Keep your cat entertained for hours with the SmartyKat Skitter Critters Value Pack Catnip Cat Toys! This set includes 10 adorable, catnip-infused mice designed to engage your cat’s natural instincts. Perfect for all ages, these toys are safe, durable, and just $5.98 on Amazon.
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I got a bangle cat We found it in the sewer across the street from my house and people started telling me that cats worth a lot of money and then I looked it up and I realized we had a Bengal cat
@ 6:58 .. Bangles are High Energy Animals if you have pets it would be a Good Idea to have an –
– other high energy animal such as a dachshund [ a badger-hound ] of a Weimaraner or even a Fox !
I have two a boy, and a girl, they are fifth generation, they are basically Tabby's,, with a couple subtle differences, but basically tabbies In behavior.
I already have a bengal
I have a cat who must have some bengal in his dna as he not only looks a lot like a bengal cat, but he is incredibly high energy, needs to climb everywhere, jump from high places and is very easily bored by our other cat, who is just your classic couch potato
Bangle cats are not banned in NY, since they are considered a domestic breed after 4 generations removed; same thing with Savannah cats, by F5 your good to go. Having said that, there really isn’t any inforcement on the law unless someone calls you in or there is an incident.
This narrator stated at 8:35 into the video that she believes that "No cat should be left outside unsupervised". I'd like to seize
this unique opportunity to reveal true bond and understanding of feline to human. No "Domestic" feline is truly domesticated, so they should not be treated otherwise.
Almost every healthy adult "pet" feline can jump on top of your refrigerator if it needed to, can run faster than your eyes can register, can climb trees, can survive over a week without food, can hunt to feed themselves and much more… (^of course these are extreme examples^)
Why is this? It is because they are not truly domesticated. They are likely the furthest example of domestication for common "pets" (history & genes show why..)
The idea of a feline companion who is "YOUR CAPTIVE" is somewhat revolting to me personally (it goes against their true nature). Leashes? Atrophy? Broken Spirit? Lasagna???
I have never met anyone who's Indoor-Feline lived longer than those I've met with Indoor/Outdoor Feline/s.
I do understand that we don't all live rural or in a small town, but let us not fool ourselves to believe that we could truly "supervise" a feline outdoors who is not a CAPTIVE.
Yes there are dangers everywhere for all of us, but I guarantee that most grown "domestic" felines are much better at avoiding danger than YOU, MYSELF, or ANY CANINE.
The type of bond one experiences when knowing their loved one is not close by but WILL be coming home soon is a much more fulfilling experience than a captive companion.
achievment achievment achievment
Okay but I accidentally got a bengal lol. I didnt know he was until i started to question if he might be cuz his markings and hes huge. He looks like a cross.
i didn’t know they had to be 4 generations 😭 my bengal is 2nd generation and she’s the sweetest
One Time Offer ( Will trade for Wii / playstation / x box )
One Year Young Snow Bengal.
Is Somewhat Chill
Hates Leash So No Leash
Hates Brushes And Bath
So Less Often Done
Eats Like Pig
Not Affectionate Unless You Have Food
Only Comes When Called To Food
Loves To Play And When Done Is Done,
Walk Away
Do Not Pick Up And Stand Still
Do Not Hold Over 3 Minutes
Will Piss On Your Stuff When Ignored
Wont Shut Up More Than 1 Hour
Interesting/Annoying Often Loud Sounds
Jumps High As Fk & Will Be On Top Cabinets
Not Your Average Meow And Purr Cat
In A Word..Exotic.
My bengal x Russian blue is very curious and intelligent, naughty, and is not cuddly. He will play chase like a dog, and investigates anything and everything.
It's jumping n flying skill is on another level n that was when I realized that,this one is a special breed of cat because I have had cats from the past and they differ a lot with it… awesome 💯
As an owner of about 100 gouldian finches in an outdoor aviary you can imagine I'm not too fond of the neighbour's Bengal cats (x2) constantly in my erf – is it impossible to keep cats inside ? Or are my neighbors just not giving attention ? (Not only my erf, they roam the streets every night and you can hear the baby-like crying from afar)
I’m wild & cute but sooo LOVABLE 🐾🐆
I’m only one month old and extremely active 😂
We had a half-Bengal female. She was the most loving cat and a great hunter at just seven pounds. She brought 28 dead and four live rats into our house through the doggy pet door in one year! Nearly all of the dead rats were half eaten. She got along well with our wire fox terrier and our neighbors just loved her.
your history is wrong… she got the original from a science experiment for leukemia and that's what started the breed.
im asking for a cat rn hope i get it
I just realized the stray i picked up is a Bengal. This explains so much 🤣
You can have Bengals in New York. that's misinformation.
Why is it called a Bengal cat? Cause it looks like the Bengal Tiger?
We have one of each.
Ok I will watch this my first 2 cats I’m getting in 3 weeks are bengals😊
I found very socialized bengal cats in Crafty Bengals LT cattery
So true!
Owned a big male, 24lbs. He was over three feet long, Nose to tip of tail.. easy!
Had no fear of any dog, person, anything…
Loved water and climbing through the weeping willow trees…
Lived for 15yrs. My Sonny Boy,…. Miss him
1:30 SHE WHAT???
In bengali "Baghrol'
2:46 In a time where spellcheckers are everywhere, it's beyond inappropriate to misspell words as common as "appearance", especially when splashed in large letters in a video. It makes you look unprofessional or worse. But this has been such a nice video so far that I don't want to spoil it by downright insulting you. It just gets me to question the quality of your content over something so petty that it's strange you didn't proofread and correct it out of existence instead of posting it to YouTube.
“she actually mated with her”.. what 😳
Wait wait wait?!! The kitten had sex with its father?!
Hello, Thank You For Reminding Me. Thank You For Sharing and Advice
I don't see any further videos about Bengal cats, as you promised. Would you consider creating more and especially applicable to Bengal Tabby mixes? Thank-you🙂
I think they are kittens for two years.
Too late, I took on my daughter's cat that didn't get along with her other cat. They are alpha cats and so was the other one and long established in the home. Ihad o idea what I was getting into. I have a hard time convincing my daughter that this cat has demanding needs!🤷
Uff ya Luna ❤ Truly , my babygirl is really special
I have gotten mine at the start if this year he was 5 years old and was keppt indoor well since my last cat lived too the age of 21 the people that had him before wanted a good final sarying home for him i was a bit unprepared for the 3 moths misschief may dad even less XD during the only indoors time so that we bound a bit befor letting him out he did smash a good amout of coffe pots and even plates 😅 but beside the more active nature (even the cudeling is often more active) and the talking he is preety much a normal cat and any good cat owner with the space and time will have a great time with a bengal
I just got a Bangel at the pound. She was free as a barn cat. She lives in my home. ❤
Bengals, blue russians, are two of my favorites..
though I love all ❤
all a cat
woman they are all
their servant…
They are my princes
they are my
companions..I respect
Im their
I'd get another Bengal tomorrow if I could. They are hard work, but breathtaking. When my girl wasa kitten, she'd sit on the Monopoly board and take turns to roll the dice.