Keep your cat entertained for hours with the SmartyKat Skitter Critters Value Pack Catnip Cat Toys! This set includes 10 adorable, catnip-infused mice designed to engage your cat’s natural instincts. Perfect for all ages, these toys are safe, durable, and just $5.98 on Amazon.
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Glow-in-the-dark Halloween merch!
Available until October 24th! (It was extended for 3 days from the 21st → 24th!) It will NOT be able to arrive by Halloween. 🙁 The glow-in-the-dark printer takes a lot longer than the regular printer we've been using, and we weren't happy with the first samples so things got delayed. We wanted to make sure we had irl samples of the final product to show in the video rather than launching on time and just being like "well we don't have any shirts to show you but here's the design and I'm sure it'll be cool!" lmao. Sooo you won't be able to wear these for Halloween this year. But… next year! Or you know, when you're in a Halloween-y mood any time of the year!
I was suspicous of how much vision she has in her remaining eye, partly because of the way that eye moves. It seems to be constantly shifting side to side in a way that looks almost involentary? I've seen movements like that before from another creator on here who is blind due to albanism, where her eyes are forever doing these little shifts from side to side
4:40 I feel like she can see it but it’s hard
Kinda hard to dress Nagi as a "Vampire Cat" when he only has one fang now. ^^;
I'm no veterinarian, I'm just assuming so but it would be pretty concerning that she is using that eye way more, not by choice obviously, so wouldn't that eye get really stressed out? Even in some cases like the light on/off, Poki closes both eyes while Pichi doesn't even close her one eye…
5:21 Poki's complaining noise is so cute and so clear lmao like he definately doesn't wanna be picked up lol
One of the reasons why cats are so overpowered
Maybe instead of a cotton ball try a feather which falls slower and probably makes less sound
I guess her being almost blind explains why shes afraid
I love that you made some research on these tests. my conclusion is same: she does have eyesight. As to the laser – some animals simply ignore it. We had it with dogs too; one followed the flashlight's light and run for it, the other ignored it totally, another went for the flashlight itself 🙂
I also love the shirts: Looong sleeves and long shirt 'downwards" is what I look for always but mostly shirts are too short for me.
Damn! I missed these shirts!
Seems like tunnel vision
3:49 I’m not sure what Poki said but my cat next to me (who I was petting, he’s also the cat in my profile picture) flinched and looked at me. He then stood up and jumped off the bed. I think it’s funny to imagine that Poki said something extremely rude and my cat said “oh my gosh, I can’t even be in the same bed where something that rude was said!”
Idk if you knew this but cats can't actually see the color red, so a laser pointer will just look like a white/yellow light to them, and so if she doesn't react to light in general it would kinda make sense for her to not react to a laser.
Are they gonna have them again next year? I wanted 1 so bad, but couldn’t. 😢😢😢😢
Even fully blind cats learn to navigate and use their other senses so well.
I love it when cats just do big stretch then plop down on their side
my cat does it a lot, and he does it loud too. you can always hear the sound of his body hitting the floor like a sack being dropped
Было очень смешно, когда Поки поднимал миску. А Персик пусть всегда будет любима как и ваши коты. И да, кошки умеют доверять, кажется, что мальчики доверяют больше, чем девочки.
She might not be blind, but could have a difficult time tracking fine objects due to the optical tick she has in her eye shifting.
I am late as hell but I think Pichi is only able to see shadows? My best guess is she’s super near sighted, her distant vision is blurred (makes sense since only one eye.) Her sense of smell seems to be pretty above average, even compared to the food goblin poki. If she can only see shadows for the most part, that may explain why she bonded to poki so fast. His black fur might be easier for her to see, as well as his opera singer voice
I do have some experience with being legally blind. I was born with a cataract in my right eye, and now I have 20/800 vision (20/200 is considered legally blind).
From my experience, my right eye is darker than my left eye. I wonder if Pichi has the same type of blindness that I have due to her not reacting to the light switch, but reacting to the phone light. This would make sense as changes in light don't affect my right eye that much.
I can also see things with my right eye; however, it is obviously impared. I cannot make out details. I may be able to tell if there are large lines or patterns in something depending on how large of a contrast they are. I could see how Pichi can track objects as I can do that as well, but both of us to a lesser extent than regular vision (as seen with the cotton ball. Her reaction is slightly delayed, which I could relate to with my right eye).
Gladly, my left eye has decent vision. It's pretty neat to know how it is to both be legally blind and have decent vision.
I know that she would probably hate it, but I desperately want to see Pichi with a little eyepatch on. The idea of a little pirate kitty is just too cute!
If you don’t say big stretch it doesn’t count
I’m pretty sure she’s nearsighted
I think she can hear also being blind you ban kinda see bright light but I might be wrong
The thunder actually startled me 😂 TWICE
Me catching up on the videos
I feel so sad I missed the shirts 😿
The goal: Finding out how well Pichi can see!
Pichi: "oh okay, bye"
0:23 until my eyes adjusted for the dark image, I thought I saw jinbe from one piece.
This is quite interesting! I have a cat who has a cataract in one of her eyes, and although she doesn’t otherwise really seem visually impaired, she absolutely cannot see laser pointers.
I've tried to order shirts but none on the website!
5:24 Translation: Oh for goodness sake don’t move me! I just got comfy! 😩
This video game as adorable as always. Pichi could be having trouble with spatial awareness. She clearly see her humans, her brothers and objects in general, otherwise how should climb them? She could be near sighted or far sighted! In any case, she is most certainly not blind on the right eye. She does however, have a loving family. 🥰
She’s blind so of course she likes Poki. He’s so damn loud it’s easy to find him
watching the full video, i noticed a lot that her "good" eye seems to be tracking back and forth a lot, which is usually a sign of vision loss to some extent. hopefully you found some answers about her vision!
Lmbo, the laser pointer would confirm my cat was blind. She's not, but she had exactly 0 interest in laser pointers 😹 She's like, "yeah…it's a spot I can't catch. Ya done?"
I love how disabled cats and dogs dont care at all that they are disabled. They just live their life. We could learn something from them! 🙂
Remember how you gave her cat-TV when you first got her? Yeah, it seems pretty evident to me that she has reduced vision, but she CAN see.
She definitely sees the laser, she just doesn't care. Sort of how my cat is… the lasers don't do it for him.
I Think that Peach can only see 34%/100% Because cat's also Have Heat and Cold Vision.
I think she's mostly blind, and she uses her hearing to help know where something is which may be the reason why she may not be able to see the laser pointer but the stick.
I think she sees like one of those censorship blurring filters.
cat different… red laser very difficult to see but green laser everything can see.
There are humans who are legally blind who can see shadows or who have tunnel vision, so maybe Pichi has something like that.
3:45 meow
I think it's that she has really short vision