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Tried it and every single time, my units died no matter what, tried it with multiple loadouts even, nothing worked, u aint useful
Bruh bro is doesn`t use da awakend bahamut.
i beat this stage but i was stressing the whole time thinking i was seconds away from losing right up until the elephant thing died
How to beat this with no icat
I have both d'art and d'ark, so you know what that means……
0:17 i don't have sussi cat
And i dont have most of these guys at least i have bomber and icat
this level is a joke lmao
I don’t care how old this video is, it made the stage so much easier thank you so much!
Thank you. Your tutorials always fail. It’s never works whenever I listen to you.
Courier go brrrrrrr
I have ben playng this game for 2 years and I never got apple cat
I tried like 10 times and still didn't beat it lol
That damn bore is charging at me and I'm broke
6 of those I don't have the true form of those for the first strategy
I don't have apple cat, and powervaulter
This just does not work for me. Even when I use minisaurus, the recharge is too slow so the boar destroys the base. I tried 4 times and now gonna look for another one
Thanks! This works very well. Btw don't spawn any cats after you spawn your first icat
The bore at the start is too powerful, it keeps killing icat
Ive beaten all other deadly advents abd this is the hardest by far
Can you beat this with out true form apple cause I don’t feel like grinding for xp and epic cat fruits lmao
My ass is using courier, can can, trying to use Apple cat, kasa jizo, pirate cat, max, manic eraser, sushi cat, manic Mohawk, failed the first bore instantly 3 times
I lost bc I didn't have enough base hp
Edit: I beat the level right after I realized I had yukimura.
At 5:38, when boogle said “Little f***ing maduka” got me dyin. Also I couldn’t beat it with this loadout because how I keep screwing it up!
Damn, stacking is my worst enemy, I always fail on that, I can have very good lvl units (40 or more) and still lose, I still don't get manic mohawk for that same reason xD, I have manic eraser, dark, macho legs, lion, flying and king dragon, but still not mohawk xD
Omg tysm I beat it, also Immortal keiji and bomber somewhat help here
This is my first time hearing boogle swear
I got 1% with fucking normal cats only but never even did damage with this setup
i know its been years but i appreciate this video my dude. I had a battle cats account years ago about user rank 6000. ALOT of stuff done, so many good units.. an then my phone broke an i lost my transfer code :C. i was so defeated i couldnt get back into. however about a two months ago i decided to play again an just beat this stage with your help! cool japan with icat, polevaulter a bahamut, crazed wall, and adventurer kanna (she absolutely destroyed bakoo btw. her surges basically knockback locked bakoo)
i had trouble with it a few times but i took black phono and he got EVAPORATED
Does bomb cat work?
now courier is here this stage isn't even a stage anymore it's basically preschool
I don't need help I all right baet the level
I didn't know which boss it was, i didn't even thought it was deadly, i've cane in it without bombercat and i first try this stage
I have all treasures and boar kills my base before I can even get out second Ifruit cat ??? What’s changed
bro all the cats i have for this lineup are level 40 and over and i cant beat this, i use the exact strategy you use with the same cats in their same form at a higher level and cant win, this guide sucks
Bro “it’s easy” me dying 100 times from NOT even the boss the boar
Even tho this tutorial is a little old, works just as good. I used a different set but it worked just as good with icat and bomber
after 10th loss i gave up this strat is complete wank
wait can I just use face cat
Tysm i needed manic gross and you told me that we needed lone cat and kitten and i hsed this guide it worked like a charm
i dont have fucking icat >:(
how tf do I. I don’t have enough base hp
why cuss when you can make up random words to catch us off guard?
you dont really need freeze up combos with gentleman cat bros just keep spamming them. I didnt use any and it worked perfectly, killed the bores then A. bahamuted the bakoo
That one ava Collab unit with the laser shooting out the arm is also a bit helpful for this stage
When boogle tries a stage, it looks like a pushover.
When I try it using the tutorial, I get absolutely shitted on.
nigga, im literally using manics, all my units are true forms with decent anount of talents i have epicfest units everything 40+, and i still cant manage this level
bro I don’t have iCat

The main threat is the bore not the boss

It took me two tried because i only had two icats in the field but this stage is for baby