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I loved the movie but i feel like Cory should of had a bigger role
Every time I rewatch the movie, I love it more. Was it perfect? No. But did Scott and the team write a banger story? Absolutely. Every time I mull over the story I love it more and appreciate the work Scott and the team put into this movie.
i really liked this movie! as a fan of maybe 4 years? it was very enjoyable. the only thing i didn’t like is the random characters, like abby. i mean who is abby? isn’t Elizabeth Michaels sister? same thing with his brother, in the actual lore he dies because of the prank. and i feel the animatronics would have killed mike even without afton. another thing, isn’t vanessa supposed to be a killer? and isn’t williams son mike? it all seemed very much fan made. overall i respected the movie and the dedication!
6:36 Ain't no way. Ain't no way. It wasn't.
Fans of the movie say that the fort scene made the film more tragic because it showed that the animatronics were still just innocent kids… but here's the thing: the dead children in this movie are far from innocent. The dead kids in the games felt like they were suffering inside the animatronics because we can hear moaning coming from Bonnie and Chica in FNAF 1, which made the the situation feel all the more tragic. But in the FNAF movie, the kids don't seem like they're suffering at all, they just seem like they're a little lonely. So what's their plan? They're plan is to make another child (Abby) share in their suffering by stuffing her into the Ella suit. That to me makes the dead kids evil because why would these kids want another child to feel their pain? I don't feel any sympathy for the dead kids in the FNAF movie. All the tragedy of the situation is completely gone because of the way the dead kids are portrayed in the FNAF movie.
My main critique of this movie that left me feeling disappointed is that this film isn't scary at all. There is so many cool things they could've done in a FNAF movie that I was looking forward to seeing but I never got to e.g. the power going out and seeing Freddy's glowing head staring at Mike in the doorway. There wasn't even a scene where Mike noticed an animatronic was missing from the stage and saw it standing in another room. He was too busy sleeping while that was happening. But they could've recreated the horror of playing FNAF for the first time by showing Mike seeing the animatronics getting closer to the office and getting that helpless feeling that they're coming for him. I understand that that concept could become tedious if they did that for all five nights but they at least could've done that on one of the nights. The movie had a lot of missed opportunities in my opinion.
I know this film was PG-13 so I understand that the springlock scene couldn't be too gruesome but I still found it cringey because William's reaction to being crushed by springlocks was how I would react if I stubbed my toe
He was even laughing at one point and somehow he had the energy to use his crushed ribs/lungs to laugh and say the words "I always come back"… like do they actually know how painful it would be to be crushed by springlocks and how impossible it would be to speak and laugh during that?
I don't understand why the dead kids needed to be reminded that William killed them in the movie because they literally tell Abby and Mike that the Yellow Bunny killed them. But when William shows up in the Spring Bonnie costume at the end, the animatronics don't even react to him… how can the dead kid's forget who killed them when during one of the dream sequences, they told Mike that the Yellow Bunny killed them?
RIP matpat's last theorys
i love the FNAF lore and history but im sad matpat is going and leaving youtube
8:28 fin.
I really enjoyed the movie until the fort building when i was basically like, 'That aint horror its a comedy'.
Even the guy sitting next to me in the theatres agreed.
But then when we realize why that scene was there, the guy next to me was like, ' You may wanna rephrase what you said earlier'
After that i knew that i loved this movie
The end is literally the silver eyes end.
Scott amazing good job
Movie FNAF and foxy no cgi
Foxy foxy real puppeteer
Next it's your turn to be in a fnaf movie
It would have been cool, if the. Could implemented Freddy’s song from the first game.
The puppet said come find me because music box played in the background
I like the movie's focus on Mike Schmidt because he has no relevancy to the lore than just being the night guard so I think this movie was Scott's way to pay respects to the original protagonist on the series and also build his character at the same time. I do wish we got a phone guy and see Mike trying to survive the five nights but I guess this way works. I loved Vanessa aswell her arc was solid and glad to finally get closure on the rumors about her being Afton's daughter. William was solid nothing special but he was ok I wish they went the game route with the springlock failure instead of the books but it's ok. As a fan who has been waiting over 6 years on the movie I'm glad it finally came out and think the movie was solid. It was nothing special but still a good watch and it didn't follow the lore 100% but it still didn't make any major changes to it so 7/10
The only thing that disappointed me about the FNAF movie was the fact that…somehow, Matpat managed to SPOIL his own appearance in the movie way too soon. He made it the thumbnail and the title, it was impossible to avoid and he couldn't even wait a LITTLE longer for most folks to go see it, especially people who are only paid at the start of a month and by the end of it (When the movie released) a lot of folks like me had to wait. I wish I had gotten to experience seeing it without knowing it was coming. Two months later I'm still REALLY salty about it and I know, it doesn't really matter, but it did irritate me really bad. He didn't even wait a single week! I'm glad you got to experience it blind though, I bet that was really fun!
I feel like this movie is meant for fans but not newcomers
4:40 ME TOO I LAUGHED SO HARD (very quietly)
The fnaf movie did not make sense where did they mention Fredbear family dinner and the bite of 83 or the bite of the 87
Ugh I love this community so much
"was it peak"YES
you are so cute
For everyone who hated the fort scene, Phone guy literally tells us in FNAF 2 how the animatronics are always chill around the kids but are but not when they see adults. And also what did people think it was going to be? 2 hours of Mike sitting in an office closing doors left and right.
The fnaf movie is a 6 out of 10 because focus mainly on its lore and not it being a horror. They couldn’t balance it. I hope the second one is a movie that go into the lore but also is actually a horror movie.
4:55 Bro when you said "THIS SAYS DREAM THEORY" that was funny af
Now after a month I can watch this video XD
When I watched it I heard MatPats voice and I was like… that sounds like someone I know? and then when I saw him I had to do a double take then when he said 'that's just a theory' I LOST IT! I starting crying

and the Balloon Boy?!? It made me jump each time and I yelped 'BALOON BOY?!?'
I’m not really in the fandom and in my opinion didn’t like the movie, I was expecting a spooky experience and only got scared due to balloon boy. I just wish they cut all the extra story and focused on the pizzaria.
Omfg as a theroist HOW could you even consider it being Afton?????
I have no clue who Corey is.
As a fan that's been around from the beginning I'd give it a 86/100
I also gasped when the dream theory book came up
I was also excited when I saw MattPatt but then I was like "how DARE he lie to me like that?!"