really excited about playing with other dogs when they are nearby. For some reason, she does amazing when playing with other dogs off leash, but sometimes I see aggression when she is on leash when allowed to meet dogs up close.
Best explanation of why to use a 'place' platform or mat.
what is meant by "target" when it says that using a raised platform "creates a target?"
The full video was great as Max is not an easy dog to train. Thank you.
Wow, this is exactly what I need. My dog always over react whenever she meets other dogs so most of old dogs or small dogs don’t like her jump on them, only similar age dogs like jump together with her so they would have fun playing. I should do some this kind of exercises with my dog. I want my dog meet any dog calmly.