Keep your cat entertained for hours with the SmartyKat Skitter Critters Value Pack Catnip Cat Toys! This set includes 10 adorable, catnip-infused mice designed to engage your cat’s natural instincts. Perfect for all ages, these toys are safe, durable, and just $5.98 on Amazon.
With a 4.7/5-star rating from 59,101 reviews, it’s a top choice for cat owners! Buy Now for $5.98 on Amazon!
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But then we have to do heartworm, flea and tick if we let them out at all and I want to avoid that. Taking them out on a harness is what has made them try to escape!
But then we have to do heartworm, flea and tick if we let them out at all and I want to avoid that. Taking them out on a harness is what has made them try to escape!
I thought this had something to do with the delivery of Door Dash app. 😂
My cat wants to go outside all day and shes meowing like crazy and the only reason why is cuz she wants to roll n the dirt pile out front🙄
I found your cat
Criticize my Door Dashing cat all you want, at least he has a JOB.
This wouldn't work for me. The door is within a few inches of his way to his litterbox.
Personally not a fan of being jettisoned into space at the end
I have a three year old cat who only comes home for food maybe once a day but no guarantees she doesn’t stay when she’s done she just immediately leaves when the door is opened and I’m worried about her she’s quite skinny she doesn’t always come home every night she’s just very skinny
What are some things I might do to get her to be home and feel safe and stay with me and not just eat and leave
For general info I have four cats she’s part of the four and she just seems to do her own thing mostly I barely see her
Please anyone who knows what I might be able to do leave your comments 😊
Ozzie keeps trying to get in my room she always wants attention it drives me crazy
I built my apt patio catio around the front door 🚪 so no issues on this! He loves it.
love the video but i have had this issue after covid when everyone is home. Do you have any other recommendations that you can make into another video?
I have a question… I recently adopted a cat from someone who let their cat (the mom) and the kittens (including my cat) stay outside. And I originally was very adamant that he not be taken outside. But my parents let him out a few times and I figured it was fine since it's the backyard but as he gets older I'm getting concerned he might get out and whatever else. I'm just wondering… Is there anyway to get him out of the habit of always wanting to go outside? I just really want to keep him safe and I know you always recommend keeping your cat inside for their safety so… Yeah. Please and thank you.
My kitten has just gone into the main yard (it lives in the garden) and the dogs almost got her and i am scared now so how can i tell it not to climb walls
Is there a harness that is escape-proof, even for a Bengal Ninja? If so, please let us know! I'm worried about harness training him because I had a bad experience years ago with my Birman. She ducked her head and slipped out of the harness instantly when she saw a squirrel and she came very close to being hit by a car:( Please let us know if there is a reliable harness, thank you so much!
Hello. What can I do if my cat keeps meowing for a full day after a walk? I want to walk her, but afterwards she cries so much it's exhausting.
My cat has been running away since she turned 6 months old. I haven’t had the budget nor the time to spay her so maybe she’s searching for a mate. I have harness trained her, it was pretty easy in my case. Took just 2 days. I’ve also done my best to cat proof my apartment but she’ll find the tiniest bit of holes and escape especially at night. I’m Saving up money for spaying her and I really hope she stops running away after that.
My home is quiet, so that's not the issue. The issue is that she is used to living in a forested yard. We began leash training and having difficulty fitting her well enough that she does not escape. My take away from Mr. Galaxy is that I should be carrying her out the door, but now that I have made the mistake of letting her out the door, she is suddenly a dasher. I was only looking outside and told her no, but she is sneaky. By the time I pulled the screen door shut behind me, she was out in a flash. She came home, but I am lucky.
I have had cats do this when living in an apartment. It was always hilarious to see them fly out the door only to freeze up in the hallway. You could see the expression on their faces: "Wait a dang minute here!" 😅
We need to go back to a time where it's legal for humans to lay hands on animals forcing them to obey their master since animals are slaves to man after all since humans don't want to enslave other humans and we're stuck with animals
Air canister substitute?
Im a catsitter- i just use a large cloth shopping bag and hold it in front of my feet – works!
My cat keeps running out the door & I simply can't take it anymore.
I’m getting a kitten this order and I have a large backyard with fencing and a pet door any tips for new kittens and I have never had a cat before so I’m new at it
Please make a video on what to do when the fire alarm goes off and cats hide under the couch or bed. I'm new to this country and we don't have fire alarms let alone false ones back home. So today when the fire alarm went off I spent the whole time trying to lure my cats out with treats that the fire alarm finally stopped and turned out to be a false alarm all while I'm still on all fours with my arm stretched out under the sofa holding a churu pleading with my cats to come out.
My cat of 9 years door dashed in the summer 2020. Covid messed our routine up and a heatwave came. Khaleesi never did it before and she got out and eaten by a coyote within minutes. Broke my heart. I finally adopted a kitten last month and I have sccat sprays at all doors now and once he fits in a harness we're going for walks.
Btw, when he asks us to go outside at night, that is when only two ppl are up. Btw, nobody is gonna let him outside at night no matter what because 1) It's too cold and we can die from it because of this dammed disease, 2) everybody has a schedule except me and dad and the oldest are the only ones working rn so they have to be in bed at a certain time which is usually around 10 pm or 12 am while the cat asks us at like fking 2 am, 3) the 2nd oldest gets ready for bed around 3 am, 4) my disease prevents me from going anywhere most of the time but especially at night time unless I have to go to the hospital or urgent care, 5) predators we(my family and Occelot) can't fend off, and 6) it's dark af bro… Btw, he's got a cold rn anyways…
@Jackson Galaxy:
Hi, it's me again with the tabby cat named Occelot! Question, he wants to go outside all the time no matter what time it is, but he can't go outside when it starts to get dark because of the coyotes. He's already getting in fights with other cats and only God knows what else. I try to get him to play with his toys or even my toys. I think he's grown out of them and won't play with them anymore. What do we do? How do we let him know he can't go outside no matter how much he wants to when it's nighttime? We keep letting him know like we told him he can just ask us to go outside which he has noticed and is now asking us, but the problem is the constant whining to go outside when he can't for his own safety. It's like he enjoys getting hurt and hunting actual animals :/ Help please for the love of our babies!
Btw, he use to sprint out until he knew he could ask but it's when it becomes nighttime is when he sprints outside. He doesn't want to look outside, he wants to BE outside. No amount of catification on the wall is gonna help us keep him inside when it's nighttime :/
He's one of the slightly smart kitties, but his instinct and intrusive thoughts will take over at the worst time possible😅 He broke one of my window's blinds once just because of how badly he wants to do whatever he does outside…(we got it replaced of course)
I tried to follow him once but had to go back in to take my meds and eat. I went back out to where I last saw him and didn't see him again until later in the evening at the front door. I'm totally gonna try that again, but only when my legs feel better. I just hope I will be able to get of these crutches for good and get rid of this disease for good so I can see exactly how he gets those wounds and what else he does beside steal cat food off someone else's porch XD I'm pretty sure he gets fleas from whatever water source he's drinking from out there and walking in bushes… Btw, is there anything we can use to put on him to keep fleas off of him completely and make sure he can't take off whatever it would be because this peppermint and egnol? egol? spray… uh Idk how it's spelt but there was something else with the peppermint and it did kill the fleas and eggs on him and I but it was too much for my nose not to mention I'd rather him just not get fleas at all than having to kill them all the time when he gets them and we also used a flea collar I knew wouldn't work and dad didn't know until it was too late which is when we got the spray…
I have been in the hospital because of the BS amount of fleas our last dog left us with after he died to cancer. I do NOT want to have to deal with fleas again. I have a lowered immunity system and could get sick from them. I almost got sick once because of them.
One time he comes back in from his adventure and a flea jumps on me without my knowledge and while Occelot goes downstairs to hide in the ceiling I start to feel a bit sick because I got bit. Not too much later after finding Occelot and taking him to the vet he got a Liver Disease. He's doing good now at least. I really need some help. Btw, I pray for your cat with cancer. Cancer, Sickle Cell, leprosy and a couple of others I can't think of rn are the worst diseases I know of and can be hard to deal with because they are all death sentences with only a few of them having cures that can be hard to get depending on your situation in life :/
Yes, the Sickle Cell disease is a death sentence. I'm surprised I'm still alive. there were two different times I could've died if ppl didn't listen to me about my disease :/
hello Jackson i have a cat who is a door dasher and he recently escaped and managed to find shelter at another house close by. there is a lady who feeds him when he stops by and she helped us to get him back home. recently when got him back inside he was acting very finicky and defensive with us and the other cat we have. how do i help my cat readjust to being back home ?
Cats are wild animals. Let them be free
My cat Sad Cloudy was rescued from a backyard in Brooklyn, so I joke that he tries to run outside because he's trying to get back to his hipster roots. Truth is, he loves eating the grass and rolling around in it. My two other cats were rescued when they were tiny and have been with me since they were 10 weeks old. They have zero interest in what's outside.
Keep in mind, if they dont know the outdoors, keep it that way! Taking them out on a harness can give them a taste for the outdoors and then they might start trying to escape all the time.. going for a walk may not be enough for your cat. This happened to me, my cat turned into an indoor/ outdoor cat who was outdoor much more than indoor. Now she is missing… I always had indoor cats! And wont ever take my cats out on a harness again.
i have a question please help me out anyone. i am feeding stray cat in my back yard but i have indoor cats too, they get extremely upset when stray comes for food, at times stray wanders around my kitchen window too, how to keep stray away from my home premises? i am still feeding stray but i dont want him to come near windows etc, any help or suggestions?
How can you harness train a cat who falls over every time you put it on? Tried to get him to get up – no can do!
My door Dasher would run next door to my neighbor's house and hide under his bushes, she wanted to see what was going on.
Totally off topic ( you might have covered this -i just haven't seen it) why when the lights go out "it's party time"
It's just and my boyfriend, and my cat has always been indoor cat, if the weather is nice, I put her on a leash that I have on my porch,- someone has to be out there with her, if we're not she cries to come in
My cat came back some how and I am surprised
I absolutely love harness training and was surprised you didn’t say it in the beginning in the video, I'm almost at the point where I can take him outside my cat that is
Edit: 6:39 bonus points if you backpack train your cat and put them in their backpack first then put it on and take it off and open the door when their harness trained
What about when your cat doesn't want to walk? Just sit under your neighbor's window? And eat grass and then throw up?
Unfortunately my cat intlitiallu darted out the door and would just roll in the dirt right in front of my door. Unfortunately he has been moving further and further away from the door in his explorations. Especially at night which is scary because I can't see him in the dark.
I would never quarantine me or my cat because some fat people die of a mediocre sickness that was invented by the pharma industry to make more money.
Harness “training” wasn’t even necessary with both my girls & I believe it was bcuz of the harness i use. It’s called Come With Me Kitty or something like that and the design makes it not stressful & comes with an elastic leash which to me made me more aware that cats hate to be yanked in any direction.
So when it’s outside time they even push heads into the harness. I swear I’m not an investor of that company, but I’ve had experience with a few types of harnesses and this one makes my girls forget I’m there.
One of our cats was stolen from a sweet lady and dumped before we found, then, adopted her. She was outside for over a year and has no interest in the door.
The other was accidentally locked out once. He'll come up to the storm door and smell the outside while we're carrying in. If we open the door and ask if he wants to step out, he bolts back into the house.
I relax more knowing they're not a bolt risk.
My cat was a stray before i adopted her so she's used to roaming around the street. And cries like crazy if don't get to go outside at least once a day!
I clicker trained her to no go outside when i say stop but she doesn't leave a chance when I'm not around
I put a harness on my 14+ lb rescue male and walk him. He is a master at opening doors – no door is too heavy for him – push or pull – so all doors must be latched closed. Walking him and letting him mark bushes is the only way get him to stop his constant meowing at me. Just this last week, he started ringing the dog bell on the back door when he wants out. He's done it 4 times now! Thankfully he's stop crying at me so much to go out, he just rings the bell instead.
I can tell you something about the chip in animals a animal died because the local government didn't scan the animal properly and they put the animal down
Thank you for letting me know about this Jackson i see guitars 🎸 in the back ground can you sing a song about cat's
What DO you do if you have a door dasher who has access to a cat enclosure? My girl Nola has big ol cat tree king towers, PLUS we have a large cat enclosure (2meter wide by 10meter long) that my 2 cat's can access 24/7 if they wanna go outside. It has a netted fish pond, it has live (cat safe of course) plants. shelves, ramps, an outdoor appropriate castle, a little table and chairs set they can lounge on, shade and sunshine, etc. They can g out to both play, and respite from the hustle and bustle of the family. I don't know if we can get those air puff things in my country. My cats are bengals, her previous owner allowwed her to freely roam, but 4 years with me and she still tries to escape. She is a very no touchy kind of queen so I don't think I can even attempt to get a harness on her. my other bengal has no interest in escaping.
I just tested the ssscat. Still laughing at my cat reaction to it 😂 really hoping I can have indoor cats now