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Okay, now we need a veilguard honest trailer. They gave you soooo much to work with!
it'll be interesting to see what they do for DAV… honest trailer.
then the 4th installment came and took a shart on the entire legacy
Please do Veilguard and roast it!
Do veilguard and cut into it!!!
We now need honest trailer for dragon age veilguard
so, the veilguard is on… need a new honest trailer… 🙂
As for the being covered in blood- it's par for the course, when the freaking dragon logo is made out of a suspicious red fluid. Thankfully Bioware seems to have learned to not frontload their gore as much.
Veilguard is coming out this fall!
Well even if we can't bang the dragon in veilguard we will always have that moment in BG3 if you have played it you know
How on earth did I miss this when it came out! I'm surprised I haven't woken the whole house laughing.
4:36 YES. YES!!
If anything (Fire Emblem: Three Houses is the most recent thing to blame for making me consider that concept), that is what would make “Veilguard” worth playing.
Do lewd things with a dragon [hopefully one that can shape-shift].
Well the 4th one is coming, you may not like it.
"ow Inquisition made it's way in here . not even in the same category"
– the 'Enchantment' kid
Lol Thundercheeks is my next character's name fo sho
It was one of those moments that shape you as a gamer and stay with you forever. I was looking for Andraste's Ashes and blew the horn I found, because why wouldn't I? I got the answer in a moment, as well as realization that dragons are the name of the game, literally.
Dude I love those series and I liked and subbed cus of this vid just know some of us are self aware enough to find this funny lol
The banging part convinced me to put the games on my list! Lol
I'm amazed they're picking on Sandal and not the "dWaRvEn CrAfTs, FiNe DwArVeN cRaFtS, dIrEcT FrOm oRzIMmAR!!!!!" guy.
And become a Witcher threw me 🤣🤣 pretty accurate tbh
I would like to thank you for giving some attention to the good parts of da2. I am playing inquisition at this time and I feel like quitting. I thought the combat would improve even more than the last gqme but its so annoying. I am one of those people that liked the dao combat system and I loved the combat improvement in da2(especially tactics) but dai is just plain boring.
Smashing the search button in inquisition hit me on a spiritual level haha cause that is literally me
"wildly swinging difficulty" unsure if this was an intentional or accidental contribution to the dating sim theme, but well played
"enchantment!!! hahahah
4:33 Everyone wants to roll that 20…🤓
Cool, now do each game separately 😀
I have never felt more called out. I literally slept with everyone in dragon age 2 to the point that my friend would tell me 'THE BED WASN'T EVEN COLD YET'.
Also, who else eternally died that you can't romance Sten?
I miss you Pooples. Pooples was my doggo.
That was accurate lol
how dare you insult my boy sandal
Here because I’m starting another run of the trilogy on Xbox X. Man, Origins needs a remaster. It’s basically a D&D campaign. (And I mean that as a complement.)
Say "No one expects the Dragon Age Inquisition!"
"Playing anything other than a mage a total cakewalk"
The Knight-Enchanter would like to have solo words.
You got me at 'filthy console peasants', I had to like then as a PC gamer.
I laughed so hard. Thank you for this masterpiece <3.
Cullen body pillows would be more popular. Solas sucks eggs.
I actually read all the lore : does make the game quite longer 😛
And the game forced me to have a fling with Morrigan (can't say more to avoid spoilers).
story and art style wise da:o and inquisition are same at the top for me, they are both something different but im equally emotionally attached, origins combat is amazing but i like inq with all the cool abilities toooo
Who else shanked morrigan when she's carrying your child?
I love this game with all my passion I've read all the books and this video made me giggle and laugh like a 6 year old thanks!
subscribed on the first lines…genius!
Racist grandpa Solas doesn't have bangable status.
Not any more.
2:12 Heyo, say whatever you want about this series. But don’t disrespect my boy sandal!!!
Btw I just subbed <3
Still not Jade Empire.
Dragon Age 2 is such a good game that was in fact ruined by the budget dictated by EA who shouldn’t be allowed a say in game development considering the copious amount of games they’ve ruined this way.
I Acctualy Enjoy hear the poor kid says Enchantment, he looks so happy…
Actually, banging Flemeth would be much like banging a dragon, so that would count, I guess.