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I don't like the narrators voice.
So if a comet is on its way we should have lots of time to warn us?????
Many, many, many years ago, three friends and I found ourselves with a Saturday which we did not know what to do with. So, we headed to the blood bank and each of us gave. We then took our earnings and bought several bottles of MD 2020, boones farm, and a case of bud. We drove to the bank of the river, parked, and broke out the bottles and ice. A few hours had passed and we found ourselves wondering if we should swim in the river. I and another chickened out and the other two said, hell yeah. Those two had decided to make life preservers out of their pants, with a cooler, swam out to a sand bar a good hundred yards. Well, a couple of more hours passed. Those two had decided they could not swim back from the sand bar. Well, with nothing else to do, we continued drinking. The sun was getting low and we started seeing colored lights. They were red, green, and white. We also heard strange sounds and voices. Somehow, some way, we didn’t know, we found ourselves back at our car, in the dark, coolers empty, wobbly and groggy. I know we experienced some sort of extraordinary phenomenon. To this day, we know something happened.
I find this guy very fishy from the standpoint that he goes to the very people (GOVT) for verification of eye witness reports; the very people who have claimed for decades that UFOs dont exist… I wonder who produced this video?
Honestly, I don’t think UFOs are “aliens” or we are being visited. How many satellites are circling our planet? That we know of? About 15k. I think 80% of ufos are holograms made by these satellites. The other 20% are man made drones that continue to perpetuate the idea that we are being “visited”.
This was an absolutely horrible film based on selective biases and selective interview questions and guest who support his bias. I am not an astronomer or astrophysicist but I am a chemical biologist. To say with absolute certainty that the universe only uses "law of physics" to which we only understand is absurd! If we cannot predict randomization and mutation patterns of DNA we certainly do not know what is capable in our universe.
Aliens? Probably.
Aliens here? Almost certainly not.
59:32 radar data existed until it was confiscated off the ship 1:10:05 yeah, the camera moved and lost the object that turned up 60 miles away 2 seconds later.
29:03 there are plenty of extraordinary craft seen by people… You might know them by the familiar air force designations of swamp gas and temperature inversion. If you ask me, the only person who doesn't seem to be impartial is this shill.
they say that we can't handle the truth. if that's the case I say tell everybody the truth and the ones that can't handle it can walk off the nearest cliff, whether some other motherfucker thinks we can handle the truth or not should not matter we deserve the truth regardless if some stupid people can't handle it we all deserve the truth
This dude probably believes everything the government tells him.
Are there some laws of physics that we don’t know yet.
Miller Urey? Seriously?
you are essentially taking an educational video, and making it conspiratorial by referring to “they don’t want you to know”; cheap way to garner viewers… You lost this one
If you look up in the sky often enough, you WILL see something that you can't explain and is even outside of your imagination. And if you've previously have had an experience, you'll know exactly what to look for.
Advanced Life Forms can travel faster than light! This woman is only saying this because she has been taught this is the only way life forms can travel.
Last night I saw an invisible pink unicorn with wings flying around my house. It was the most incredible thing I almost didn't see. It came down and landed in my front yard. It talked to me and said it's name was Thagulakbttyre Johnson. I'm not kidding. My grandfather saw this in 1908. He said it talked to him too. Please believe me this is true! Oh and my grandfather had Super Secret Top Top clearance in the Air Force. It has to be true because he said it did. It also lived in a silent triangular craft. My wife and i were invited on this ship and the other pink unicorns probed us anally with their horns. We were amazed because it didn't hurt. We even enjoyed it. These aliens are amazing.
This didn't age well.
What about Travis UFO story?
I like this documentary, but when you say the laws of physics are the same everywhere without a doubt… You've lost me. Without a doubt today doesn't mean it's without a doubt tomorrow. 13:44
Ive looked up and seen something that moved like a fish in the sky except it was the number 1 weirdest thing i ever saw in my life. True story. Whether anyone believes it or not. I also saw a teal blue orb shoot straight up then disappear then shoot to the right and out of sight. No one believes me but i know what i saw
In the news davpi3.14
1952. Sightings over Washington D.C. Not exactly landing on the White House lawn, but some showed up. Government brushed it off as temperature inversions and such excuses.
Not surprised how they have a reason for everything.
I think the only film they don’t want people to see, or at least see again is that old B/W film from the 1940s of that alien autopsy. The one alien taken from the crash in New Mexico. I saw this film many years ago and it hasn’t been shown again or even talked about much since. One woman, I think she was a nurse witnessed the autopsy and described the God awful smell in the room. The actual age of this old film was authenticated by the Kodak corporation. This was as real as I ever saw anything with UFOs or anything else that had to do with this phenomenon. This country didn’t have any of the ability or technology to fake this alien creature that had parts removed and it looked more real than anything I ever saw then or since.
Akk, AKk AKK!!!
Don’t be fooled these so called aliens are demons that GOD cast out of heaven, fallen angels, watchers, they have many names, the RAPTURE is upon us, are you ready?
The ET's created the human race!
Okay, what I just watched is a video that was made to hide the truth and a try to confuse us. This video is a cover up attempt. There is something out there and this video is trying to cover it up 🤨🤨. Don't believe everything in it. 🤨
Phew, now I’ll finally get a good nights sleep. And now, on to our next subject… ‘Crop Circles’…
I'm thankful for science, of course… but a) it sure as hell isn't interesting, b) it can be a real buzzkill, and c) it can be arrogant.
They took Earth and sparked it to simulate lightning and created 20 amino acids. How many of those amino acids created new life? Life does not come from things that are not alive. We have amino acids in our bodies that doesn’t mean they gave us life. They’re just part of what allows us to continue living..
I film them every night that the weather permits almost. I've posted lots of footage here on YT already. Want to see a UFO? I will show you 100%.
I am 82…back in 1972-73 ..while with wife and kids camping for weekend. .mid day I happen to adjust something on pop up camper…I saw orb red/ orange size three quarters the size of the sun moving silent. No noise no exhaust no windows went south to west..
And past the horzion…
1. Our understanding of the laws of physics is far from comprehensive or complete.
We don't even fully understand our own biological processes, never mind the laws that govern the vast cosmos.
Let's avoid that kind of hubris.
2. The woman who stated that you can not break the laws of physics has apparently never met a black hole.
3. The most powerful, practical and advanced energy source we have access to is nuclear energy.
A civilization even a thousand years ahead of us could, and likely would, have access to alternate energy sources we haven't even dreamed of yet.
And who knows what directions their attached technologies have run off into.
That includes propulsion in all it's forms.
I could keep going.
I understand skepticism. It's healthy, useful, it keeps you grounded.
Too much skepticism, and you end up shooting yourself in the foot.
I dont believe any of this CRAP
Remember guys trust the science……