Give your dog the ultimate chew toy with the Benebone Wishbone Durable Dog Chew Toy With Real Bacon! Whether you have a small, medium, or large dog, this Amazon’s Choice chew toy is made in the USA and infused with real bacon flavor to keep your dog entertained for hours.
With a 4.5/5-star rating from 97,216 reviews and over 30,000 units sold in the past month, it’s a top-rated choice. Designed with a paw-friendly grip, this durable toy is perfect for chewing satisfaction.
Only $9.00 on Amazon, it’s the perfect durable and tasty toy for your dog!
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Watch my MOST COMPREHENSIVE Tutorial on Aggression & Reactivity Next: Most Complete Aggressive Dog Training Tutorial (using Positive Reinforcement)
I have a beagle 2 months old, he growls and bites very aggressive and very suddenly.
I have an 8 weeks old Lab puppy that alternates between being absolutely angelic and being a total menace. The menace comes out when he gets bored, goes looking for trouble and then gets corrected by me. The way I deal with it is by crating him when it gets out of hand. Not to punish him, but in his crate he usually goes out like a light and that sleep seems to reset his brain. That way I can also give myself a break. The pain angle resonates, because he’s being treated for digestive issues, and his tummy might hurt. Hopefully he’ll improve soon.
Yeah that's all well and great but you never told me how i go about telling the dog to not chew on the wall. Or how exactly to make him feel safe before doing so. This was a lot of words and zero tangible instructions… then you tell us to watch another video. Thank you for nothing.
What about if puppy does not want to go in crate and will attack
My puppy is 3 months I just adopted him. He’s being treated for a UTI the pain point makes sense
could it be neurological and if so, what then? it's a spaniel about a year old that came from a Amish puppy mill – hence the reason we believe it is neurological as demostrated by the Vet and information on web. Behorial trainer won't train them.
Usless video full of bad advice
I’m really struggling with my 4 month old cane corso. He loves to run around and play in the backyard but all of a sudden he’ll start going after my shoes. I try to ignore it and keep walking but he’s 60 pounds and will start to lean on me. When I try and get him off of me he starts to get aggressive and will bite at my legs and chest. I’ll try and throw a toy to distract him and get him off of me but that doesn’t work all the time 🥲 I’m at a loss
Help my granddaughter recently got a puppy Lab mix, kids are high energy and when they play with her now responds by biting I hate to see them rehome her just at a loss
Check out McCann dog training videos for dog trainers that are more realistic and actually know what they’re doing. Don’t waste your time with this nonsense.
Excellent your video has told me I'm doing everything wrong, you have been very helpful
Is It me or are the explanations cut out of the video and we are just hearing stuff we already know. Where's the bloody answers already😂
So teething can cause aggressive behavior? 16 week old puppy, labradoodle Rottweiler bullmastiff hound dog mix. Extremely smart stubborn and he's already a dominant alpha. And I've got to stop that or put it in check somehow …. 😢 ADVICE!!!!!????? I have two other dogs and the other male is not an aggressive dog My oldest female is my service dog and she's an alpha. He does not like to be disciplined but he loves food. I've never had an aggressive dog and he's so young and he's going to be huge. I'm wondering if I've overbabied him but I also discipline and he does not like the discipline.
Thank you for these explanations. This is really helpful to understand & provides hope. As you said, it’s so overwhelming when your puppy shows aggressive behavior & there are a million different theories and methods- if feels impossible to know what to do. Thank you!
I couldn't watch the rest of this video after hearing the way she said "stereotypes." 😂
can you put together a series where you start with an aggressive dog and then show the techniques in action so people can get a "hands on" look out how to properly employ the techniques?
My dog so aggressively, but he’s a puppy we’re trying to give him a little trim to cut his hair, but he’s so aggressive that he keeps on barking at us. We try to take him to the doctors but he hasn’t gotten his shots and we don’t know how to train him to behave
This would be more watchable if more succent.
What if you are just sitting on the sofa and they just start biting.
So helpful. thank you!
This was super helpful! Thank you for taking the time to share. Would this same concept apply in aggression towards another dog? We have a puppy showing slight aggression around food and new toys towards other dogs.
so I watched this particular video four or five times. I even got out of notepad the third time and took notes. We have a three month old border collie. It is my second border collie. My first one still with us is 11 years old and he is amazing. Always been a little bit subservient calm, eager to please always happy and I made the mistake of assuming the puppy would be the same. I got the dog from the same people I got my first dog from the puppy is actually my dog sister’s kid. He was a complete angel for the first two months then all of a sudden, everything you’ve pretty much described in this video and it wasn’t until I watched this video and humbled myself myself and put my ego aside that I realized I’ve been doing everything completely wrong. I say all of this to thank you from the very bottom of my heart at 47 years old. I realize it’s not about training the dog. It’s about training myself and my actions. And sometimes I need someone to open my eyes up to that at this particular time that is you. I’ve done everything you have suggested. I even spent the first day literally walking around my house on my hands and knees to try to get in the perspective of the puppy. I sometimes make the mistake of expecting the dog to be human. I’m so used to and comfortable with my dog that the new one unfairly was being treated the same, which was impossible for him to comprehend. We are taking him to the vet this week, his baby teeth are probably hurting him so badly. The first day of the new style of training, I did not reach out to pet him anymore. I let him come to me. I let him invite me to pet him when he was playing with his toys. I didn’t reach for them or try to grab them from him or play tug-of-war. Even after only 10 minutes of putting his toys out and just letting him chew, I noticed he was continually watching me as if to say, please don’t grab my stuff. after about 20 minutes, I’ve just sitting in the room with him without reaching out to pet him to grab his toys. He started to back into me and sit on my foot or lean into me and eventually would put the toy in front of me at my feet I separated him from the older dog. I’ve noticed that my older dog in fact has been semi traumatized, and after some inspection of his ears under all that thick, long border collie hair, I realized it he was pretty injured from the little nibbling on him consistently now that they’re separated both both of them seem much happier and more calm.. instead of reaching out to pet and play with him I spent the time just observing his actions and realized whenever I put a toy on the floor instead of just going for it he check to see where his food is where his water is where his bed is like a little patrol to make sure that all of his resources are safe before he can play just like you described. so again 1000 times thank you so much. I’m going to continue watching more of your videos. I’m so appreciative that you have spent the time and that you have the same apparent love of animals that so many of us do that you would be willing to put the effort into help others thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you
What happens though when the puppy has something in his mouth that he shouldn't have? Thats ny biggest problem with my puppy.
Try talking to and not down and at the listener.. the hair flicking and steepling of hands really got in the way of the message that could usefully have begun before the half way mark..Of course subscriptions and notifications and length of video are important to you.. but the message loses credibility when those appear to be your primary motives…
My dog is only aggressive at night in her bed or our bed. Maybe they can’t see at night and is scared or something?
My dog is now 13 months old and every night in any bed she gets very aggressive. I don’t understand.
These people have no clue.
What if your puppy won’t sit still long enough to even rub and then give treat?
What if your puppy just jumps all over you to get the treat first?
My gsd puppie, doesn't want any other dog near her food, then she attacks them 😮
Sell em
Vice and true words
I found a puppy on the streets, and im looking for its owner, but i think it was abused or something, because whenever i go down to pick it up or pet it, it curls up like if i was going to hit it or something, but it follows me everywhere, im still in school, so i have to leave it in a room or a cage, and whenever i go into a room without it, it screams like if it was being slaughtered, and scratches the door and tears whatever it can up, and id only be gone for maybe a few seconds, and ive tried the slow crate train it, but i had to leave it in a cage for a few hours and it screamed and bit the cage the while time i was gone it didnt calm down once, and when im with it and its in the cage its fine, even when the cage is covered, its fine, but i was putting it in the cage, so i could shower, because when i had it in a room it destroyed and, shredded EVERYTHING, (and its a fast little guy, making it hard to leave it in a room because its so small and fast it runs right though my legs, or get far enought i have to leave the door open because its right where it could get smashed) because its so fast it kept getting to the point i couldnt close the door, and i kept having to move him back, eventually he bit me, not just like a mad/annoyed bite, but like a, defending myself your hurting me kinda bite, and i really just dont know what to do now, it was really unexpected, and im completely lost because ive never delt with something like this and no videos will help, i dont know what to do, if you read all this, i really need help. and the dog isnt hurt, it love me petting it and has no issue with being touched anywhere, so i really dont know what to do, how do you teach a puppy not to not do something when it seems to have been abused, and isnt learning, ive had him for 4 days now, and he still hasnt gotten the crate or stop biting concepts. Help me help it.
Good video, I just wish you would answer comments…
I understand what you are saying. But at some point a fear aggressive puppy becomes a big dog. How do you stop this behavior. My puppy is afraid of everything outside the bedroom. Doesn’t take a treats, freezes and has begun to growl and try and bite with hackles up.
My puppy that I got a day or two ago is growling at everyone except me. I don't think she's being aggressive per se but I don't think she knows if safe or how to act. She doesn't growl at me or most dogs but if they're a human she growls, everytime.
I am fostering a dog first time ..this cute terrier mix of 7 months, I noticed when i touched his tail he suddenly would be teething (biting) me but it got worse when i gave him a bigger treat, he was guarding it and whenever i got to closer he started growling me and few time he went bite my feet (so I had to wear my boots) now the whole night was him guarding his treat and whenever i got closer he became aggressive 😵💫 I am now thinking i probably won’t fostering a pet. My first dog of 14.5 just passed away he was an easy dog we had great time together. Now made me miss him more cause I will never found a new pet like him
I have a 10 week old border collie that we found on the side of the road and she is really aggressive no matter what you do and I don’t know what to do if anybody knows please help
You are a God send!!😅 Thank you so much! The thinking behind this IS SO on point!! ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥
I gave my puppy treats then he wanted more and I never gave Jim more so he barked then growled while running around notsure why bc he's usually nice and only nips but first time he growled .
so ironic you have a dalmation, I have a 5 month old Dal who growls when he's corrected or for example in the car I was in the passenger seat & put my arm up to push him back & he growled at me.. Worried about this continuing in adulthood.
The dog I have now is just confusing. She'll come up to you pawing at your shoulder or gesturing to be belly rubbed then the second you give her a pat she's vicious and bites or snaps, not even a growl. I don't know what to do at this point because I can't read her whatsoever.
We brought a 10-week-old mini Aussie home 3 days ago. It seems like she’s chosen the person she likes (my husband) and she absolutely hates me and our son. She leaves whenever we’re alone in the room, doesn’t react when I call her and growls at our son whenever he enters the room. Our 4 year old is doesn’t bother the puppy, he even leaves the room if he needs to sneeze or cough because he doesn’t want to scare the puppy. He’s so upset and doesn’t understand (neither do we) why she’s acting like this. We’re really bummed about that. No idea how to fix this, treats don’t work either, she just doesn’t take them.
This video is not a tutorial it's garbage.All she does is speak in an exaggerated manor while constantly pursing her over injected bee sting lips. Do yourself a favor and skip this. I'm at 9min and so far all she's said is take your dog to the vet and is there something new in the environment. Total waste of time.
I have 14 wks old Norwegian elk hound there have been 2 episodes of extreme aggression. It happened both times when I try to bring him in. There is a fetal kitten that was coming around since before I got him. They play so he was already aroused at least this time. He was willingly coming inside until 2 days ago. Now I have to pick him up to bring him in. It was so extreme that I was concerned. Could it be he was still so caught up in the play that he was not aware it was me? He's not ever aggressive toward me except for these 2 unusual times
15 minutes of straight talking and nothing but talking this is not a turorial this is a waste of time