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Much easier than it seems at first, because she doesn't work like most other bosses. She is hard to land a hit on and very good at punishing you for being overly aggressive, but her own offence is nothing special and more flashy than actually dangerous, plus you can land some very long combos once you start hitting her. Parrying is definitely the superior strategy here, for the most part you won't even need to hit her with your normal sword thanks to the parry damage. She pretty much has 4 attacks:
1. Slash and stab – you can recognize it by her grunting with each strike. This will always be a single stab.
2. Triple stab – if she doesn't grunt when winding up a stab, it's going to be a triple, so be ready.
3. Green special attack – this is probably the most dangerous one because it comes out very quickly and, of course, cannot be parried like the rest. If you have the "mikiri counter" talent, put it to use here, otherwise use feather or dodge sideways.
4. Javelinthrow – can be recognized by her jumping up and the javelin in her hand glowing. Can be parried, but if she used it before watch out, the previous javelin spots will explode so avoid that.
Whenever you notice you did a ton of damage to her start whacking away with the claw for that sweet wound damage. If she dodges no worries, don't overextend, you'll get your chance soon enough. Like I said you're gonna be able to do some very long combos with your claw, longer than with most bosses, for some crazy wound damage.
2nd phase is a bit more tedious because her combos are longer and she seems to get out of your combos sooner, so it's gonna take longer to bring her down, but she doesn't really have anything new to surprise you with. Her new combos will usually consist of her doubling up on her normal attacks, i.e. 2x slash&stab or 2x triple stab. Just get those parries down and her health bar will be down in no time. And again don't go greedy with the claw attacks, that's pretty much the only way you can lose. Her red special attack looks cool but is probably the easiest such attack in the game (noticing a pattern? lol), again just run away from wherever her javelins are and that's it.
Long comment and probably a few years too late, but oh well, I had fun lol. Hopefully it helps someone sometime.
She and Varg (that Guts-like dude) are the hardest of this game. As for mini bosses, the plagued woman and the spear dude are the hardest mobs.
BTW, for Urd I used the hit n' run tactic. I zone with the bow, and if she tries to get close, but misses the hits, I claw her to replenish the plague energy, and then I dash away from her. This bitch is so fast. The trick is to know her patterns, and then proceed with your own strategy.
All the rest of the bosses and mini bosses are easy.
If you have the stepping skill makes it so much easier just stomp on her when she does her critical attacks
This is just straight up f u c king bull shit
damn if i could do so good parry like you, i could beat her 😀 And I beated Sekiro and had a Great Time there 🙂
What plague weapon are you using, to get health buffs like that?
On what level you were ? I'm like level 20 and still hard to beat .
I got really good at parrys but second round i cant do any damage in time i get her whole var green and can cut it dowb in time ghe green attacks get me when i go into finally do some dame and i est em every time
Her and mutated Odur are hands down the hardest fights. Her dodging is what makes her hard, and mutated Odur's weird tentacle timing makes his fight hard.
Use the dodge mikiri counter on 2nd phase she likes to do her critical and reckless deflection level 2 for both phases. I also used bow when she was far away though she dodges it sometimes. Short claw also helped by healing me often. Spam deflect and you'll deflect her thrusts 99.9% of the time. Took three tries didnt even use potions for first phase.
Finally with your skilling especially those plague weapons I did Urd today after two days of trying. I'm not that good of a gamer and it's my first Soulslike, also the second phase is brutal! Thanks for your hints.
The first stage was so hard I was praying for her to not have a second one. Fortunately, the second one is actually easier, since she spams a predictable combo you can exploit. Still a headache, though, because she keeps dodging my claw attacks.
I parried the first phase and baited the double thrust for a punish in the second. Probably should get the bow it looks strong
How to unlock the short claws? It says cannot unlock this talent?
I found that having the long reach claw slash equipped along with the feather and dash move made this fight a lot easier.
What did you think of Thymesia? I had a great time and was left wanting more once I'd finished the game. The plague weapons brought a lot to the table and when upgraded added depth to the combat that left me wanting more.
the impending doom