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Never they believe anything the government says
Childish stupidity

So just bc they're aliens they know the future?
Jesus was the genius of the first millenia and DaVinci the leader of the 2nd? The religious are gonna hate this but it's true, most of what Jesus allegedly did is speculation. Its story telling. A man named Jesus lived but son of God? Brought back to life? Resurrected? Performed miracles? No. Based on actual proof abd evidence at hand, not worth of mouth & gossip, Jesus couldn't possibly be the first millennial rep. DaVinci did so much, created so much, not was thought to have or imagined, he did. We should be thinking about phyllosophers, legends of the mind-or that woman emperor who invented variegation and stopped her people from dying from Small Pox, or Caesar, Alexander was pretty brilliant, Homer, Socrates did so much, Aristotle-literally anyone else from the first millenia that we can prove did far more than just existed. Its crazy to know all this info amd be so open minded about friggin evidence that's been staring everyone in the face bor thousands of years, I dunno about you but I don't need a government to tell me the sky is blue when I know it is, but then it sounds silly to say Jesus was the biggest contributer abd most important person of the first-see? I got such a problem with that cause it's the same as saying Zeus is.
you continue to give all of the praise to your silly childish, and self imagined Intellect; You are just like talking monkeys, as
some of the angels see you. When will you give GOD your Praise, as you should, especially if you know GOD is going to be
back here soon, to take those of you, that are willing to accept GOD'S Free Gift of Salvation, just Wake Up and Believe !!!
GOD, Does not want to lose anyone, but you have to believe in JESUS; As you have been given all of the KnowLedge you Need !
The Holy Bible and all of the Historic information has been given to you, so that IF you seek GOD, you will find HIM,
It is simply a shame that humans seem to be so selfcentered and self serving, to not be able to see beyond their own self inflated Egos, because then if they did ever come to their senses; They might realze that all of these others were already
told to us; About all of the things of the great and distant past, and of all of the myriads of sub-gods, which were actually all just servants of THE HIGHEST GOD, but they all failed the HIGHEST GOD, and did not perform as the GREAT CREATOR had intended for them to do. These Fallen one's, that Lusted after the Beauty of the human women, and corrupted their seed as
anger THE MOST HIGH GOD, THE CREATOR. As it turns out, GOD already has told all of us about HIS FINAL PLANS fo man,
and that GOD will soon return to collect and take with HIMSELF to HEAVEN, those proples that HE is Pleased with, and then
terminate the Rejects. Think it over, You have already been told, so you better smarten UP!
Nakis are the Grey's
If you stop this at 35:25, you've heard Jason Martell says it's hard to grasp and understand. I'm telling you it's impossible to grasp unless you seen one morph yourself.
For various grays & different views & politics towards earth
humans/- hostile, neutral & friendly, des
Astral 16:39 Legends TV video channel
For oppression by 1 faction of grays, see
Elena Danaan Official.
They’re not grey they are a fantastic blue that almost looks like shiny deep dark blue skin.
Great music
Yes you have reveal the truth! And if you know the Bible you also know that they were Nune only but the fallen Angels. Satan was cast down IN ARE Earth
. The fallen Angels made up a third of God's Army 

. So that means all of the ancient temples and pyramids around the world are where each one of these Fallen Angels landed in portray themselves as gods. They were the true false god. They were the Anunnaki and they mated with human woman and made the Nephilim then the Nephilim made Angle human animal hybrids and they made Egypt! The Nephilim were 12 to 15 foot tall massive human angle hybrids! They made all of the Hindu Temples ! They did it with Nune other than lazer's YES Lazer engraving technology's were used and they went into detail with the laser engraving on how they manipulated DNA! They absolutely did come from above! They are the fallen who also went around to different star systems Also. They are not Aliens they are The fallen part worship Satan because God says the one day Satan will rule the earth 

. Satan has Legion's. They Gray's are one of the Legion's! Ghosts, shadow ppl,skin Walker's,shape shifters, cryptic, goat man, big foot , and wolf man. The man looking ones are the results of mixing human DNA with animal making Hybrids. The Bible is real Ron Wyatt found the actual Crucifixion site and the blood from Jesus Christ ran from the crack in the ground to the ark of the covenant
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
For explanations of various gray
(sub?)!soecies, see Astral Legends TV video channel—
names of species ,planets,
views/ politics xs towards earth humans:
The ancient Egyptian Royalty (which descended from Atlanteans who escaped to the Irish/Scottish Highlands) had elongated heads and some were hairless or almost so, hence the wigs and the elongated hats.
Much were highly inbred to keep their DNA more pure.
King Tut had deformed feet and weak heart, and was raised by his older brother, which most history books do not mention. Unable to walk well, he loved horseback riding and hunting. Upon puberty, Tut married his half sister; She had 5 miscarriages. That was the end of the family line.
Tut's heart burst at age 19 while away on a hunting trip, thus he was hastily field-embalmed and cut into 3 sections to get his body back home via horses, when they tried to re-emblam it.
Being unprepared for his death, Tut's gold mask was originally that of a Royal Woman who was making her own Estate preparations.
The grays have no reproductive organs as they are robotic AI things created by humans on this planet to fear monger the human race. And this human group creating these fake aliens are a black op illegally funded by US government but president and congress have no clue. Watch Dr. Steve Greer’s videos! The grays are not real aliens! People have kicked them and saw wires and robotic things. They shove a sphere into human heads to track them and talk to them, because they are robots. If humans are abducted and not cooperate they get a human on ship to control abducted human. These grays are part of a man made scare tactic so we will be afraid of aliens! Watch Steve Greer! They are not us from the future! They are fake aliens!
The aliens are not crashing by accident, but humans are harming them with electro magnetic microwave radiation waves making them malfunction.
Betty and Barnie were victims of the human made gray fake robotic AI aliens. Watch Dr. Steve Greer! He goes into this!
Watch Dr. Steve Greer! Grays are fake aliens that are man made robotic AI things that abduct humans. And the ships they fly are also man made reverse engineered crafts! There is a dark human black op group that are trying to instill fear mongering into humans, but also steal real ET craft and hide it from the public to continue to advance in tech. But this human rum group are illegally funded by US government but president and congress are unaware of this all occurring for at least 80 years. Man made space craft also are radioactive as to why humans get sick near them. The truth needs to come out and it is by Steve Greer group and others coming forward involved in this mess.
Noory is an idiot.
Why do you include him?
Our government is manipulating the weather against us!
What if "we" are "them"? We still search for extraterrestrial resources. Where is the next planet capable of sustainability? What if the precious nature of life itself is a universal consciousness' ultimate dream? We're the catalyst pawns of a greater subconsciousness attempting to preserve our own survival. The understanding of love, peace, and prosperity for all life is not defined by race or species. We strive to understand and survive eternity. Regardless of where. Or when. Energy. Is. Everything. Always. Missing Nikola Tesla documentation would prove it. This planet creates energy perfectly without our intervention, but greed has ruined our survival. Again. The Vatican is pure evil incarnate
I like bro stroy
Very good documentary, sadly it was full of commercials way to much.
Greys come from fallen angels and are Demons.
We are simply containers for our souls. It our souls they're growing !
These ppl are really reaching
Move next to a Volcanoe and then blame Any one else becides yourself for when it goes off
The Grey's are demon spirits, Bible says so
"Eggz'a-ta-restee-ullz"???? Shouldn't an "expert" on extraterrestrials be able to pronounce the word?