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Sorry for the long intro I'll improve that for future uploads! And I do appreciate the support! I worked hard on this and I do appreciate the feedback, good and bad! https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/Saviour30 // anything helps <3 As YOUTUBE fell off 😵Thanks 😀
My music here – go listen to something new and special..
Perfect video you called it first!
Haha that start, so sad when people can't take a joke
Great video as always. Ignore the toxic fan boys I'm glad you are cautious and look at it from all sides.. gaming is slipping
People really want to love this game. Lol its clearly a rehash of ds, alien and other horror classics
Gameplay and story of the game aside, no matter how far I get into the game, which I eventually will when the price DROPS and it's mine for the taking, I can't help but think of Dead Space because the similarities are UNCANNY, my man!!! Haha
Any chance we can see gameplay and reviews on a last gen xbox one or ps4? A lot of people still have them and most reviews are on ps5 pc or series x.
I love gunplay! So if this game is more about mele then I won't buy it, waiting for dead space remake
Probably grab this when it comes down to around $35. Finally Rift Apart has reached that and I’ll be playing that for now. $70 I need a bit more than 12 hours playtime.
I'll wait until sony sell it for 20 bucks in January.
The devs of Dead Space and the upcoming Callisto Protocol has done nothing but deliver to the fans. Every. Time.
Unlike most gaming studios who love making the same MMO games every year and milk y’all’s money out ya tits for the same non creative repetitive content lol
People who want this game to be bad or just loves to shit talk about it don’t deserve it even if it turns out to be a masterpiece lol
Kept repeating the same word and sentences over and over again to extend the video with no point in sight
I think they should block everyone that puts out footage of the game before and a few days after the release.
OMG the intro
I don’t see too similar to Dead Space as a negative personally. And remember this is a game meant for mainsteam appeal. People complained hard when Gotham Knights wasn’t just a next gen Arkham so if this wasn’t basically a next gen Dead Space, a lot of people would be let down. I also wouldn’t call it generic from what I’ve seen so far. If you’re comparing it to Dead Space again, we haven’t got a Dead Space game in a decade, and it’s been 2 console generations. We get pretty much zero space survival horror, so I think the derelict ship or outpost aesthetic was the best choice for this, people expect that aesthetic and we don’t really get any space horror these days so it’s not even overkill, and making it too weird or on some weird looking, albeit unique, alien planet, wouldn’t have worked here. So this review actually has me more hyped and it seems to be about what I expected it would be.
As far as the embargo, I am curious why they pushed reviews to the day of, but usually we don’t get them until the day before anyway so it’s not a real stretch. And as far as preorders, the broken release isn’t even remotely a new thing. For even the CDPR example people forget how shitty Witcher 3 even was at release, which was hand waived as ‘expected’ for an open world of it’s kind at the time. Skyrim was also a broken mess even coining the term rimlag at the time for how poorly it performed. Elden Ring for all it’s praise, and it is my game of the year personally, also ran like shit at launch. It is what it is and it’s been like that for a long long time. I do get what you’re saying though in general. And for them taking down early reviews and such, I mean those are the terms. We can ask why they wanted to delay longer than usual, but it’s not really a dick move to strike something when people were told that it can’t be up until a certain date.
Anyway, looking forward to checking this one out. And it is ironic that it is releasing a month before the Dead Space remake. I think this one will hold up better than the remake, but I’ll find out after I play it. Even if it’s just next gen Dead Space, that’s what I’m here for so I’d be satisfied with this. I’m just glad we finally have more space horror. We have had almost nothing since the original Dead Space games. I mean Alien Isolation and possibly a couple others but those are more hide and seek horror and not really the same.
Why you repeat yourself like 40 times holy
Lol boycott japan
All due respect man, you spent about 7 minutes telling people not to pre-order games. Write a script, time yourself, and get to the review sooner.
Grince asf
We need more creators like yourself
Ahaha you wanna play another zombie game? Lol great review bro ignore the haters I respect you for being real and warning about the industry not just saying everything is a 8 out of 10 !
Thanks for being honest even with your restrictions, I never got to enjoy dead space, I was a resident fan mostly. I can’t wait to enjoy this game!
I like this review cause you dont see thats the best game ever and you are honest
Are you gonna preach about the industry or actually talk about the game.
The only games to preorder are cod games and ps5 exclusives like gt7, god of war, ect…
I hate 1st person no ty
I finish this crap in 6 hours. Way to easy everything looks the same. No exploration. Upgrades are trash. Dont get scam
I don't believe you actually played the game at all to be honest, I could make the exact same thoughts all without touching it xD either your thoughts are completely fabricated or you just need to write it down so it's a bit more coherent, it just comes across that you saw previews and took what was shown there and are kind of talking around that. If you can't actually discuss anything, this isn't really a review is it
Brother Trust me when i tell you that you will put off people from subscribing with a lengthy intro like this and most of what you are saying at the start was preaching to the choir like im literally 4 mins in and you have not even got into the review yet which is kind of ridiculous.
LOVED Dead Space 1 and 2 so best believe I’m grabbing me a copy.
Compared to other games that are being released by even bigger studios. This game will definitely go down as one of the games of the year
It's a scary game and In order for it to he scary it has to he a surprise. They have shown a goof amount of gameplay without ruining the scare factor.
Video starts around 8:00
The positives outweigh the negatives. Even the negatives got a positive spin to it. I shall be getting it!
Your views on the AI ? Like are there concepts things like Mr.X from RE2 Remake?
Here I was hoping you actually had played the game but sadly no just another person doing a "review" off of previews and things like that. I'm sure this game will sale good and will score good. If you're a fan of dead space this most likely WILL be a must buy. Already have it preordered on my ps5 and xbox series so I'm ready for this to drop and have a real opportunity to try this.
Im gonna be real, I immediately lost a huge amount of intrest when I saw the enemies were just basic humans for the most part. Also there name is kind of stupid, they are called biophages, but bio means biological (aka alive) and phage means to eat or eats something, so I guess they are living things that eat biological material. Not exactly an intimidating name.
Good video, but to clarify the game was not banned in Japan. The developers were not prepared to edit the game for it to be able to fit into the ratings criteria that were required. If you create a piece of art that you love and cherish then are told to change it to satisfy other people, would you do it? That is a good example of integrity. Anyway though, keep up the good work mate.
Lil bro is trying too hard to be another Michael does life but still cool video.
Edit: After actually watching the video, lol bro is a pretty good critic compared to others
The game is only a few hours before release and still not a single official review.That reeks that something is wrong..
Thanks mate, you just saved me 50 squid !
Is it Resident Evil in space?
You sound like Kripke
6:35 guys… the reviews starts at 6:35 omg…… that intro ☠️
This looks good but always better not to be hyped..
"Have no expectations and you will never be disappointed!"
Devs these days silence people and also showing fake gameplay like with battlefield, 2077 and so much more..
Fallout 76 gamers need to be careful and have more pride and that's his point! I stand with that
Hey bro, great video/review! You shared some real gold info in here. I have to say I nearly didn't give the video a chance though as your intro was a bit too full on.. stabbing the pig teddy etc.. Just my humble opinion however 🙂