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Speaking as the 1 and the 3, those are the robots of the galactic guardian force of planet Mars, and us aircraft studying them. I summoned them to watch over you under order 667 mark of Caligula, that none should ascend.
This reaction reminds me of the weather balloon that was flying across the US that we were told that we do not know who owns it, but not to worry about it. What?!
They're probably just the new Waffle House Delivery Drones, probably using Waymo software. Nothing to worry about.
someone p'laying with amazon drones xD
If people are soooo concerned about these UFOs then they should stop looking up
They dunno, that's all.. it is just et reminding us of their warning.. no N war allowed as it would also affect them.. beyond Star Taygeta. Warning in the 20K pages of data these human ets gave us.. on the billy meier site.. or could be another concerned et race, as we've been told about 30 et races visit annually… or most likely.. Inner Earth race aka Adm Byrd.
It's nice the aliens are abiding by our drone laws: anti-collision lights with just the right colors…
No U F O
En France aussi les mêmes objets lumineux stationnaires dans le ciel. Les gouvernements faites quelque chose ou parlez
Sie kommen, weil die welt nur noch verrückt ist
und bevor sie untergeht – unsere wunderschöne Erde
Mork e Mindy nano nano
Spraying disease
I thought the FFA had banned these drone flights very recently, and will they engage them if they do not comply?

….ahora cualquiera con pocos conocimientos puede poner 100 mini drones a bailar tango

Puras locuras son simples drones, en realidad algo quieren enmascarar y desviar la atencion de los estadounidenses en vísperas de la toma de posesión presidencial y puede ser que no sea algo bueno. Los estadounidenses son muy sensibles a la especulación porque les han lavado el cerebro desde las películas de extraterrestres Area 51 y super héroes y toda esa tontería desde Hollywood
They are definitely Aliens. One landed in my yard last night and a 3 foot tall green male got out of the craft. It said I am from the galactic government and I am here to help you ! It then gave me a tax bill for the air I breathe, got back in the craft and flew away.
TO NIE JEST UFO!!! UFO nie lata tak wolno. Temat z dronami to tylko temat zastępczy po to by rząd USA wprowadzał za plecami nowe chore ustawy. TO SĄ FAKTY A NIE UFO LATAJĄCE Z PRĘDKOŚCIĄ MAKS 150 KM/H!!!!!!
WAKE UP WORLD! Drones could be used to release new viruses into the atmosphere
The us Pentagon fooling the US citizens
I can't tell anything about New Jersey's or whatever drones since I don't live there. Most of footage I've seen look like conventional aircraft. But as a pilot regularly flying ower West and Northern Atlantic I can report regular observations of random lights over west Atlantic Southwest of Bermuda islands. They dont look like airliners at all. They are kind of stars (2 to 3) but slowly travelling by curved trajectories and slowly changing the intensity of light as well. I don't know what it is, maybe drones or satellites. But the are definitely not what I'm used to see on the night sky.
Sono andati dalla Russia e dall' America in tutte le no fly zon per far capire che possono fare quello che vogliono….un solo messaggio…..non azzardatevi a usare le armi nucleari o il gioco finisce qui….i potenti sanno benissimo chi sono
the send 4 jetfighters in the are for a baloon from china now there are so much uap and ufo and the dont do a thing 50 of them come frome out the ocean no marine no jets no nothing you know why the do no why the are here the know it for years and years the lies to you all and the wil do it still but now the ufo lets them see to us and you know why dont do a thing because the cant because its time to see who the are and whe will see for shore in the begining of 2025 then the whill come not to do harm but to let you know its time to work togheter
this are the explorers not drones but ufo just how to see how whe reacting to them the want to be see its all part of a plan in the earley monts of 2025 last days 50 of them come out the ocean your gouverment tels you lies the now what the are and why the are here for normal people the caled them drones now way big lies the wont harm you the are explorers
I feel more protected from a civilization thats out there in the universe! than my own government if they wanted to destroy us they would have been done it a long time ago and they can travel the universe they can get rid of us in a heartbeat but I think they're trying to warn us to stop all nuclear weapons of self-destruction!!!!!
Clinton township 200x??that's why u got mysterious drones there
Just planes or helicopters.
Its the new amazon prime delivery.
Elon musk sitting back playin a early april fools joke laughing his head off
I just seen one on a road with police cars around what seemed like a drone, around 90 minutes ago, in new jersey