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The movement was a little rough on console, but the wheel-UI was pretty nice.
Are you guys going to do a video on the Pro enhancements for BG 3? As I want to purchase the game I'm just not sure if I should get it for the Pro or the series X, I want to get it on the console with the best performing version
No mention of upscaling quality during splits screen? Maybe it's just me?
I played the game on the Series X. The big difference after moving over to the PC for my second playthrough is simply frame rate. While the Series X maintained the 40-60 fps based on the environment, the PC version for me with my 9900K/3080TI in 1440p was 150 fps. Graphically the console looked slightly better because I wasn't playing it in 4K on my computer. Amazing game for sure.
At 51 I felt Elden ring rather easy after my learning curve.I’m currently downloading this game now,I’ve met my match and I love it.
Controller works well if you control the radial menus and not have it auto set everything for you
Can anybody help me? how to remove the L2 or party controls during cutscenes and conversations, it is annoying af. PLS HELP
Im the 8000 like here ( how say vegeta "more than 8000!)
I remembered an "animation level of detail" setting when playing the game on PC that I couldn't find in my PS5 version (bought it again now I have a PS5 lol, love the game), googled around to try and find out if the PS5 version was using the 'best' animation detail and came across this. Pretty sure Ultra settings on PC makes the animation level of detail at its highest, so that's cool, informative video, thanks!
Me and my son have played thru BG3 (PS5) two times and in split screen only and I have to say (there are some quirks though) it is awesome! But… this latest "patch" that came (valentines day stuff) messed the split screen option badly… and it was really buggy… hard to logon (my main char and he's main char was on 1 screen and our companions on the other for example… and it's messy to move them right again) and sometimes (never happened before the patch) a character totally disappears (can not see it on one screen that plays the character but on the other screen character is visible)… and the sellers has some serious lag (was not like that before) and other stuff… this latest patch was not good for splitscreen players at all…
Otherwise (again before the latest patch) it was just an awesome split screen experience… loved the game… and we are probably going to a third playthrough in a couple of months… (he is doing a "solo" one atm)…
I was going to buy it on ps5 but now I'm so confused with act 3 lag.
When you going to do series x and ps5 competition????
Stoked to play this game on ps5 soon, as a FFXIV controller player I’m certainly not intimidated by the clutter 😂
Does this game have haptic feedback on pc?
Did they fix the fps drops?
PS5 is a trash
every time he cited an issue, I was like I don't care….
@Digital Foundry you need to come back to this game on PS5, its in an absolutely abysmal state on PS5 now, the texture pop in /bugs are some of the worst I have ever seen in gaming. I say pop in/bugs because it is so bad and so severe in Act 3 (as that is where I currently am in game) that it has to be some kind of bug rather than performance optimisation. Entire scenes like something from the PS2 era due to textures consistently failing to load, it is unbelievable, it is the technically worst game I have ever experienced from a professional developer, its like they just sacrifice everything in the image to try to keep 30 fps it is truly abysmal and I say that without any exaggeration. I have no idea how this wasn't mentioned in this video unless it was introduced by a patch after this video.
I would've expect a big game like this to be covered by the S-tier members of the DF team
I’m basically tech illiterate so I stick to consoles. Already had a Series X but bought a PS5 for three game specifically. FF16, Demon’s Souls remake and BG3.
This game plays like crap.
No you are not getting the Max of PC on PS5.
You are getting the low of consle on PC
Important PSA for anyone doing splitscreen: you very likely will encounter lots of bugs, which weren’t covered here I would imagine because DF testing may have only covered short sections. My girlfriend and I are playing the game fully together, and we’ve had broken lighting, cutscenes that glitch out, enemies that we kill that remain standing, dice rolls which are passed but still result in failed outcomes, and some other miscellaneous issues. By in large it’s an enjoyable experience and none of this so far has been fully game breaking, but definitely would say it impacts the game in those sections.
Or in short the PS5's performance is trash compared to a high end PC and the critics giving both versions similar scores are biased AF 🤣
So… basically, if you don’t have a $4k+ computer, just use the PS5? … I’ll get one eventually….
The PS5 Splitscreen Mode is sadly completely broken. After around 20 hours in the playthrough it gets really bad. Every time you switch between a character (even in the fights) it stands still for 3-10 seconds. The 3 seconds were like up to 20 hours in and 10 seconds is now like 50 hours in. And it occurs in every port/switch/summon/ enemy death and so on. Even opening the inventory lets it hiccup now
very helpful review, I was hesitant before, but now I am confident of the performance on PS5 and had purchased the game.
Some upscaling is in use😂😅
A bit mystified why gamers are making such a fuss of the frame rate issues in a CRPG. It has them for sure and needs extra optimisation, and I could understand the issue if this was an online only shooter or even a single player shooter, but a thinking, role playing CRPG with copious amounts of dialogue?
am I the only one who on ps5 is getting awful texture streaming issues from the beginning of Act 2? Like texture on armor, faces, environments come way late to the party.
Man without mouse and keyboard this kind of game loses a ton of playability but Sony will never change and allow keyboard because it does not help them sell controllers. Makes the game a slog.
PS5 has a meager CPU??? 😱
Has anyone experienced crazy 3-5 second delays when switching characters in split screen? When summoning any kind of creature, those freezes go up to 10 seconds or more. It's really making the game frustrating, especially since those freezes don't stop the in-game clock, so anytime they happen outside of turn-based mode it can mess us up. Generally, it is just really annoying and I'm seeing hardly anyone talk about this. Is there something we are doing wrong? We have the party split 2-2, but it freezes when anyone switches a character regardless of who is doing it.
I love this game. Easily game of the year for me. I won't stop playing it, but if there is any way to fix this issue short of a patch, I'm eager to hear!
Does it support mouse and keyboard on ps5? I don't get why it's not standard for games on console to have mouse and keyboard support.
less 30fps in performance mode ?! LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Next gen at his best for sure !!!! ^^
what a great video!
Do a split-screen review after 30-40 hours of play.
I know it takes time and resources to do it, but I guarantee you'll have a a lot of "controversy clicks" once you make the footage of constant micro and macro freezing, ridiculous bugs like tooltips on fucking options disaapearing on screen one when player moves cursor on screen 2. All you have to do is play the game… if you can…lol
The shit is border line broken 1/10 in split screen. If it was an EA game, it would be called as a hot garbage by now.
It's ridiculous no one seem to care to test the split-screen properly, and to all those who say to report back to Larian i say, fuck you… Larian ignores our reports for weeks.
I really want to play this but my PC cant handle it. I just don't want my experience to be muddied because the controller. I've seen mixed reviews, especially in late game.
Im not sure if this has been brought up already. But have you guys tried playing the game on Split screen on PS5? It has micro freezes when changing the character (L2) this particular bug happens around 10 hours in the game.
looks like the Playstation fanboys conveniently ignored this tech review.
It's great to see console players getting nearer to PC standards, win win for everyone.
where is physical edition for PS5???
Why do so few PlayStation games support mouse and keyboard? There’s several that do, including the Call of Duty games, Deep Rock Galactic, etc. so I know it’s possible. It seems like the difficulty of adding MKB support would be negligible, too. Very weird.
I don't get it. Haven't the devs stated that it was developed with a "console first" approach? How does that make this a "pc-centric title"?
THIS is the video I've been looking for!! I've been debating to either buy a PS5 or a new PC because of this particular game. Thank you very much!!
Couch co op needs SEVERE work. Omg it is an insane mess. It constantly lags, characters can't even move sometimes. It is just extremely awful. DOS2 was so good at couch co op too. Super hope they fix it on ps5.
I'll play it in a year after it's been patched enough to be considered a finished product