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smh people really defending preordering dumb bots.
Yes completely agree with you. Pre-ordering is the stupidest thing one could do in this digital era. Come on the games are not going to be out of stock or anything.
Found my new reliable source for real reviews. Thank you.
i do love DRAKENGARD 1 & 2
Those will always be my fav Square Enix related franchise of all the good ones
thinking about DRAKENGARD would be a great title for a true future Remake
but only and as long true justice for it is been delivered
I played an hour of this tutorial simulator. Absolutely disgusted that this can be called a AAA game. The ONLY thing i'm thankful for is that i can get my refund because i purchased on steam.
I like your review I definitely did not want to pay $70 bucks for this though
But the pre-order bonuses!!!
Почему forspoken напоминает mmorpg без других игроков?
White people using that woke term again. So Black Woman in the game equals woke. Lmfao she's fighting mythical fucking creatures and somehow the game is woke. But then they'll say "I'm not racist."
It looks so empty and the shadows/lighting looks so shitty
Trailer says "IN GAME PURCHASES" all i needed to see to tell me to wait and see
Y’all calling this a great video but he giving a full review from a demo. Just disingenuous all the away around.
im pretty sure i ll be able to buy this game on EBAY for 10 Euro after 1 month
calling it out for what is is, woke Bullshit for generation netflix
do you ppl saying woke even know what it means
7:36 This
Love your energy and videos brother! Ignore the haters who want to waste money and be consumer slaves…

The combat in the demo felt very clunky and lacked fluidity. The visuals are stunning but the lack of fluidity is a big concern at the moment – I’m hoping the main game fixes it.
Downvoted for the garbage voice quality
Great review the industry is mostly bad now but the few gems that do come out are even better than older games thanks to the technology! I miss the PS2 days also when every game was pretty much a banger!
Yeah I think it’s worth playing… went through demo. I think this might be the review of someone who actually just hates playing games cuz he has nothing better to do…
Great video thanks for making this and speaking YOUR truth… So many mob groups these days for games that aren't even out and that look Dodgy…
Yep tell me lies sweet little lies because u know it just work in 16 times the detail at 720p.
Thank you for reviewing this game for us and letting us know about all these flaws. You're one of the last honest reviewers left in the industry.
This take is pretty presumptuous. I want to play because I liked the demo, not because I need you to get a free review code. You wish that people were so stupid that they hung onto your every word. We did gaming become about blogger worship?
This dude has never ever played it.
Sony fanboys are so entrenched in their proprietary hardware they will defend any garbage game. First GoW 5 now this, Sony Fanboys love absolute trash.
7:45 What? Stop giving corporation so much power? What the fuck are you talking about? This is just a game! This is not some evil regime killing people.
And it's not even out, yet.
What in the fuck are you Jesus you sound like a four year old. Yes its concerning that review codes haven't been sent out and that embargos have been placed until the day of. More so if the game actually does turn out to be amazing because that could shake up how games are released in a negative way forever. Yes pre-orders shouldn't be a thing and publishers have shown why time and time again. No those who pre-ordered are not morons they are naive and excited for something which in the current times is rare and OK. Criticism toward square for the way its being released is fair. Shitting on those still excited and the game without playing it saying the players are morons and the game will be terrible is ignorant as fuck and nit journalism just a child packing a tantrum
02:49 wow was not expecting that
I'm not a content creator, so why in the hell would I care if they get to experience the game before anyone else. A lot of you content creators need to get over your selves because you guys are toxic AF
"You have to be pretty stupid to pre-order", full stop, no need to qualify that statement at all.
Nowadays you can trust more Indie developers then AAA developers
People trippen about the dialog is so weird.
Its kind of ironic, someone calling out devs for being liars etc and rushing things, game not ready etc when here you are, because you wanted to be the first one to junp on the inevitable hate train for this game for youtube notoriety when you have clearly never played the game yet. Id argue youtubers like yourself are just as bad for the game industry. Listen im all for sticking it to the shady devs agree the industry on a whole has been a bit of a mess as far as releases, just not like this. If you actually played the game it would be a whole different story.
Only 2 games that I have ever
Dark Souls 3
Red Dead Redemption 2
Although I agree with many of your points about the demo but you are disingenuous with calling this a review from just a demo and not the full release.
I pre ordered doom 2026 and it didn’t have any reviews.
I don’t regret my decision.
1:56 First of all, whether it is a good game is to be seen, game not out yet pal. Demo felt fucking amazing, if the game follows that then its certainly a “good game”. Dialogue is preference, from the snippets I heard playing the demo, I found it pretty funny and not what I’d call cringy. Required specs/bad optimization aren’t things I’d used to judge a game as “good” or “bad”. Only concern at this point is bugs/glitches and how the dialogue for the actual story goes.
First impressions are EVERYTHING, and the moment the first few lines of dialogue were uttered, this game was an insant PASS for me.
Nioh remains one of my ALL-TIME favorite games, because it took a real-life figure in William Adams/Miura Anjin, reimagined his tale without changing too much, and told a truly powerful tale of courage, heroism, and strength. He spoke so LITTLE William/Anjin did, yet whenever he spoke he had our attention and his goal was simple. Defeat Edward Kelley and rescue Saoirse.
The dialogue is so bad it’s funny and I think that it’s actually gonna make the story good in a way not gonna lie