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In today's video, we're going to be talking about Gotham Knights' WORST Feature so far, and how it actually is indictive of the entire game as a whole! Let me know what you think and subscribe for more videos soon!
#gothamknights #batman #gaming
But the gliding and all that shit is slow. The bike and the grappling are way faster
This game is absolutely dogwater, it feels like it was developed as a live service game but after they saw the launch of Avengers they where like fuck fuck fuck what do we do and then pivoted to this weird hybrid.
Bat cycle doesn’t exist i guess
Y’all are lacking I got the traversal so easy at the start and the rest of them legit only take 1/2 nights (I’m lvl 22)
I’m sorry but what the fuck was the ending of this game. It was completely pointless imo.
Dude the way enemies pop out continuously during certain missions is unbelievable literally over 50 coming out of the areas to beat you up is terrible
The traversal is one of my BIGGEST issues with the game. EVERY character should have been able to glide, with each character having a special alternate mode, ie the glider, teleporting, batcycle for Jason, and something else for Barbara. Very frustrating I agree ngl. Then on top of that, the grapple system is trash, not as free flowing as the Arkham series.
I do hate that for all 4 characters you have to unlock their momentum abilities separately and ones that require a certain crime or enemy has a random spawn. I have almost finished all momentum and traversal abilities for all characters but last night looking for the big shield freaks for Nightwing was a nightmare. They wouldn’t spawn ! I am enjoying this game but it has good moments and also bad moments.
I think they thought ppl would ignore the bike outside of missions they were forced to use it so they put this little grind wall in between that so the bike wouldnt get basically unused but its definitely a dumb idea but i kinda get y they did it bc in arkham night unless i was forced to use the batmobile i never did it was way faster and more enjoyable to fly across the map rather then drive
I love the game. Stop being a bitch
Haha it’s really not a big deal. You need to do crimes anyway . It’s like a mmo like quest. I love mmo’s so it’s normal. You have to unlock riding mounts on every character in world of Warcraft. Not a big deal
Man I think you should collect your thoughts before recording a video like this, maybe write it down, this was so ranty, even for a rant. You just kept repeating yourself over and over again.
I think the game is great and it's getting too much shit and the challenges aren't even that hard and the combat is fun so it's fine
Bruh fr I hate grinding for traversal , in an open world it should be immediate . It makes me hesitant to swap characters because I have to unlock the knighthood all over again
Your right about the odd way you have to go about unlocking each heroes unique traversal but you can ignore most of that when you unlock Fast Travel after advancing the story and just grapple zip to the location you need to go. Most crimes & contacts etc. are just a few zips away from your FT hub. You get one hub for every region in the city. The Batcycle is cool but I found I only used it on Organ theft crimes to get the canister to the pickup spot before time runs out and also to pursue the stolen truck. I agree there’s too much BS involved to unlock the next case file but a lot of the missions are very good especially Villain case files in which they feature some very cool boss encounters. On the repetitive open city stuff, it’s actually the fuel you need to earn XP & level up.
I do agree. I had to complete 10…..10! premeditated crimes. And one training activity. For my first "knighthood". Just to be able to traverse the city a little faster without the bike. That was one hell of a grind.
I like the game more than I thought. The traversal is not a big issue for me since I still use the grappling hook most of the time (just press jump while in the air and pick the next anker point then). The crucial part is the unlock of the fast travel. It's a bit teadius to unlock them but after all fast travel points are available there is neraly no issue with the traversal.
This is so true but am not complaining since I already unlocked all the traversal abilities for the heroes, am 15 hours into the game its tiring but fun.
sorry for you dog. after a few more hrs, combat is not gonna be ok.
Lmao are you really complaining about this? You realize this is an rpg right? Do you complain about having to unlock any of your other abilities? Do you complain in any other rpg that locks abilities? In destiny 1 you legit had a whole entire class locked until you played through the game. In Spider-Man you have to unlock his gadgets and upgrade them. It’s the same thing here. Like what are you even complaining about unlocking abilities is a normal mechanic in EVERY RPG it’s not padding. That’s part of the game mechanics. Have you ever played any rpg that allows you to do everything you want from the start? If you play Pokemon you have to level your Pokémon to evolve them. If you play final fantasy you have to learn healing spells and magic spells. If you play destiny you need to grind missions for weapons and even abilities and classes. Like you’re really mad bc they’re making you play the game🤣🤣🤣
Bruh you literally start with a motorbike and a grapple gun to get around, next you'll be mad you need to complete a few challenges unlock costumes
Didnt affect me much since eveyone still had their bike and grapple hook I saw the other skills as a cool bonus had no issues working for it
i played batgirl i started grappled up to a roof jump off to glide and i fall to the street and i thought did they change the glide so i look it up 90 min to get that
Ngl the ending was disappointing but I like the unlocking everything, I think ye it makes it longer but it just means u have something to do for longer
What's sick is they could have made them playable characters in arkham knight and it would have been better!
You in this video : 🤓
Though I've been enjoying my 6 hours of playtime so far, the game is not without it's faults. Grinding for the traversal is a dumb idea. Whoever thought that was a good idea needs to get fired. A lot of the decisions made with this game coincides with the rumors that this was originally a live service game. Grinding for a handful of gear that's barely useful or changes the gameplay. Repetitive, monotonous, and grindy side quests. Spongy enemies and enemy types with mechanics that just draws out the fights. Haven't even gotten far in to the story yet cuz most of my time has been trying to unlock Knighthood for all of the characters. Hopefully it picks up once I continue with the story again. Also, online is still borked for me on PC.
They 100% have a padding issue, having to unlock traversal is fucking bs! How was that ever a good idea. Game is fun for me but that shits ridiculous. Btw them killing off Batman for real by basically suicide…. wack.
I don’t feel like the padding is too bad with the exception of the heroic traversal, doing the same training for each character makes no sense and the number of crimes you have to do is tedious, I don’t mind having to do stuff to unlock them but they should have made it easier after the first one you unlock or just make a new and different activity that you do once to unlock it
Man even the Avengers game had traversal ability for every character unlocked from the get go. Imagine the game locking the ability to fly for Iron Man or to jump for Hulk. You can't make this shit up
I agree you shouldn't have to grind thru all that Work to Unlock the 'Heroic Traversals'
I am in love with this game but it has its problems. It needs way more villains and the some of the RPG elements are annoying.
💯 After grinding and unlocking all the heroic traversals for each character, I’m done. I don’t wanna play it anymore. Game sucks hard.
That and The having to go to belfry to change costumes annoys me more because it also ends the day which makes missions disappear
Sounds like your mentally struggling to get through the game. Like suffering inside. Lol
bro everytime I see this game I get more and more depressed at the fact that we got this instead of that damaian wayne arkham game. Waited 5 years for this smh
Having to unlock everything that makes you really good I feel is on brand with the story every Batman game I’ve ever played pretty much started us off at perfection these are his sidekicks that are left without him now we have to earn our way to that night hood title and man it feels so good once you do. I have never felt more accomplished at the end of the game them with this one WB did so good with this game
Dude if you don’t like the game stop talking about it your trying to ruin it for everyone else this game is so much fun
It seems too me that the people that love this game are the same ones who tell you to watch a tv show that they swear gets good after like the 3rd season. Like I believe it does get good and it can be fun, but nothing I’ve seen so far justifies $70 for me personally
It’s an rpg……
This Why sidekicks shouldn’t main in superhero games, Spider Man Miles Morales does it better than Gotham Knights. Batman didn’t die for this game even in Arkham Knight. I wanted Redhood to be next Batman after KnightFall of Arkham series
I would be more forgiving if unlocking the traversal was tied into character moments. Like being the payoff of a big character arc or something and not a GRIND
Calm Down
No lie the first 5 to 7 hrs are padding ASF..but when you figure out the leveling and mod system by playing around with specs. Certain characters get literally break the game. Tips unlock fast travel first and FOREMOST!! The game does not tell how but its Lucas fox misson. These missions really exploit the padding issue but it was not as bad as some reviewers made it out to be the one to two per region and u can unlock the ability to fast travel less than 15 min when u start the first of his missions. Still as you level up and unlock more moves and better enemies the game slightly opens up. Like Elden Ring but horribly wrong. Since I started I only had one smooth multiplayer experience. Most looby I'm join some else's world…soooooo here another thing Gotham does horrible wrong that most didn't really touch on. U know in most other well known multiplayers like borderlands, Divison 2 and destiny usually the world enemies get leveled out or upscale in order to balance the difficulty in the game….GK nope!!! U 5 levels up and go into another players world and you're one shooting baddies like nothing. Sad really …but elden ring did have that issue two but still it was way more smoother than this.
I’m so happy I canceled my collectors edition. I thought this game would be great if they still kept the game mechanics they used for arkham origins. I guess the theory on the net is that this was origin a live service then they changed gears when avengers tanked. Thank god Spiderman 2 is coming next year
its the ubisoft formula with a gotham skin