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Gotham Knights 10 thing i wish i knew – https://youtu.be/LtoXbwJiMQE
Subscriber for more: Gotham Knights Content – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5kbCDveYQUcxoOll5NKocA/?sub_confirmation=1
Decent review but you lost credibility when you said you wont notice the 30fps. Exposed the bias a little too much imo. A good game somewhere around a 6 or 7 out of 10 and definitely worth anything under $15
Lol these comments, people coming here to justify their purchase as hard as possible. You're providing a service for the emotion needs of many by posting this, should charge per hour~ so many people in their feelings about things they buy.
There are many valid criticisms that have nothing to do with the Arkham series
Not worth 70euros for sure… Just wait until it drops.
About time I seen a real review on this game. This shit is fire especially if your playing with a friend.
So far this game has been fun as hell. It's holding my attention
If they had shown more upgraded versions of characters in promos, people wouldn't bash the combat so much. It's not perfect, but it's not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. I was surprised by my enjoyment of the game considering the OVERWHELMING AMOUNT OF HATE its receiving
still giving you a thumbs up
I will play the game we'll see good video bro
you should have not bought the game then I got my game for free somebody was going to sell it I treated him for a game and that's how I got the game
you already knew it was running 30 bro
crying about the frames
Honest truth… If you are a fan of Batman and the setting and characters involved Villain/Heroes you’ll like this game. It does have its flaws but the characters are written very well and the story is also good. The combat could be more fluid with red hood. This game has the potential for great DLC expansions hopefully WB Montreal keeps going with it
Looks like bs to me
best review some people believe heavily critiquing things make some sound smarter. This looks way above saints row and far cy 6
Elden Ring takes the gold for most scrutinized game of 2022
Does anyone else just not give two shits about bugs and frame drops and are able to look past it
My review the game characters should have more faster movement like spiders man ? And when you start the game can't use the flying with cape not good and should have more interactions with sliding over table and under them as well can't climb stuff like building and things assassin's creed movement is a 10 review to this game and should had the batmobile and the batwing in use as well doesn't show alot more then it should be good game but 70 dollars worth not good 60 bucks ok spiders man 2 coming out $ price 70 bucks worth too much hype and didn't meet the video features it showed but give it a 7/ for this one and should had moves with back flips and use your bat hook to grab people from high levels of optical as well ! Just like cyberpunk came out bullshit hype but ok game I'll continue to play it but next ga.e if they do make one ill wait until price drop or game demo before release
I like it honestly. I have it on PC and I am playing Co-op with my brother. It feels like a nostalgiac co-op game from when we grew up. It's been a long time since I had a game that I was like "nah, let me not rush through this one".
It's not the best game out there, but I don't feel every game needs to be reviewed as if it was trying to be the next AAA superhero game. Sometimes games are "good enough" just to enjoy.
The story cutscenes are really well done, and the fact that each hero has unique dialogue with the villain's, like Harvey's first scene, it makes it feel cool.
Some people complain about the combat, me and my brother just agreed to play it all on hard mode. Makes it more fun.
The game is good period and I 100 percent agree that people should not go into this thinking about the Arkham series, that is why it is not called Arkham knights but Gotham knights! It is its own game and I am enjoying every moment of it! Great review by the way
my biggest issue with the game is that the bike feels god damn slow. like, the animation makes it “look” fast, with the light trailing and the speed lines around the screen… but the speed of the thing is just… eh…. you feel it on bridges and the like. needs a nitrus button that when pressed speeds it up dramatically and causes the light trailing and speed lines. ah well.
don't get mad if every dev start doing 30fps.
100 % worth buying
Prob picking it up for like 15 bucks in a couple months
Somebody got their WB check on time.
I brought outriders and thought that garbage was good game lol so this is game of the year compared to that !!!
Guys I am not buying all this bullshit. We need to say no when we have too. We deserve better than this.
I will eventually gets this game (most likely pick it up in November or December) but I'm holding out for more patches/updates and a price drop.
Wydm 10hrs without side missions. Ppl have beat this 5 hrs
What about the story how is the story