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All those butthurt critics bitching about dunkey on twitter had me dying lmao. Can't handle a little (well deserved) criticism yourself, eh?
I mean, you’re raising some really good points but you never really try to wrap them all up into a statement, so what are you even saying here?
Seeing those tweets makes me happy I never made a twitter or engaged in post facebook media.
Liz Ryerson’s tweets at the start of the video ( 0:01 ) are all completely fair and correct points. I’m not sure why you included it as an example of an “embarrassing meltdown on Twitter.” Based off what I think I know about dunky, I would have assumed you would agree with those points. I suspect you do tbh? Not sure why you included those tweets
This video has a little something for everyone
I love to see EA ,Activision to bankcrupt
"I fucking hate this game, shit gameplay, shit story and full of bugs.
9.5/10 Has a little something for everyone (:"
Holy shit the amount of hate i am seeing for witcher 4
dunkey is prophet 
The dude criticizing you sounds like he's about to cry
I haven't played Octopath Traveller , CLASSIC!!!
Wow, didnt realize that critics were lil sissy's. Guessing I should've know when none of them can beat sekiro or any hard game.
nope sorry. this video is nitpicking and biased I win bye bye
This is why I never watch Dunkey's video about game critics.
I have binge watched most of your video's. Please keep making your reviews.
I remember when this first came out and I thought "why tf was everybody so critical on Dunkey for his other Game Critic vid?" and to this day it's still so bizarre. That wall of Twitter Moments was so lame and narcissistic it makes me sick. Art is meant to be examined and discussed, without it ever being considered "good" or "bad." The feelings found in games, movie, novels, comics, etc. are very personal, so narrowing down your experience to somewhere between 1 – 10 is insulting to the very material being critiqued.
There is no such thing as a "perfect critic" either, because everybody has different desires from their games. For example, I'm probably one of the few people that genuinely love playing DK64 and the Last Guardian, and it can feel so frustrating to hear Dunkey chew through these games, like they're nothing. But that's why I don't go to Dunkey for my DK64 reviews. No critic is perfect, so you go to certain critics for certain perspectives. How is Dunkey going to appreciate the heart melting drama of your favorite anime game when he doesn't like anime?? Why would he change his entire personality to fit yours? That's not how the human mind works. Now, if a game is broken or has predatory practices, then we're talking objective faults. If Crash Bandicoot has crappy physics then that's an objective fault too. That being said, you can play a buggy game and still have fun. You can struggle through Crash Bandicoot's awkward physics because there's so much more to appreciate about the game (level design, the many funny deaths, music, etc etc etc etc).
To declare Dunkey "doesn't know anything about game design" is the most pathetic gripe. Do you know anything about "game design?" Do the many critics on IGN know? What does that even mean? What does "game design" mean, in your mind? Toby Fox made one of the most influential video games of his generation, but when coding experts looked at how he coded Undertale it was a fucking mess. He approached the game like a complete amateur, apparently, and just happened to stumble onto some really great ideas. Does that mean he knows "nothing about game design?"
Looking back, I think Dunkey handled this weird YT Drama Week very well. I like that he didn't make seven more follow ups to this and just let it die off.
Nope, you are nitpicking and biased I win bye bye.
The kid with octopath traveler might just be criticising you on principle.
You can recognise something in an instant, and see someone who doesn't get it criticise it.
You can response to that even if you haven't fully experience the thing.
Likewise, if you see a criticism be one that's against your principles, like if someone said Graphics>Art Direction and criticise ER graphics. Even if you haven't played ER, you can counter that.
its not that dunkey doesnt understand game design, thats a subjective thing, its just that gamers dont understand dunkey. i dont always agree with dunkey and his opinions on games, but ive still been watching him for years and i know that the games i like arent the games he likes
Ahh man 0:28 I miss that music so much, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles.
This inspired me to play octopath traveler
Now, we need a Part 3.
Honestly it feels like a lot of people these days go to review channels to hear how beloved a game they enjoyed is rather than hear any actual criticism about it
What video made that guy tell dunkey to suck off ninja?
2:44 Wait why is earthbound in this part of The video? Also i just relized its playing your name please
This video has everything for a little someone. 6/10.
0:53 I didn’t expect Tim & Eric.
whatever, so what wrong with metal gear survive?
This and the other critics video will always be a classic and many years later it's still straight up facts, good thing no one really cares about critics nowadays
Wait wait wait, The concept of critiquing Ultimately comes down to opinion (with the exception of pointing out glitches and such). How can someone be flat out wrong about an opinion? The whole point of a rating is to give a general opinion on it, but that doesn’t mean that it’s a fact…
I love how they hate dunkey critics with knowing he make funny videos without knowing the real from the fun
they just cant handle been offended lol
It's 2024 and we need to have a conversation about the rewatchability and timelessness of Dunkey'a videos. This video is as relevant and hilarious today as it was 4 years ago. Again, I haven't even watched this video, so I give it a 9/10, I win, bye bye!
"Please don't go and leave him a bunch of mean comments" I'm usually with you but how do you not expect exactly that to happen, probably on his 80 billionth death threat by now
Those tweets at the beginning are hilarious.
whoever said 'why do you review games you dont like' is a total dumbass
Bruh if these people think dunkey is mean I wanna see their reaction to Yahtzee fuckin' bodying a game
5 years later nothing has changed
Isnt it obvious. game critics get paid by games studios to review their games. Boom im done bye bye
its ok dunkey, its tough to be a real person out here these days. its easier to think of the people who act without logic as wonky npcs, just in real life! im serious tho thats not a joke.
Decided to come back to this after gamers decided to rail on that new Star wars game. Watch it become one of the top 10 best selling games in 2024 in weeks lmaooo
Dunkey's video's are stupid, unfunny, and badly made.
the pacing is bad and his opinions are wrong
they really make you feel like videogamedunkey and theres a little something for everyone. 9.9/10
Holy shit the gran turismo 4 soundtrack at the end hit me like a flashbang. Awakened my sleeper cell instincts.
whats the song at the end!! plzzzzzz?
Game reviews rules :
Anything under 7 is nitpicking and you don't understand the genre